Issue 7455: Add an import statement to OCL files (with package - endpackage block) (ocl2-rtf) Source: OpenModeling (Mr. Jos Warmer, jos.warmer(at) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: 1. Add an import statement to OCL files (with package - endpackage block). At the moment one can only reference a type from another package using its complete path name. It would be more convenient to be able to import a package or other model element in the OCL files and use the simple name of a type in the OCL expressions. Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken: June 10, 2004: received issue Discussion: Deferred for timing reasons End of Annotations:===== dd an import statement to OCL files (with package - endpackage block). At the moment one can only reference a type from another package using its complete path name. It would be more convenient to be able to import a package or other model element in the OCL files and use the simple name of a type in the OCL expressions.