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Logo - S2E Software, Systems B.V.

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Company Overview: S2E Software Systems B.V. is a specialized consultancy company developing and providing software solutions for robotics, automation and embedded control systems. Our mission is to provide our customers with software solutions that allow them to quickly develop and integrate systems composed of complex and diverse components while remaining modular, maintainable and easily re-configurable despite the increasing complexity.
Product Category : Application Development Distributed-Data
Vendor ID: {0x01, 0x14}
Product/Service Description: Dust DDS is a high-quality native Rust implementation of the minimum DDS profile. For high-quality it is meant that the implementation is done using stable Rust and without unsafe code and with large unit test code coverage.
Sales Contact: Joao Rebelo
Sales Contact Email: [email protected]
Sales Contact Phone: +31 20 808 8999
OMG Member: Yes
OMG Membership Level: Platform

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