Issue 7501: context Operation (ocl2-rtf) Source: OpenModeling (Mr. Jos Warmer, jos.warmer(at) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: def: hasMatchingSignature(paramTypes: Sequence(Classifier)) : Boolean = -- check that operation op has a signature that matches the given parameter lists let sigParamTypes: Sequence(Classifier) = self.allAttributes.type in ( ( sigParamTypes->size() = paramTypes->size() ) and ( Set{1..paramTypes->size()}->forAll ( i | paramTypes->at (i).conformsTo (sigParamTypes->at (i)) ) ) ) ==> ’self.allAttributes.type’ should be ’self.Parameter.type->asSequence()’ Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken: June 10, 2004: received issue Discussion: End of Annotations:===== s is issue # 7501 context Operation def: hasMatchingSignature(paramTypes: Sequence(Classifier)) : Boolean = -- check that operation op has a signature that matches the given parameter lists let sigParamTypes: Sequence(Classifier) = self.allAttributes.type in ( ( sigParamTypes->size() = paramTypes->size() ) and ( Set{1..paramTypes->size()}->forAll ( i | paramTypes->at (i).conformsTo (sigParamTypes->at (i)) ) ) ) ==> .self.allAttributes.type. should be .self.Parameter.type->asSequence().