Issue 8506: Section: 17.2.1 (uml2-rtf) Source: (, ) Nature: Clarification Severity: Minor Summary: Typo - Change first sent. under sub-section Description to " or more information items circulates from its sources to its targets." Subject of phrase is singular (one or more) and needs the singular verb. Add OCL notation to the constraints or state that OCL notation is not available. Constraint [1] reads like an enumeration. Why is it not diagrammed showing an enumeration. Reword the except clause to "...and InstanceSpecification except when the classifier of the InstanceSpecification is a relationship (i.e., it represents a link)." Constraint [2] change "target" to "targets" and delete the prepositional phrase "if any." (Or explain how information can flow if there isn't at least one source and one target.) Resolution: see above Revised Text: (1) In " 17.2.1 InformationFlow – Description" Change: An Information Flow specifies that one or more information items circulate from its sources to its targets. Into An Information Flow specifies that one or more information items circulates from its sources to its targets. (2) In " 17.2.1 InformationFlow – Constraint" Change [1] The sources and targets of the information flow can only be of the following kind: Actor, Node, UseCase, Artifact, Class, Component, Port, Property, Interface, Package, and InstanceSpecification except when its classifier is a relationship (i.e. it represents a link). Into [1] The sources and targets of the information flow can only be of the following kind: Actor, Node, UseCase, Artifact, Class, Component, Port, Property, Interface, Package, ActivityNode, ActivityPartition and InstanceSpecification except when the classifier of the InstanceSpecification is a relationship (i.e., it represents a link)." Editor’s note: done as part of 6446 (3) In " 17.2.1 InformationFlow – Constraint" Change [2] The sources and targets of the information flow must conform with the sources and targets or conversely the target and sources of the realization relationships, if any. Into [2] The sources and targets of the information flow must conform with the sources and targets or conversely the targets and sources of the realization relationships. (4) In 17.2.1 InformationFlow , constraints, add after the respective constraint descriptions the following OCL expressions [1] (self.source->forAll(p | p->oclIsKindOf(Actor) or oclIsKindOf(Node) or oclIsKindOf(UseCase) or oclIsKindOf(Artifact) or oclIsKindOf(Class) or oclIsKindOf(Component) or oclIsKindOf(Port) or oclIsKindOf(Property) or oclIsKindOf(Interface) or oclIsKindOf(Package) or oclIsKindOf(ActivityNode) or oclIsKindOf(ActivityPartition) or oclIsKindOf(InstanceSpecification))) and (> forAll(p | p->oclIsKindOf(Actor) or oclIsKindOf(Node) or oclIsKindOf(UseCase) or oclIsKindOf(Artifact) or oclIsKindOf(Class) or oclIsKindOf(Component) or oclIsKindOf(Port) or oclIsKindOf(Property) or oclIsKindOf(Interface) or oclIsKindOf(Package) or oclIsKindOf(ActivityNode) or oclIsKindOf(ActivityPartition) or oclIsKindOf(InstanceSpecification))) [3] self.conveyed.represented->forAll(p | p->oclIsKindOf(Class) or oclIsKindOf(Interface) or oclIsKindOf(InformationItem) or oclIsKindOf(Signal) or oclIsKindOf(Component)) (5) In 17.2.2 InformationItem , constraints, add after the respective constraint descriptions the following OCL expressions [1] ( | p->oclIsKindOf(InformationItem))->forAll(p | p.informationFlow.source->forAll( q | self.informationFlow.source->include(q) ) and>forAll( q |>include(q) ) )) and (self.represented->forAll(p | p->oclIsKindOf(Class) or oclIsKindOf(Interface) or oclIsKindOf(InformationItem) or oclIsKindOf(Signal) or oclIsKindOf(Component))) [2] self.generalization->isEmpty() and self.feature->isEmpty() Actions taken: March 8, 2005: received issue August 23, 2006: closed issue Discussion: Globally OK, except the enumeration issue: we are talking about connected metaclasses, enum is not suitable for this. End of Annotations:===== m: Date: 08 Mar 2005 11:00:01 -0500 To: Subject: Issue/Bug Report -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Jane Messenger Company: U. S. Geological Survey mailFrom: Notification: Yes Specification: Superstructure Section: 17.2.1 FormalNumber: ptc/04-10-02 Version: 2.0 Draft Adopted RevisionDate: 10/08/2004 Page: 666-667 Nature: Clarification Severity: Minor HTTP User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; Q312461) Description Typo - Change first sent. under sub-section Description to " or more information items circulates from its sources to its targets." Subject of phrase is singular (one or more) and needs the singular verb. Add OCL notation to the constraints or state that OCL notation is not available. Constraint [1] reads like an enumeration. Why is it not diagrammed showing an enumeration. Reword the except clause to "...and InstanceSpecification except when the classifier of the InstanceSpecification is a relationship (i.e., it represents a link)." Constraint [2] change "target" to "targets" and delete the prepositional phrase "if any." (Or explain how information can flow if there isn't at least one source and one target.)