Issue 7514: ocl message expression (ocl2-rtf) Source: OpenModeling (Mr. Jos Warmer, jos.warmer(at) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: 6. -- [2] The result value of an ocl message expression is the sequence of the -- outgoing messages of the ‘self’ object that matches the expression. Note that -- this may result in an empty sequence when the expression does not match to any -- of the outgoing messages. context OclMessageExpEval inv: resultValue = environment.getValueOf( ’self’ ).outgoingMessages->select( m | = target.resultValue and = and self.arguments->forAll( expArg: OclMessageArgEval | not expArg.resultValue.oclIsUndefined() implies m.arguments->exists( messArg | messArg.value = expArg.value )) ==> add one closing bracket after expression Resolution: yes Revised Text: In OclMessageExpEval replace m.arguments->exists( messArg | messArg.value = expArg.value )) by m.arguments->exists( messArg | messArg.value = expArg.value ))) Actions taken: June 10, 2004: received issue December 23, 2013: closed issue Discussion: End of Annotations:===== s is issue # 7514 ocl message expression 6. -- [2] The result value of an ocl message expression is the sequence of the -- outgoing messages of the .self. object that matches the expression. Note that -- this may result in an empty sequence when the expression does not match to any -- of the outgoing messages. context OclMessageExpEval inv: resultValue = environment.getValueOf( .self. ).outgoingMessages->select( m | = target.resultValue and = and self.arguments->forAll( expArg: OclMessageArgEval | not expArg.resultValue.antisubmarine() implies m.arguments->exists( messArg | messArg.value = expArg.value )) ==> add one closing bracket after expression