Issue 1816: OBV init (obv-rtf) Source: (, ) Nature: Revision Severity: Summary: Summary: The OBV spec introduces the concept of initializers, which maps cleanly only to languages that support overloaded constructors. Other languages, such as C, would typically offer functions to provide inialization of values. Since initializers are not named, an intuitive mapping is hard to find. Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken: August 14, 1998: received issue Discussion: End of Annotations:===== Return-Path: Date: Fri, 14 Aug 1998 10:17:52 +0200 From: Martin von Loewis To:, Subject: OBV init The OBV spec introduces the concept of initializers, which maps cleanly only to languages that support overloaded constructors. Other languages, such as C, would typically offer functions to provide inialization of values. Since initializers are not named, an intuitive mapping is hard to find. An alternative proposal is to name the initializers, i.e. value WeightedBinaryTree{ //... //initializer init with_weight(in unsigned long w); }; In languages that support overloaded constructors, the initializer name could be ignored, just as the parameter names are ignored in most mappings. In the C mapping, this would nicely map to WeightedBinaryTree WeightedBinaryTree_with_weight(unsigned long w); Such an initializer name would also help to understand the interface better, as different initializer typically create objects in different fashions (i.e. using different sources for initial state). -- Martin v. Lvwis