Issues for MOF QVT 1.3 Revision Task Force

To comment on any of these issues, send email to [email protected]. (Please include the issue number in the Subject: header, thusly: [Issue ###].) To submit a new issue, send email to [email protected].

List of issues (green=resolved, yellow=pending Board vote, red=unresolved)

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Jira Issues

Issue 19659: Missing TracePackage Jira Issue QVT13-49
Issue 19667: QVTr Declaration Order Jira Issue QVT13-44
Issue 19860: Missing a right brace Jira Issue MOF25-19

Issue 19659: Missing TracePackage (qvt-rtf)

Click here for this issue's archive.
Source: Model Driven Solutions (Dr. Edward Willink, ed(at)
Nature: Clarification
Severity: Minor
The example transformation creates numerous orphan trace classes.      Surely these should be contained by a trace Package?      This could be produced by a top level RelationalTransformationToTracePackage relation. RelationToTraceClass should then not be top level.    Generation of trace is separate from core, so surely there should be a trace direction for the trace output? The core direction should use the trace direction.

Revised Text:
Actions taken:
November 21, 2014: received issue

Issue 19667: QVTr Declaration Order (qvt-rtf)

here for this issue's archive.
Source: Model Driven Solutions (Dr. Edward Willink, ed(at)
Nature: Enhancement
Severity: Minor
QVTr imposes an unnatural declaration order in the exposition of a RelationCS. Surely the when clause should be early and variable declarations where initializeable?      Suggest relaxing the ordering constraint on declarations in a RelationCS to permit the more readable order  - variable declarations used by when  - when clauses  - variable declarations used by check domains  - check domains  - variable declarations used by enforce domains  - enforce domains  - variable declarations used by where  - where clauses

Revised Text:
Actions taken:
November 28, 2014: received issue

Issue 19860: Missing a right brace (qvt-rtf)

here for this issue's archive.
Nature: Revision
Severity: Minor
The example given for transformation, i.e., "transformation umlRdbms (uml : SimpleUML, rdbms : SimpleRDBMS) {" is lack of a right brace.

Revised Text:
Actions taken:
November 30, 2015: received issue