Issue 13272: Page 83: Notation Section MappingCallExp (qvt-rtf) Source: Open Canarias, SL (Mr. Adolfo Sanchez-Barbudo Herrera, nobody) Nature: Revision Severity: Minor Summary: Problem's text: This is called the “collect” shorthand discussion: Since OCL provides a "collect" shorthand (f.i. doing aCollection.anOperationCall()), I would rather call "xcollect" shortand to avoid confusions. suggestion: Replate "collect" by "xcollect". Resolution: OCL provides an 'implicit collect' shorthand, so 'imperative collect' is a better contrast Revised Text: In 8.1.6 Inlining Mapping Operations replace the collect shorthand by the imperative collect shorthand In MappingCallExp replace the “collect” shorthand by the “imperative collect” shorthand In SwitchExp replace the “collect” shorthand by the “imperative collect” shorthand Actions taken: January 15, 2009: received issue July 15, 2014: closed issue Discussion: End of Annotations:===== s is issue # 13272 Page 83: Notation Section MappingCallExp Problem's text: This is called the .collect. shorthand discussion: Since OCL provides a "collect" shorthand (f.i. doing aCollection.anOperationCall()), I would rather call "xcollect" shortand to avoid confusions. suggestion: Replate "collect" by "xcollect".