Issue 15828: There is no artifact corresponding to the CMOF Abstract Semantics package described in clause 15 (mof2core-rtf) Source: NASA (Dr. Nicolas F. Rouquette, nicolas.f.rouquette(at) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: There is no artifact corresponding to the CMOF Abstract Semantics package described in clause 15 Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken: November 22, 2010: received issue Discussion: The issue submitter has a valid point. However the resolution requires substantial work and coordination with UML, therefore this issue is deferred. Ideally, a merger of the four main MOF specifications (MOF Core, SMOF, MOF Facility, MOF Version) into one combined specification would naturally resolve a good part of this issue. Disposition: Deferred End of Annotations:===== s is issue # 15828 From: "Rouquette, Nicolas F (316A)" There is no artifact corresponding to the CMOF Abstract Semantics package described in clause 15