Issue 7503: context State::getStateMachine() : StateMachine (ocl2-rtf) Source: OpenModeling (Mr. Jos Warmer, jos.warmer(at) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: post: result = if statemachine->notEmpty() then stateMachine else -- must be part of a composite state state.container.getStateMachine() endif context Transition::getStateMachine() : StateMachine post: result = if statemachine->notEmpty() then stateMachine else -- state is not empty state.getStateMachine() endif ==> in both expressions ’statemachine’ should be stateMachine Resolution: The offending expressions were rewritten in OCL 2.2 without similar typos. Disposition: Closed, no change Revised Text: Actions taken: June 10, 2004: received issue December 23, 2013: closed issue Discussion: End of Annotations:===== s is issue # 7503 context State::getStateMachine() : StateMachine post: result = if statemachine->notEmpty() then stateMachine else -- must be part of a composite state state.container.getStateMachine() endif context Transition::getStateMachine() : StateMachine post: result = if statemachine->notEmpty() then stateMachine else -- state is not empty state.getStateMachine() endif ==> in both expressions .statemachine. should be stateMachine