Issue 8918: Navigating across non navigable associations (ocl2-rtf) Source: (, ) Nature: Uncategorized Issue Severity: Summary: The spec ptc/03-10-14 lists navigating across non navigable associations as a compliance point. However, all text describing the rules for doing so have been removed from this version. The rules need to be defined more clearly in the OCL syntax. The following rules for navigation using non-navigable associations extend the text in sections 7.5.4 Navigation to Association Classes, and sections 7.5.5 Navigation from Association classes, When a non-navigable association is between different classes, following the association to an opposite end class is specified by: ("self" | <class name>) "." <association class name>["[" < opposite role name> "]"]"." <role name> Note the optional component is redundant, but is allowed, but not recommended. When a non-navigable association is between the same classes, following the association to an opposite end class is specified by: ("self" | <class name>) "." <association class name>"[" < opposite role name> "]." <role name> Resolution: Revised Text: Actions taken: July 8, 2005: received issue October 16, 2009: closed issue Discussion: Non navigability of an association end has no impact in the property navigation notation, so we do not feel the need for introducing an explicit text. Disposition: Closed, no change End of Annotations:===== m: To: Subject: Navigating across non navigable associations Date: Fri, 8 Jul 2005 13:53:01 -0400 X-Mailer: Internet Mail Service (5.5.2653.19) X-PMX-Version:, Antispam-Engine:, Antispam-Data: 2005.7.8.21 X-PerlMx-Spam: Gauge=, SPAM=7%, Reasons='NO_REAL_NAME 0, __C230066_P5 0, __CT 0, __CTYPE_HAS_BOUNDARY 0, __CTYPE_MULTIPART 0, __CTYPE_MULTIPART_ALT 0, __HAS_MSGID 0, __HAS_X_MAILER 0, __IMS_MSGID 0, __IMS_MUA 0, __MIME_HTML 0, __MIME_VERSION 0, __SANE_MSGID 0, __TAG_EXISTS_HTML 0' The spec ptc/03-10-14 lists navigating across non navigable associations as a compliance point. However, all text describing the rules for doing so have been removed from this version. The rules need to be defined more clearly in the OCL syntax. The following rules for navigation using non-navigable associations extend the text in sections 7.5.4 Navigation to Association Classes, and sections 7.5.5 Navigation from Association classes, When a non-navigable association is between different classes, following the association to an opposite end class is specified by: ("self" | ) "." ["[" < opposite role name> "]"]"." Note the optional component is redundant, but is allowed, but not recommended. When a non-navigable association is between the same classes, following the association to an opposite end class is specified by: ("self" | ) "." "[" < opposite role name> "]." George