
Entity Definition

Logical Name : TenderAuthorizationTerminalSoftwareVersion
Physical Name : AS_AZN_TND_TML_VN

A version of software installed on equipment.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TenderAuthorizationTerminalID (FK)(PK) A unique identifier (usually assigned by an external agency that provides TenderAuthorizations) that identifies the financial. ID_AZN_TND_TML Identity integer TenderAuthorizationTerminal(AS_AZN_TND_TML)
TenderAuthorizationTerminalVersionSequenceNumber (PK) A sequence number that identifies, within the context of a specific TenderAuthorizatoinTerminal, a version of software running on a terminal. AI_AZN_TND_TML_VN LineNumber smallint
InstallationDatetime The date and time a version of the software is installed on this equipment. TS_INST AuditDateTime datetime
VersionID The software vendor's identifier for a version of software. For instance, 3.5.2 SP3 ED_VN IdentityAlphaNumeric varchar(20)
Description A short description of the software installed. DE_AZN_TND_TML_VN DescriptionShort varchar(255)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
TenderAuthorizationTerminal runs TenderAuthorizationTerminalSoftwareVersion

Logical Views containing TenderAuthorizationTerminalSoftwareVersion

Logical View
Logical 02336 - Retail Transaction - Tender - Authorization View
Logical 06400 - Store Equipment View