Issue 12864: Figure 16.6: multiplicity (marte-ftf) Source: (, ) Nature: Revision Severity: Significant Summary: Figure 16.6: multiplicity for the host of a SchedulableResource shoudnt it be 1 - In the example (Figure 16.13), the SchedulableResources associated to SaCommHost, Shouldnt they be CommunicationChannels? - The constraints in (SecondaryScheduler) should be also in its domin concept defined in annex F. - It is not clear the relationship between the clockOverhead of a SaExecutionHost and the TimingResources associated Resolution: Figure 10.11, “The Scheduling Package” expresses that a SchedulableResource has at most one host. While a resource could be scheduled by two or hosts, management of such distributed scheduling is beyond the original intent. Figure 16.6 should be corrected to show the host role to be of multiplicity 0..1. - We agree that the schedulable entities allocated to the SaCommHost CAN Bus should be CommunicationChannels. - The SecondaryScheduler is described in F.4.33. The mentioned constraint should be added. - clockOverhead is only cited as an Attribute of an ExecutionHost and no explanation is provided. The purpose of the Attribute should be described. Revised Text: see ptc/2009-05-12 pages 287 - 290 Actions taken: September 26, 2008: received issue October 16, 2009: closed issue Discussion: End of Annotations:===== m: Date: 26 Sep 2008 10:13:43 -0400 To: Subject: Issue/Bug Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Patricia López Company: Universidad de Cantabria mailFrom: Notification: Yes Specification: UML Profile for MARTE Section: GRM-SAM FormalNumber: ptc/08-06-08 Version: Beta 2 RevisionDate: 06/08/2008 Page: 109+ Nature: Revision Severity: Significant HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1) Description - Figure 16.6: multiplicity for the host of a SchedulableResource shoudnt it be 1 - In the example (Figure 16.13), the SchedulableResources associated to SaCommHost, Shouldnt they be CommunicationChannels? - The constraints in (SecondaryScheduler) should be also in its domin concept defined in annex F. - It is not clear the relationship between the clockOverhead of a SaExecutionHost and the TimingResources associated