Issue 12461: Section: A.2.5.5 Collection Operations (ocl2-rtf) Source: (, ) Nature: Revision Severity: Minor Summary: The 5th word of this section is "of" but was probably meant to be "on". Also, in Table A.3 in this section the entry in the second row, third column is pretty much unreadable because there are so many symbols written on top of each other. I checked this with Internet Explorer as well as Firefox, in case they affected Adobe Acrobat, but the entry looked equally bad in both. Resolution: Revised Text: see pages 181-182 of ptc/2009-05-04 Actions taken: May 14, 2008: received issue October 16, 2009: closed issue Discussion: Problems were due to a semi-automatic Latex to Framemaker conversion. Mathematical symbols were often badly converted. The correct text is in the original from annex A of ptc/03-10-14. End of Annotations:===== m: Date: 14 May 2008 12:33:54 -0400 To: Subject: Issue/Bug Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Garr Lystad Company: Net.Orange (i.e. Net Dot Orange) mailFrom: Notification: Yes Specification: Object Constraint Language Section: A.2.5.5 Collection Operations FormalNumber: n/a Version: 2.0 RevisionDate: 1 May 2006 Page: 194 Nature: Revision Severity: Minor HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20080404 Firefox/ Description The 5th word of this section is "of" but was probably meant to be "on". Also, in Table A.3 in this section the entry in the second row, third column is pretty much unreadable because there are so many symbols written on top of each other. I checked this with Internet Explorer as well as Firefox, in case they affected Adobe Acrobat, but the entry looked equally bad in both.