Issue 13074: Section: 10.2.2 (odm-rtf) Source: (, ) Nature: Clarification Severity: Minor Summary: In the fifth line of the OCL expression the specification says: ...self.oclIsTypeOf(RDFSLiteral)... I think it should be: self.oclIsKindOf(RDFSLiteral), otherwise there will be constraint errors if you for example create an instance of PlainLiteral. In the seventh line of the very same OCL expression the specification says: ...self.isTypeOf(RDFSLiteral)... I think it should be: self.oclIsTypeOf(RDFSLiteral) In the second and third line calls to the notEmpty method are made. However, "()" is missing. The same applies to OCL expressions on page 41 and 49! Resolution: 1. In section 10.2.2, replace the following OCL (from resolution to 16495): context Node inv DisjointPartition: (self.resource->notEmpty() implies self.oclIsTypeOf(ReferenceNode)) and (self.oclIsTypeOf(ReferenceNode) or self.oclIsTypeOf(BlankNode) or self.oclIsTypeOf(RDFSLiteral)) and not (self.oclIsTypeOf(ReferenceNode) and self.oclIsTypeOf(BlankNode)) and not (self.oclIsTypeOf(BlankNode) and self.isTypeOf(RDFSLiteral)) and not (self.oclIsTypeOf(ReferenceNode) and self.oclIsTypeOf(RDFSLiteral)) By: context Node inv DisjointPartition: (self.oclIsTypeOf(ReferenceNode) or self.oclIsTypeOf(BlankNode) or self.oclIsKindOf(Literal)) and not (self.oclIsTypeOf(ReferenceNode) and self.oclIsTypeOf(BlankNode)) and not (self.oclIsTypeOf(BlankNode) and self.isKindOf(Literal)) and not (self.oclIsTypeOf(ReferenceNode) and self.oclIsKindOf(Literal)) Revised Text: Actions taken: November 7, 2008: received issue April 25, 2014: closed issue Discussion: Agreed. The OCL was already updated by the resolution to 16495 which replaced URIReferenceNode. Also RDFSLiteral was renamed to Literal. Actually the first part of the constraint is redundant since the resource property is only defined on ReferenceNode. With respect to the other 2 constraints mentioned in the issue, 16495 deleted the constraint in section 10.2.9 (page 41) and added the () to isEmpty for the constraint on 10.6 2 (p49) – so no further change is needed . End of Annotations:===== m: Date: 07 Nov 2008 08:26:21 -0500 To: Subject: Issue/Bug Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jens Müller Company: SAP AG mailFrom: Notification: Yes Specification: Ontology Definition Metamodel Section: 10.2.2 FormalNumber: ptc/2008-09-06 Version: 1.0 Beta 3 RevisionDate: 09/06/08 Page: 37 Nature: Clarification Severity: Minor HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; de; rv: Gecko/2008092417 Firefox/3.0.3 Description In the fifth line of the OCL expression the specification says: ...self.oclIsTypeOf(RDFSLiteral)... I think it should be: self.oclIsKindOf(RDFSLiteral), otherwise there will be constraint errors if you for example create an instance of PlainLiteral. In the seventh line of the very same OCL expression the specification says: ...self.isTypeOf(RDFSLiteral)... I think it should be: self.oclIsTypeOf(RDFSLiteral) In the second and third line calls to the notEmpty method are made. However, "()" is missing. The same applies to OCL expressions on page 41 and 49! Best regards, Jens Müller