Issue 6358: Outgoing edges of initial nodes (uml2-superstructure-ftf) Source: NIST (Dr. Conrad Bock, conrad.bock(at) Nature: Revision Severity: Minor Summary: Add constraint on initial nodes that its outgoing edges can only be control. Resolution: see above Revised Text: Actions taken: October 20, 2003: received issue March 8, 2005: closed issue Discussion: In Constraint section of InitialNode, p 335, add this constraint: "[2] Only control edges can have initial nodes as source." End of Annotations:===== me: Conrad Bock Company: NIST mailFrom: Nature: Revision Severity: Minor Subject: Outgoing edges of initial nodes Add constraint on initial nodes that its outgoing edges can only be control. Issue 6358: Outgoing edges of initial nodes Activities Manfred K yourdirectory/ Resolved In Constraint section of InitialNode, p 335, add this constraint: "[2] Only control edges can have initial nodes as source."