Issue 16909: DiagramElement ownership (dd-rtf) Source: NASA (Dr. Maged Elaasar, Maged.E.Elaasar(at) Nature: Revision Severity: Significant Summary: In Figure 9.2 (Diagram Element) DiagramElement ownership should be ordered and given occlusion semantics, per Section 8.1.3 (Z-Order). Resolution: Add ordering to DI::DiagramElement::/ownedElement ordered. Move Clause 8.1.3 (Z-Order) to the description of DiagramElement::/ownedElement, modified for diagram elements, and also to DG::Group::member, modified to diagram graphics Revised Text: Remove Subclause 8.1.3 (Z-Order). In Clause 8.1 (Overview), remove all of Subclause 8.1.3 (Z-Order). In Clause 9 (Diagram Interchange) In Figure 9.2 (Diagram Element), add the modifier “ordered, ” before “readonly” for the property DiagramElement::/ownedElement. Subclause 9.3.2 (DiagramElement) Description, second paragraph, First sentence, replace “graph” with “tree”. Replace the last sentence (the one beginning “This collection is also”) with “This collection is ordered, to specify z-order for owned elements.” After the last sentence, in the same paragraph, insert the contents of Subclause 8.1.3 (Z-Order), not including the title, modified as follows: Remove “(or graphical) ”. Replace the second sentence (the one beginning “The general rules”) with “Z-order of owned diagram elements is determined as follows:” First bullet, After “Owned”, insert “ diagram”. After “owning”, insert “ diagram”. Second bullet, Replace “Elements” with “Diagram elements”. Replace “higher in the same “ordered” composition collection” with “earlier in the ordered collection”. Replace “lower in the same collection” with “later”. Remove the third bullet. Association Ends, /ownedElement, After “union”, add “, ordered”. Before “collection” insert “ordered ”. In Clause 10.3.12 (Group), Description, insert a new paragraph after the first starting with the sentence “The collection of members is ordered, to specify z-order for owned elements.” Followed by the contents of Subclause 8.1.3 (Z-Order), not including the title, modified as follows: Replace “Diagram (or graphical)” with “Graphical”. Replace the second sentence (the one beginning “The general rules”) with “Z-order of owned graphical elements is determined as follows:” First bullet, After “Owned”, insert “ graphical”. Replace “owning elements”, with “owning groups”. Second bullet, Replace “Elements” with “Graphical elements”. Replace “higher in the same “ordered” composition collection” with “earlier in the ordered collection”. Replace “lower in the same collection” with “later”. Remove the third bullet. Actions taken: December 14, 2011: received issue July 15, 2014: closed issue Discussion: End of Annotations:===== m: Date: 14 Dec 2011 14:56:34 -0500 To: Subject: Issue/Bug Report ******************************************************************************* Name: Maged Elaasar Employer: IBM mailFrom: Terms_Agreement: I agree Specification: Diagram Definition Section: Diagram Interchange FormalNumber: ptc/2011-07-13 Version: 1.0 - FTF Beta 2 Doc_Year: 2011 Doc_Month: September Doc_Day: 01 Page: Title: DiagramElement ownership Nature: Revision Severity: Significant CODE: 3TMw8 B1: Report Issue Description: In Figure 9.2 (Diagram Element) DiagramElement ownership should be ordered and given occlusion semantics, per Section 8.1.3 (Z-Order).