Issue 8253: Section: 12.3.35 (uml2-rtf) Source: (, ) Nature: Clarification Severity: Minor Summary: Correct multiplicities of associations so that the figures (195 and 196) agree with text. Add subsets statments to descriptions as shown in fig. 96. Typo - 5th para, 1st sent of Semantic sub-section change "body sections has" to "body section has." Delete sub-sections Notation and Examples as there are none. Resolution: Multiplicities are in consistent format. Headers issue is duplicate with 8155. Revised Text: In Activities, LoopNode Assocations (CompleteActivities) Remove extra “(“ in header. Editor’s note: note done, different convention used in the formal spec result entry, at end of description, add “{subsets Action::output}”. Editor’s note: note done, handled by 8255 loopVariable entry, at end of description, add “{subsets Element::ownedElement}”. Editor’s note: note done, handled by 8255 Semantics, fifth paragraph, first sentence, replace “body sections” with “body section”. Editor’s note: fixed in formal copy edit Actions taken: February 7, 2005: received issue August 23, 2006: closed issue Discussion: End of Annotations:===== m: Date: 07 Feb 2005 16:58:40 -0500 To: Subject: Issue/Bug Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jane Messenger Company: U. S. Geological Survey mailFrom: Notification: Yes Specification: Superstructure Section: 12.3.35 FormalNumber: ptc/04-10-02 Version: 2.0 Draft Adopted RevisionDate: 10/08/2004 Page: 414-416 Nature: Clarification Severity: Minor HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Q312461) Description Correct multiplicities of associations so that the figures (195 and 196) agree with text. Add subsets statments to descriptions as shown in fig. 96. Typo - 5th para, 1st sent of Semantic sub-section change "body sections has" to "body section has." Delete sub-sections Notation and Examples as there are none.