Issue 16130: Issue nnnn: Japan PAS Ballot Comment 7 (ocl2-rtf) Section 7.4.5 table 7.3 (ocl2-rtf) Source: (Mr. Tom Rutt, nobody) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: Table 7.3 doesn’t understand easily, because “condition” column doesn’t give sufficient explanation. Write more explicit explanation Resolution: The condition is an extra rule which must be satisfied in order to say that the type in the first column conforms to the type in the second column. An extra sentence to explain that will be provided. Besides, the UnlimitedNatural condition looks like an explanation rather than a condition. So this explanation will be rather located below the table. Revised Text: In section 7.4.5, the paragraph just above the Table 7.4: Replace: The type conformance rules for the types from the OCL Standard Library are listed in Table 7.4. By: The type conformance rules for the types from the OCL Standard Library are listed in Table 7.4, where the third column specifies an additional condition which must be satisfied by the involved types to verify the type conformance rule. In section 7.4.5, after the paragraph just below the Table 7.4 Add: Although UnlimitedNatural conforms to Integer, '*' is an invalid Integer, so that the evaluation of the expression '1 + *' results in invalid. Actions taken: April 20, 2011: received issue January 11, 2012: closed issue Discussion: See comment JP 7 in “…_JISC.doc” file in End of Annotations:===== s is issue # 16130 Issue 16130: Japan PAS Ballot Comment 7 (ocl2-rtf) Click here for this issue's archive. Nature: Issue from PAS Ballot comment for ISO/IEC DIS 19507 Severity: Summary: See comment JP 7 in .._JISC.doc. file in Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken