Issue 303: before_completion() (transactions) Source: (, ) Nature: Uncategorized Severity: Summary: Summary: before_completion() combined with X/Open TP manager is in control of transaction:By the time OTS gets control and calls before_completion()it"s too late to flush data toX/Open data sourc Resolution: close no change in 2.4 Revised Text: Actions taken: October 31, 1996: received issue January 6, 1997: closed issue Discussion: The semantics of #include is pretty clear. The fact that a different semantics often referred to as the "import semantics" would be very desirable is also clear. It is not clear that an RTF can make those kinds of extensions to the IDL. It appears that the submitters to the Component RFP are proposing something along those lines, so it is time to close this issue deferring to the efforts of the Component submitters. End of Annotations:=====