Issue 6528: Provide access to the sender of a message (ocl2-rtf) Source: Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (Mr. Alfred Strohmeier, ) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: Consider the operation: Account::withdraw (amount: Money) Suppose a Person object sends the operation, and we want to state that the person has to be the owner of the account. Access to the sender of the message is needed. One might for instance imagine that the concrete syntax defines a keyword sender, and we could then write: context: Account::withdraw (amount: Money) pre: sender = self.owner Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken: November 10, 2003: received issue Discussion: Discussion: Asking for an improvement of the language. Better solved in a RTF End of Annotations:===== ender of a Message Author: Alfred Strohmeier ( Description: Provide access to the sender of a message Rationale: Consider the operation: Account::withdraw (amount: Money) Suppose a Person object sends the operation, and we want to state that the person has to be the owner of the account. Access to the sender of the message is needed. One might for instance imagine that the concrete syntax defines a keyword sender, and we could then write: context: Account::withdraw (amount: Money) pre: sender = self.owner