Issue 16157: Japan PAS Ballot Comment 34 (ocl2-rtf) 13.3 Diagrams figure 13.8 (ocl2-rtf) Source: (Mr. Tom Rutt, nobody) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: Same diagrams are duplicated. Remove either. The referred operation: OperationCallExpCS.ast.referredOperation = if OclExpressionCS.ast.type.oclIsKindOf(CollectionType) then -- this is a collection operation called on a collection OclExpressionCS.ast.type.lookupOperation(simpleNameCS.ast, if (argumentsCS->notEmpty()) then argumentsCS.ast->collect(type) else Sequence{} endif ) else -- this is a set operation called on an object => implicit Set with one element SetType.allInstances()->any(st|st.elementType = OclExpressionCS.ast.type).lookupOperation(simpleNameCS.ast, if (argumentsCS->notEmpty()) then argumentsCS.ast->collect(type) else Sequence{} endif ) endif Resolution: The unique difference, that the first diagram misses the CollectionKind.Collection Enumeration literal. Remove the first diagram. Revised Text: In section 13.3, figure 13.27, there are two diagrams. Remove the first one. Actions taken: April 20, 2011: received issue January 11, 2012: closed issue Discussion: See comment JP 34 in “…_JISC.doc” file in End of Annotations:===== s is issue # 16157 Japan PAS Ballot Comment 34 (ocl2-rtf) 13.3 Diagrams figure 13.8 Same diagrams are duplicated. Remove either. The referred operation: OperationCallExpCS.ast.referredOperation = if OclExpressionCS.ast.type.oclIsKindOf(CollectionType) then -- this is a collection operation called on a collection OclExpressionCS.ast.type.lookupOperation(simpleNameCS.ast, if (argumentsCS->notEmpty()) then argumentsCS.ast->collect(type) else Sequence{} endif ) else -- this is a set operation called on an object => implicit Set with one element SetType.allInstances()->any(st|st.elementType = OclExpressionCS.ast.type).lookupOperation(simpleNameCS.ast, if (argumentsCS->notEmpty()) then argumentsCS.ast->collect(type) else Sequence{} endif ) endif