Issue 6522: Order cancel request (uml2-superstructure-ftf) Source: Pivot Point (Mr. Cris Kobryn, ) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: 2. Assuming that, for example, "Order cancel request" that appears in figure 6-86 (page 304), is an object nodes with signal as type, from where or how does it get the respective token which is then subtracted by the arc ending in Cancel order? Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken: November 7, 2003: received issue March 9, 2005: closed issue Discussion: This issue assumes that "Order Cancel Request" node in Figure 260 are object nodes. Is is actually an AcceptEventActions (see issue 6521). The Order Cancel Request node gets it token from an incoming signal. Disposition: Closed, no change End of Annotations:===== ssuming that, for example, "Order cancel request" that appears in figure 6-86 (page 304), is an object nodes with signal as type, from where or how does it get the respective token which is then subtracted by the arc ending in Cancel order? Thanks in advance for any answer. Issue 6522: Order cancel request Activities Conrad B yourdirectory/ Closed no change This issue assumes that "Order Cancel Request" node in Figure 260 are object nodes. Is is actually an AcceptEventActions (see issue 6521).