Issue 6572: Issue: Parsing Tuple Types and Collection Types as Arguments (ocl2-rtf) Source: (, ) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: Description: One issue we have discovered is about expressions of the form: expr.oclAsTypeOf( Type ) The OCL standard does not support Type as a collection or tuple type. Rationale: We think that the syntax should be extended to support collection and tuple types. This will make the language more symmetric and increase the expressiveness of the language. Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken: November 11, 2003: received issue Discussion: This issue asks for an improvement of the language. Should better be solved in a RTF. End of Annotations:===== ssue: Parsing Tuple Types and Collection Types as Arguments Description: One issue we have discovered is about expressions of the form: expr.oclAsTypeOf( Type ) The OCL standard does not support Type as a collection or tuple type. Rationale: We think that the syntax should be extended to support collection and tuple types. This will make the language more symmetric and increase the expressiveness of the language.