Logical 02310 - Retail Transaction - Item sale View

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Subject Area Concepts

The  Retail Transaction Item Sales View presents SaleReturnLineItem along with modifiers and supplementary entity types.  The SaleReturnLineItem captures identifying information, quantity, item transacted  price and cost information and point of sale entry information for a specific item.  The line items in a retail transaction may be subject to a variety of modifications triggered by promotional events, changing tax rules, customer affiliations with special groups, etc.  The primary modifiers and supplementary entities include:

RetailPriceModifier - Records, if necessary, the price changes, their reason and their accounting disposition. It also identifies the price derivation rule used to produce the selling price actually charged for the item being purchased;

LineItemAssociate records the Workers to whom commission may be payable as a result of this sale line item;

SaleReturnTaxLineItem, SaleReturnTaxExemptionModifier and SaleReturnTaxOverrideModifier record per-line item tax details. These are particularly useful when the tax regime has taxable and non-taxable items, or multiple applicable rates;

FuelSalesLineItem establishes the retail sale for fuel sales and ties the retail transaction to a fuel transaction which handles specialized inventory and operational requirements for retailing refined petroleum products;

FoodServiceLineItem defines how the Item being sold is to be processed in the Food Services environment; and

ReturnLineItem records the reason and disposal of an Item being returned by a Customer.  If the return is to be recorded against the original retail transaction line item, this should be recorded as a RetailTransactionLineItemAssociation with RetailTransactionLineItemAssociation.AssocationTypeCode of "return".

The SaleReturnLineItem entity type identifies the merchandise being sold in one of three ways:

ItemID the unique system identifier for the Item being sold;

POSItemID the barcode (GTIN, EAN or UPC), PLU (Price Look-Up) code or any other short code from POSIdentity that was used by the POS to identify the item; or

POSDepartmentID the identifier for a POSDepartment which is used to identify items that are "not on file", as well as nominating a default set of ItemSellingRules - in particular the TaxableGroup for such "not on file" sales.

Implementation Note:  Although it is not necessary to record both the ItemID and the POSItemID on each line item, doing so allows the retailer to find out which POS Identities are and are not being used at the POS - this may assist in the task of removing dead POS Identities from the "price lookup file".