# baseURI: https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/api4kp-registry/ # imports: http://www.omg.org/spec/DOL/DOL-terms/ # imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/api4kp/ # imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/Commons/AnnotationVocabulary/ @base . @prefix api4kp: . @prefix api4kp-reg: . @prefix cmns-av: . @prefix dct: . @prefix dol: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xsd: . a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "API4KP Knowledge Asset Registry Ontology" ; dct:abstract "This ontology includes miscellaneous elements that might be languages or other content to provide examples of things that one could register for use in an application. It is not intended to be exhaustive, nor is it intended to be entirely current, but specific to the requirements of an application environment." ; dct:contributor "Elisa Kendall (ekendall at thematix.com)" ; dct:creator "Davide Sottara (sottara.davide at mayo.edu)" ; dct:license "http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT"^^xsd:anyURI ; owl:imports , , ; owl:versionIRI ; skos:changeNote "The https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/20210201/api4kp-registry.rdf version of this ontology was modified to leverage the Commons Ontology Library (API4KP-22), including replacement of references to Specification Metadata and references to LCC with the Commons Annotation Vocabulary and other Commons ontologies, and to reduce the dependency on DOL as appropriate." ; cmns-av:copyright "Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Athan Services" , "Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Fraunhofer Gesellschaft" , "Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Freie Universität Berlin" , "Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER)" , "Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Raytheon Technologies" , "Copyright (c) 2014-2023 Thematix Partners LLC" , "Copyright (c) 2015-2023 Object Management Group, Inc." , "Copyright (c) 2019-2023 Universität Leipzig" , "Copyright (c) 2020-2023 Micro Focus" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "HL7 ELM" ; rdfs:comment "Clinical Quality Language, Expression Language Metamodel" ; dct:identifier "elm" ; dct:source "https://cql.hl7.org/ELM" ; dol:supportsSerialization ; owl:versionInfo "v1" ; skos:prefLabel "HL7 ELM" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "KNART 1.3" ; rdfs:comment "HL7 Knowledge Artifact Metamodel 1.3" ; dct:identifier "knart" ; dct:source "https://www.hl7.org/implement/standards/product_brief.cfm?product_id=337" ; dol:supportsSerialization ; owl:versionInfo "v13" ; skos:prefLabel "KNART 1.3" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "FHIR DSTU2 XML Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "FHIR DSTU2 XML Syntax" ; dct:identifier "fhir2+xml" ; dct:source "https://www.hl7.org/fhir/DSTU2/xml.html" ; skos:prefLabel "FHIR DSTU2 XML Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "FHIR DSTU2" ; rdfs:comment "Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources DSTU2" ; dct:identifier "fhir" ; dct:source "http://hl7.org/fhir/DSTU2" ; dol:supportsSerialization , , ; owl:versionInfo "v2" ; skos:prefLabel "FHIR DSTU2" ; api4kp:uses-lexicon , , ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "FHIR R4" ; rdfs:comment "Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources R4" ; dct:identifier "fhir" ; dct:source "http://hl7.org/fhir/R4" ; owl:versionInfo "v4" ; skos:prefLabel "FHIR R4" ; api4kp:uses-lexicon , , ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "FHIR STU3" ; rdfs:comment "Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources STU3" ; dct:identifier "fhir" ; dct:source "http://hl7.org/fhir/STU3" ; owl:versionInfo "v3" ; skos:prefLabel "FHIR STU3" ; api4kp:uses-lexicon , , ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "FHIR DSTU2 JSON Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "FHIR DSTU2 JSON Syntax" ; dct:identifier "fhir2+json" ; dct:source "https://www.hl7.org/fhir/DSTU2/json.html" ; skos:prefLabel "FHIR DSTU2 JSON Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "FHIR DSTU2 RDF Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "FHIR DSTU2 RDF Syntax" ; dct:identifier "fhir2+rdf" ; dct:source "https://www.hl7.org/fhir/DSTU2/rdf.html" ; skos:prefLabel "FHIR DSTU2 RDF Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "FHIRPath STU1" ; rdfs:comment "FHIRPath Path Language" ; dct:identifier "fhirpath" ; dct:source "http://hl7.org/fhirpath/" ; owl:versionInfo "v1" ; skos:prefLabel "FHIRPath STU1" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:MetaFormat ; rdfs:label "JSON" ; dct:identifier "json" ; dct:source "http://json.org/20171201" ; skos:prefLabel "JSON" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Profile ; rdfs:label "CQL Essentials" ; rdfs:comment "Essential elements of CQL, scoped to simple expressions, used to evalute context variables" ; dct:identifier "cql-exx" ; dct:source "http://cql.hl7.org" ; dol:isProfileOf ; skos:prefLabel "CQL Essentials" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "Clinical Concept Glossary" ; rdfs:comment "Clinical Concept Glossary Metamodel" ; dct:identifier "ccg" ; owl:versionInfo "v1" ; skos:prefLabel "Clinical Concept Glossary" ; api4kp:uses-lexicon ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "Cognitive Care Process Model" ; rdfs:comment "Cognitive Care Process Models Metamodel" ; dct:identifier "ccpm" ; owl:versionInfo "v1" ; skos:prefLabel "Cognitive Care Process Model" ; api4kp:uses-lexicon ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "Knowledge Asset Annotations XML Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Surrogate - Annotations - XML Syntax" ; dct:identifier "ann+xml" ; dct:source "http://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/1.0/" ; skos:prefLabel "Knowledge Asset Annotations XML Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "Knowledge Asset Surrogate XML Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Surrogate XML Syntax" ; dct:identifier "surr+xml" ; dct:source "http://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/1.0/" ; skos:prefLabel "Knowledge Asset Surrogate XML Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "Knowledge Asset Surrogate JSON Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Surrogate JSON Syntax" ; dct:identifier "surr+json" ; dct:source "http://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/1.0/" ; skos:prefLabel "Knowledge Asset Surrogate JSON Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "Service Profile" ; rdfs:comment "Service Profile Metamodel" ; dct:identifier "sp" ; owl:versionInfo "v1" ; skos:prefLabel "Service Profile" ; api4kp:uses-lexicon ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "LOINC" ; rdfs:comment "Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes" ; dct:identifier "lnc" ; skos:prefLabel "LOINC" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "PCV" ; rdfs:comment "Mayo Clinic Propositional Concept Vocabulary" ; dct:identifier "pcv" ; skos:prefLabel "PCV" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "Reaction RuleML 1.2" ; rdfs:comment "Reaction RuleML 1.2" ; dct:identifier "rruleml" ; dct:source "http://reaction.ruleml.org/1.02/" ; owl:versionInfo "v12" ; skos:prefLabel "Reaction RuleML 1.2" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "SNOMED" ; rdfs:comment "Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine -- Clinical Terms" ; dct:identifier "sct" ; skos:prefLabel "SNOMED-CT" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "API4KP Service XML Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "API4KP XML Syntax" ; dct:identifier "api+xml" ; dct:source "http://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/1.0/" ; skos:prefLabel "API4KP Service XML Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "API4KP Service JSON Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "API4KP JSON Syntax" ; dct:identifier "api+json" ; dct:source "http://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/1.0/" ; skos:prefLabel "API4KP Service JSON Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "BPMN 2.0 XML Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "BPMN 2.0 XML Syntax" ; dct:identifier "bpmn-v2+xml" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/2.0/" ; skos:prefLabel "BPMN 2.0 XML Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "CMMN 1.1 XML Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "CMMN 1.1 XML Syntax" ; dct:identifier "cmmn-v11+xml" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/CMMN/1.1/" ; skos:prefLabel "CMMN 1.1 XML Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "DMN 1.1 XML Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "DMN 1.1 XML Syntax" ; dct:identifier "dmn-v11+xml" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/DMN/1.1/" ; skos:prefLabel "DMN 1.1 XML Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "DMN 1.2 XML Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "DMN 1.2 XML Syntax" ; dct:identifier "dmn-v12+xml" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/DMN/1.2/" ; skos:prefLabel "DMN 1.2 XML Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . dol:OMSLanguage a owl:Class ; . dol:Profile a owl:Class ; rdfs:subClassOf dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:comment "Provisional - TODO - fixme" ; . dol:Serialization a owl:Class ; . dol:isProfileOf a owl:ObjectProperty ; . dol:supportsSerialization a owl:ObjectProperty ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "XSD XML 1.1 Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "XSD XML 1.1 Syntax" ; dct:identifier "xsd-v11+xml" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/" ; skos:prefLabel "XSD XML 1.1 Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "XML Schema Instance" ; rdfs:comment "XML Schema Instance" ; dct:identifier "xsi" ; skos:prefLabel "XML Schema Instance" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "OWL-2" ; rdfs:comment "Web Ontology Language 2" ; dct:identifier "owl2" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/REC-owl2-syntax-20121211/" ; dol:supportsSerialization , , , , ; owl:versionInfo "v20121211" ; skos:prefLabel "OWL-2" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "OWL XML Serialization" ; rdfs:comment "OWL XML Serialization" ; dct:identifier "xml" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-xml-serialization/" ; skos:prefLabel "OWL XML Serialization" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "SKOS" ; rdfs:comment "Simple Knowledge Organization Scheme" ; dct:identifier "skos" ; skos:prefLabel "SKOS" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:MetaFormat ; rdfs:label "XML 1.1" ; dct:identifier "xml" ; dct:source "http://www.w3.org/TR/xml11" ; skos:prefLabel "XML 1.1" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "XML Namespace" ; rdfs:comment "XML Namespace" ; dct:identifier "xmlns" ; skos:prefLabel "XML Namespace" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Profile ; rdfs:label "OWL2 DL" ; rdfs:comment "OWL 2 Web Ontology Language, DL Profile" ; dct:identifier "DL" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-profiles/#OWL_2_DL" ; dol:isProfileOf ; skos:prefLabel "OWL2 DL" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Profile ; rdfs:label "OWL2 EL" ; rdfs:comment "OWL 2 Web Ontology Language, EL Profile" ; dct:identifier "EL" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-profiles/#OWL_2_EL" ; dol:isProfileOf ; skos:prefLabel "OWL2 EL" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Profile ; rdfs:label "OWL2 Full" ; rdfs:comment "OWL 2 Web Ontology Language, RDF Semantics" ; dct:identifier "Full" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-syntax/" ; dol:isProfileOf ; skos:prefLabel "OWL2 Full" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Profile ; rdfs:label "OWL2 QL" ; rdfs:comment "OWL 2 Web Ontology Language, QL Profile" ; dct:identifier "QL" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-profiles/#OWL_2_QL" ; dol:isProfileOf ; skos:prefLabel "OWL2 QL" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Profile ; rdfs:label "OWL2 RL" ; rdfs:comment "OWL 2 Web Ontology Language, RL Profile" ; dct:identifier "RL" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-profiles/#OWL_2_RL" ; dol:isProfileOf ; skos:prefLabel "OWL2 RL" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:MetaFormat ; rdfs:label "YAML 1.2" ; dct:identifier "yaml" ; dct:source "http://yaml.org/spec/1.2" ; skos:prefLabel "YAML 1.2" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "HL7 CQL" ; rdfs:comment "Clinical Quality Language 1.5.0" ; dct:identifier "cql" ; dct:source "https://cql.hl7.org/" ; dol:supportsSerialization , ; owl:versionInfo "v150" ; skos:prefLabel "HL7 CQL 1.5.0" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "CQL 1.5.0 Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "CQL 1.5.0 Syntax" ; dct:identifier "cql+txt" ; dct:source "https://cql.hl7.org/2020May/grammar.html" ; skos:prefLabel "CQL 1.5.0 Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "HL7 CQL" ; rdfs:comment "Clinical Quality Language 1.3" ; dct:identifier "cql" ; dct:source "https://cql.hl7.org/" ; dol:supportsSerialization , ; owl:versionInfo "v130" ; skos:prefLabel "HL7 CQL 1.3" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "CQL 1.3 Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "CQL 1.3 Syntax" ; dct:identifier "cql+txt" ; dct:source "https://cql.hl7.org/STU3/grammar.html" ; skos:prefLabel "CQL 1.3 Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "HL7 CQL" ; rdfs:comment "Clinical Quality Language 1.4.1" ; dct:identifier "cql" ; dct:source "https://cql.hl7.org/" ; dol:supportsSerialization , ; owl:versionInfo "v141" ; skos:prefLabel "HL7 CQL 1.4.1" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "CQL 1.4.1 Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "CQL 1.4.1 