Issue 16124: Japan PAS Ballot Comment 1 (ocl2-rtf) (ocl2-rtf) Source: (Mr. Tom Rutt, nobody) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: Because the content of table 2.1 is empty, this table is meaningless. Fill the table. Resolution: As the text above the table 2.1 explains, said template table is intended to be filled by OCL Tool implementors. Disposition: Closed Revised Text: Actions taken: April 20, 2011: received issue January 11, 2012: closed issue Discussion: End of Annotations:===== s is issue # 16124 Issue 16124: Japan PAS Ballot Comment 1 (ocl2-rtf) Click here for this issue's archive. Nature: Issue from PAS Ballot comment for ISO/IEC DIS 19507 Severity: Summary: See comment JP 1 in .._JISC.doc. file in Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken: