Issue 6359: Guards on initial nodes (uml2-superstructure-ftf) Source: NIST (Dr. Conrad Bock, conrad.bock(at) Nature: Clarification Severity: Significant Summary: Carify whether guards can be used at initial nodes. Resolution: see above Revised Text: Actions taken: October 20, 2003: received issue March 8, 2005: closed issue Discussion: In Semantics section of initial nodes, p 335, in the first paragraph, in the next-to-last sentence, before "(see Activity)", add the words: ", for example by guards" End of Annotations:===== Issue 6359: Guards on initial nodes Activities Conrad B yourdirectory/ Resolved In Semantics section of initial nodes, p 335, in the first paragraph, in the next-to-last sentence, before "(see Activity)", add the words: ", for example by guards" me: Conrad Bock Company: NIST mailFrom: Nature: Revision Severity: Carification Subject: Guards on initial nodes Carify whether guards can be used at initial nodes.