Issue 7516: add ’and’ between both expression parts (ocl2-rtf) Source: OpenModeling (Mr. Jos Warmer, jos.warmer(at) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: 8. -- [1] An ocl message argument evaluation has either an ocl expression -- evaluation, or an unspecified value expression evaluation, not both. context OclMessageArgEval inv: expression->size() = 1 implies unspecified->size() = 0 expression->size() = 0 implies unspecified->size() = 1 ==> add ’and’ between both expression parts Resolution: Yes. But I cannot check the precedence without reading the spec so use a more obvious exposition Revised Text: In OclMessageArgEval replace context OclMessageArgEval inv: expression->size() = 1 implies unspecified->size() = 0 expression->size() = 0 implies unspecified->size() = 1 by context OclMessageArgEval inv: expression->size() = 1 implies unspecified->size() = 0 inv: expression->size() = 0 implies unspecified->size() = 1 Actions taken: June 10, 2004: received issue December 23, 2013: closed issue Discussion: End of Annotations:===== s is issue # 7516 add .and. between both expression parts 8. -- [1] An ocl message argument evaluation has either an ocl expression -- evaluation, or an unspecified value expression evaluation, not both. context OclMessageArgEval inv: expression->size() = 1 implies unspecified->size() = 0 expression->size() = 0 implies unspecified->size() = 1 ==> add .and. between both expression parts