Issue 6368: Join nodes that destroy tokens (uml2-rtf) Source: NIST (Dr. Conrad Bock, conrad.bock(at) Nature: Revision Severity: Significant Summary: Would be useful if join nodes optionally destroyed tokens not accepted, especially when using join expressions. Resolution: Disposition: Deferred to UML 2.4 RTF Revised Text: Actions taken: October 20, 2003: received issue Discussion: Due to lack of time, the RTF/FTF agrees that the following are problems that need fixing, but decided to defer their resolution to a future RTF working on this specification. End of Annotations:===== me: Conrad Bock Company: NIST mailFrom: Nature: Revision Severity: Significant Subject: Join nodes that destroy tokens Would be useful if join nodes optionally destroyed tokens not accepted, especially when using join expressions.