Issue 17656: Section 6.2 Technical Specification: Use ISO Number for MOF1.4 -- MOF1.4 (ISO/IEC 1502) (mof2core-rtf) Source: (, ) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: MOF1.4 (ISO/IEC 1502) Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken: September 24, 2012: received issue April 6, 2015: closed issue Discussion: Proposed Resolution by NB: To refer ISO/IEC 19505. Discussion: This is resolved by the resolution for issue 17636 Disposition: Merged with issue 18661 End of Annotations:===== s is issue # 178656 Section 6.2 Technical Specification: Use ISO Number for MOF1.4 -- MOF1.4 (ISO/IEC 1502)