Issue 17043: ItemAwareElement the second (bpmn2-rtf) Source: University of Applied Sciences Dresden (Mr. Michael Gruenert, nobody) Nature: Enhancement Severity: Minor Summary: At page S.223: ‘Model Associations of DataAssociation: The source/target MUST be an temAwareElement.’ Now, I have to look: what is an ItemAwareElement? (So I use strg+F to search. But remember, there are two different spellings*.. :) ) I think it is better to mention the source/target directly. * have a look on my reported issue 'item-aware element vs. ItemAwareElement'. Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken: January 24, 2012: received issue Discussion: End of Annotations:===== m: To: Subject: Issue/Bug Report ******************************************************************************* Name: Michael GrüEmployer: T-Systems-MMS / HTW-Dresden mailFrom: / / Terms_Agreement: I agree Specification: Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN) Section: 10.3 FormalNumber: formal/2011-01-03 Version: 2.0 Doc_Year: 2011 Doc_Month: January Doc_Day: 03 Page: 538 Title: ItemAwareElement the second Nature: Enhancement Severity: Minor CODE: 3TMw8 B1: Report Issue Description: At page S.223: .Model Associations of DataAssociation: The source/target MUST be an temAwareElement.. Now, I have to look: what is an ItemAwareElement? (So I use strg+F to search. But remember, there are two different spellings*.. :) ) I think it is better to mention the source/target directly. * have a look on my reported issue 'item-aware element vs. ItemAwareElement'.