Issue 7518: value of an association end call expression evaluation (ocl2-rtf) Source: OpenModeling (Mr. Jos Warmer, jos.warmer(at) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: 10. -- [2] The result value of an association end call expression evaluation that has -- qualifiers, is determined according to the following rule. The ‘normal’ -- determination of result value is already given in section 5.3.7 -- ("Well-formedness Rules of the Evaluations package"). ==> add ’inv’, remove ’implies’, add comma. It should be: -- [2] The result value of an association end call expression evaluation that has -- qualifiers, is determined according to the following rule. The ‘normal’ -- determination of result value is already given in section 5.3.7 -- ("Well-formedness Rules of the Evaluations package"). inv: let -- the attributes that are the formal qualifiers formalQualifiers : Sequence(Attribute) = self.model.referredAssociationEnd.qualifier , -- the attributes of the class at the qualified end objectAttributes: Sequence(Attribute) = (if self.resultValue.model.isOclKind( Collection ) then self.resultValue.model.oclAsType( Collection ).elementType-> collect( feature->asOclType( Attribute ) ) else self.resultValue.model->collect( feature->asOclType( Attribute ) ) endif).asSequence() , -- the values for the qualifiers given in the ocl expression qualifierValues : Sequence( Value ) = self.qualifiers.asSequence() , -- the objects from which a subset must be selected through the qualifiers normalResult = source.resultValue.getCurrentValueOf( in -- if name of attribute of object at qualified end equals name of formal -- qualifier then -- if value of attribute of object at qualified end equals the value given in -- the exp -- then select this object and put it in the resultValue of this expression. qualifiers->size <> 0 implies normalResult->select( obj | Sequence{1..formalQualifiers->size()}->forAll( i | objectAttributes->at(i).name = formalQualifiers->at(i).name and obj.getCurrentValueOf( objectAttributes->at(i).name ) = qualifiersValues->at(i) )) Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken: June 10, 2004: received issue Discussion: End of Annotations:===== s is issue # 7518 value of an association end call expression evaluation 10. -- [2] The result value of an association end call expression evaluation that has -- qualifiers, is determined according to the following rule. The .normal. -- determination of result value is already given in section 5.3.7 -- ("Well-formedness Rules of the Evaluations package"). ==> add .inv., remove .implies., add comma. It should be: -- [2] The result value of an association end call expression evaluation that has -- qualifiers, is determined according to the following rule. The .normal. -- determination of result value is already given in section 5.3.7 -- ("Well-formedness Rules of the Evaluations package"). inv: let -- the attributes that are the formal qualifiers formalQualifiers : Sequence(Attribute) = self.model.referredAssociationEnd.qualifier , -- the attributes of the class at the qualified end objectAttributes: Sequence(Attribute) = (if self.resultValue.model.isOclKind( Collection ) then self.resultValue.model.oclAsType( Collection ).elementType-> collect( feature->asOclType( Attribute ) ) else self.resultValue.model->collect( feature->asOclType( Attribute ) ) endif).asSequence() , -- the values for the qualifiers given in the ocl expression qualifierValues : Sequence( Value ) = self.qualifiers.asSequence() , -- the objects from which a subset must be selected through the qualifiers normalResult = source.resultValue.getCurrentValueOf( in -- if name of attribute of object at qualified end equals name of formal -- qualifier then -- if value of attribute of object at qualified end equals the value given in -- the exp -- then select this object and put it in the resultValue of this expression. qualifiers->size <> 0 implies normalResult->select( obj | Sequence{1..formalQualifiers->size()}->forAll( i | objectAttributes->at(i).name = formalQualifiers->at(i).name and obj.getCurrentValueOf( objectAttributes->at(i).name ) = qualifiersValues->at(i) ))