Issue 16569: Relation of message arguments to signature parameters ambiguous (uml2-rtf) Source: Fraunhofer FOKUS (Mr. Marc-Florian Wendland, marc-florian.wendland(at) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: In section 14.3.18, the constraints 3 and 4 say that the arguments of message must correspond to the parameters/properties of the signature (operation/signal). This leads to an ambiguous siuation in some situations. For example: Let's assume there is an operation with the following signatur op1(x:String[*], y:String[*]) or a Signal S with two properties S::p1 : String[0..1] S::p2 : String[0..1] Since there is no direct relationship between an argument and a parameter/property it is not possible to determine what argument belongs to the first parameter/property (list in case opf operation example) and what to the second one. This problem always occurrs when two parameters/properties of the same type are specified in a sequence and the first one has either an optional multiplicity or an upper bound equals *. A possible solution is to introduce an additional metaclass MessageArgumentSpecification, which should be contained by Message instead of ValueSpecification directly, with the following structure: MessageArgumentSpecification{ refersTo: TypedElement [1] {where the referenced TypedElement is either an instance of parameter or property} arguments : ValueSpecification [1..*] {ordered} } It might be also considerable to keep the association between a referenced element and an argument bilateral. In this case, the association between Message and MessageArgumentSpecification should be ordered. Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken: September 29, 2011: received issue Discussion: End of Annotations:===== m: Date: 29 Sep 2011 03:10:25 -0400 To: Subject: Issue/Bug Report ******************************************************************************* Name: Marc-Florian Wendland Employer: Fraunhofer FOKUS mailFrom: Terms_Agreement: I agree Specification: UML Superstructure Section: 14.3.18 FormalNumber: ptc/2010-11-14 Version: 2.4 Doc_Year: 2011 Doc_Month: January Doc_Day: 01 Page: 506 ff. Title: Relation of message arguments to signature parameters ambiguous Nature: Revision Severity: Significant CODE: 3TMw8 B1: Report Issue Description: In section 14.3.18, the constraints 3 and 4 say that the arguments of message must correspond to the parameters/properties of the signature (operation/signal). This leads to an ambiguous siuation in some situations. For example: Let's assume there is an operation with the following signatur op1(x:String[*], y:String[*]) or a Signal S with two properties S::p1 : String[0..1] S::p2 : String[0..1] Since there is no direct relationship between an argument and a parameter/property it is not possible to determine what argument belongs to the first parameter/property (list in case opf operation example) and what to the second one. This problem always occurrs when two parameters/properties of the same type are specified in a sequence and the first one has either an optional multiplicity or an upper bound equals *. A possible solution is to introduce an additional metaclass MessageArgumentSpecification, which should be contained by Message instead of ValueSpecification directly, with the following structure: MessageArgumentSpecification{ refersTo: TypedElement [1] {where the referenced TypedElement is either an instance of parameter or property} arguments : ValueSpecification [1..*] {ordered} } It might be also considerable to keep the association between a referenced element and an argument bilateral. In this case, the association between Message and MessageArgumentSpecification should be ordered.