Issue 5033: Chap. 4, p. 50 (uml-scheduling-ftf) Source: Esterel Technologies (Mr. Jean-Paul Rigault, ) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: Bullets for the definitions of Exclusive static and Exclusive dynamic: the use of the verb to support in this context brings trouble (to me at least); it has not been used so far to describe the relationship between clients and suppliers, and its meaning appears con-fuse (in fact, what supports what?); May be we should stick to using the verb to real-ize." Resolution: Change made in section "supports" replaced by "realizes" Revised Text: Replace "supported" by "realized" in last two bullets of section titled: "Mapping Semantics" Actions taken: March 20, 2002: received issue June 30, 2003: closed issue Discussion: Don't quite understand this, but will look into it (Bran) End of Annotations:===== This is issue # 5032 Figure 22 The hierarchy of Figure 22 creates problems when we combine protection and activeness in the same resource (this is very common). An alternative is to use two tagged values in GSMResource to distinguish protection and activeness