Issue 16571: Message arguments should not be contained in a message (uml2-rtf) Source: Fraunhofer FOKUS (Mr. Marc-Florian Wendland, marc-florian.wendland(at) Nature: Revision Severity: Minor Summary: Figure 14.4 - Messages in the spec depicts that arguments of a message are contained in that message. This containmentship is not necessary and in many cases counterproductive. The containment prevents ValueSpecifications for being reused in multiple messages. Instead, the very same ValueSpecification must be created in each message. Since ValueSpecification is a PackageableElement, there is no problem in making the association between Message and ValueSpecification a non-containment association. Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken: September 29, 2011: received issue Discussion: End of Annotations:===== m: Date: 29 Sep 2011 03:21:15 -0400 To: Subject: Issue/Bug Report ******************************************************************************* Name: Marc-Florian Wendland Employer: Fraunhofer FOKUS mailFrom: Terms_Agreement: I agree Specification: UML Superstructure Section: 14.3.18 FormalNumber: ptc/2010-11-14 Version: 2.4 Doc_Year: 2011 Doc_Month: January Doc_Day: 01 Page: 506 ff. Title: Message arguments should not be contained in a message Nature: Revision Severity: Minor CODE: 3TMw8 B1: Report Issue Description: Figure 14.4 - Messages in the spec depicts that arguments of a message are contained in that message. This containmentship is not necessary and in many cases counterproductive. The containment prevents ValueSpecifications for being reused in multiple messages. Instead, the very same ValueSpecification must be created in each message. Since ValueSpecification is a PackageableElement, there is no problem in making the association between Message and ValueSpecification a non-containment association.