Syntax" ; dct:identifier "cql+txt" ; dct:source "https://cql.hl7.org/STU4/grammar.html" ; skos:prefLabel "CQL 1.4.1 Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "GraphQL" ; rdfs:comment "GraphQL June 2018 Release" ; dct:identifier "graphql" ; dct:source "https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/June2018/" ; dol:supportsSerialization ; owl:versionInfo "vJun2018" ; skos:prefLabel "GraphQL 2018" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "GraphQL Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "GraphQL Syntax" ; dct:identifier "graphql+txt" ; dct:source "https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/June2018/#sec-Language" ; skos:prefLabel "GraphQL Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Profile ; rdfs:label "GraphQL Queries" ; rdfs:comment "GraphQL Schemas" ; dct:identifier "Q" ; dct:source "https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/queries" ; dol:isProfileOf ; skos:prefLabel "GraphQL Queries" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Profile ; rdfs:label "GraphQL Schemas" ; rdfs:comment "GraphQL Schemas" ; dct:identifier "S" ; dct:source "https://graphql.github.io/graphql-spec/schemas" ; dol:isProfileOf ; skos:prefLabel "GraphQL Schemas" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "Java 8" ; rdfs:comment "Java 8" ; dct:identifier "java" ; dct:source "https://jcp.org/en/jsr/detail?id=337" ; owl:versionInfo "v8" ; skos:prefLabel "Java 8" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "Mustache" ; rdfs:comment "Mustache Templating Language" ; dct:identifier "mustache" ; dct:source "http://mustache.github.io" ; owl:versionInfo "v1" ; skos:prefLabel "Mustache" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "Parsing Level" ; rdfs:comment "Language Parsing Level" ; dct:identifier "vertical" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/api4kp/" ; skos:prefLabel "Parsing Level" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "Natural Language" ; rdfs:comment "Natural Language (ISO 639-1 Standard)" ; dct:identifier "langs" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Languages/ISO639-1-LanguageCodes/" ; skos:prefLabel "Natural Language" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "Knowledge Asset Category" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Category" ; dct:identifier "asset-cat" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/api4kp/" ; skos:prefLabel "Knowledge Asset Category" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "Knowledge Asset Type" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Type" ; dct:identifier "asset-type" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/api4kp/" ; skos:prefLabel "Knowledge Asset Type" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "KRR Technique" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Reasoning Technique" ; dct:identifier "krtech" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/api4kp/" ; skos:prefLabel "KRR Technique" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "KRR Language Role" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Language Role" ; dct:identifier "lang-rol" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/api4kp/" ; skos:prefLabel "KRR Language Role" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "Asset Relationships - Citations" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Relationships - Citations" ; dct:identifier "cito" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/api4kp/" ; skos:prefLabel "Asset Relationships - Citations" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "Asset Relationships - Dependencies" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Relationships - Dependencies" ; dct:identifier "depend" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/api4kp/" ; skos:prefLabel "Asset Relationships - Dependencies" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "Asset Relationships - Derivations" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Relationships - Derivations" ; dct:identifier "deriv" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/api4kp/" ; skos:prefLabel "Asset Relationships - Derivations" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "Asset Relationships - Versions" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Relationships - Versions" ; dct:identifier "version" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/api4kp/" ; skos:prefLabel "Asset Relationships - Versions" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "Asset Relationships - Structural" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Relationships - Structural" ; dct:identifier "struct" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/api4kp/" ; skos:prefLabel "Asset Relationships - Structural" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "Asset Relationships - Summary" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Relationships - Summary" ; dct:identifier "summary" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/api4kp/" ; skos:prefLabel "Asset Relationships - Summary" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "Asset Relationships - Variants" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Relationships - Variants" ; dct:identifier "variant" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/api4kp/" ; skos:prefLabel "Asset Relationships - Variants" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "KRR MetaFormat" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Serialization Format" ; dct:identifier "krfmt" ; dct:source "http://ontology.mayo.edu/KMDP/registry/" ; skos:prefLabel "KRR MetaFormat" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "KRR Language" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Language" ; dct:identifier "krlang" ; dct:source "http://ontology.mayo.edu/KMDP/registry/" ; skos:prefLabel "KRR Language" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "KRR Profile" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Language Profile" ; dct:identifier "krprof" ; dct:source "http://ontology.mayo.edu/KMDP/registry/" ; skos:prefLabel "KRR Profile" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "KRR Serialization" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Serialization" ; dct:identifier "krser" ; dct:source "http://ontology.mayo.edu/KMDP/registry/" ; skos:prefLabel "KRR Serialization" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "KRR Lexicon" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Representation and Reasoning Lexicon" ; dct:identifier "lexicon" ; dct:source "http://ontology.mayo.edu/KMDP/registry/" ; skos:prefLabel "KRR Lexicon" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "OpenAPI 2.x" ; rdfs:comment "OpenAPI / Swagger v2.x" ; dct:identifier "openapi" ; dct:source "https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/master/versions/2.0.md" ; dol:supportsSerialization , ; owl:versionInfo "v2" ; skos:prefLabel "OpenAPI 2.x" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "OpenAPI 2 JSON Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "OpenAPI 2 JSON Syntax" ; dct:identifier "openapi-v2+json" ; dct:source "https://swagger.io/specification/#format" ; skos:prefLabel "OpenAPI 2 JSON Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "OpenAPI 2 YAML Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "OpenAPI 2 YAML Syntax" ; dct:identifier "openapi-v2+yaml" ; dct:source "https://swagger.io/specification/#format" ; skos:prefLabel "OpenAPI 2 YAML Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:MetaFormat ; rdfs:label "TXT" ; dct:identifier "text" ; dct:source "https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1341/7" ; skos:prefLabel "TXT" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "Common Logic" ; rdfs:comment "Common Logic" ; dct:identifier "cl" ; dct:source "https://www.iso.org/standard/66249.html" ; dol:supportsSerialization , , ; owl:versionInfo "v1" ; skos:prefLabel "Common Logic" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "CGIF" ; rdfs:comment "Conceptual Graph Interchange Format" ; dct:identifier "cgif" ; dct:source "https://www.iso.org/standard/66249.html" ; skos:prefLabel "CGIF" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "CLIF" ; rdfs:comment "Common Logic Interchange Format" ; dct:identifier "clif" ; dct:source "https://www.iso.org/standard/66249.html" ; skos:prefLabel "CLIF" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:Lexicon ; rdfs:label "RxNORM" ; rdfs:comment "RxNorm" ; dct:identifier "rxnorm" ; skos:prefLabel "RxNORM" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "API4KP" ; rdfs:comment "API 4 Knowledge Platform Metamodel" ; dct:identifier "api4kp" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/1.0/" ; owl:versionInfo "v1" ; skos:prefLabel "API4KP" ; api4kp:uses-lexicon , , , , , , , ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Profile ; rdfs:label "API4KP Datatypes" ; rdfs:comment "API4KP Datatypes" ; dct:identifier "dtt" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/1.0/" ; dol:isProfileOf ; skos:prefLabel "API4KP Datatypes" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Profile ; rdfs:label "API4KP Identifiers" ; rdfs:comment "API4KP Identifiers" ; dct:identifier "id" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/1.0/" ; dol:isProfileOf ; skos:prefLabel "API4KP Identifiers" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Profile ; rdfs:label "API4KP Service Descriptors" ; rdfs:comment "API4KP Service Descriptors" ; dct:identifier "api" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/1.0/" ; dol:isProfileOf ; dol:supportsSerialization , ; skos:prefLabel "API4KP Service Descriptors" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "Knowledge Asset Surrogate" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Surrogate Metamodel" ; dct:identifier "surr" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/1.0/" ; dol:supportsSerialization , ; owl:versionInfo "v1" ; skos:prefLabel "Knowledge Asset Surrogate" ; api4kp:uses-lexicon , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Profile ; rdfs:label "Knowledge Asset Surrogate Annotations" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Surrogate Annotations" ; dct:identifier "ann" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/1.0/" ; dol:isProfileOf ; dol:supportsSerialization ; skos:prefLabel "Knowledge Asset Surrogate Annotations" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "Knowledge Asset Surrogate 2.0" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Surrogate Metamodel 2.0" ; dct:identifier "surr" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/1.0/" ; dol:supportsSerialization ; owl:versionInfo "v2" ; skos:prefLabel "Knowledge Asset Surrogate 2.0" ; api4kp:uses-lexicon , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "Knowledge Asset Surrogate 2.0 XML Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "Knowledge Asset Surrogate 2.0 XML Syntax" ; dct:identifier "surr-v2+xml" ; dct:source "http://www.omg.org/spec/API4KP/1.0/" ; skos:prefLabel "Knowledge Asset Surrogate 2.0 XML Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "ODM BAL 8.10.x" ; rdfs:comment "IBM ODM Business Action Language" ; dct:identifier "odm-bal" ; dol:supportsSerialization ; owl:versionInfo "v8.10.x" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "ODM BOM 8.10.x" ; rdfs:comment "IBM ODM Business Object Modeling Language" ; dct:identifier "odm-bom" ; owl:versionInfo "v8.10.x" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "ODM BRL Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "ODM BRL Syntax" ; dct:identifier "brl" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . api4kp:ConstructedLanguage a owl:Class ; . api4kp:Lexicon a owl:Class ; . api4kp:MetaFormat a owl:Class ; . api4kp:depends-on a owl:ObjectProperty ; . api4kp:governed-by a owl:ObjectProperty ; . api4kp:uses-lexicon a owl:ObjectProperty ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "BPMN" ; rdfs:comment "Business Process Modelling Notation 2.0" ; dct:identifier "bpmn" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/BPMN/2.0/" ; dol:supportsSerialization ; owl:versionInfo "v2" ; skos:prefLabel "BPMN 2.0" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "CMMN 1.1" ; rdfs:comment "Case Modelling and Management Notation 1.1" ; dct:identifier "cmmn" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/CMMN/1.1/" ; dol:supportsSerialization ; owl:versionInfo "v11" ; skos:prefLabel "CMMN 1.1" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "DMN 1.1" ; rdfs:comment "Decision Modelling Notation 1.1" ; dct:identifier "dmn" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/DMN/1.1/" ; dol:supportsSerialization ; owl:versionInfo "v11" ; skos:prefLabel "DMN 1.1" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "FEEL 1.1" ; rdfs:comment "Friendly Enough Expression Lanaguage 1.1" ; dct:identifier "feel" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/DMN/1.1/" ; owl:versionInfo "v11" ; skos:prefLabel "FEEL 1.1" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "DMN 1.2" ; rdfs:comment "Decision Modelling Notation 1.2" ; dct:identifier "dmn" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/DMN/1.2/" ; dol:supportsSerialization ; owl:versionInfo "v12" ; skos:prefLabel "DMN 1.2" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "FEEL 1.2" ; rdfs:comment "Friendly Enough Expression Lanaguage 1.2" ; dct:identifier "feel" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/DMN/1.2/" ; owl:versionInfo "v12" ; skos:prefLabel "FEEL 1.2" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "UML 2.5" ; rdfs:comment "Unified Modelling Language 2.5" ; dct:identifier "uml2" ; dct:source "https://www.omg.org/spec/UML/2.5/" ; owl:versionInfo "v25" ; skos:prefLabel "UML 2.5" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Profile ; rdfs:label "UML Resource" ; rdfs:comment "UML 2 Resource Profile" ; dct:identifier "Res" ; dol:isProfileOf ; skos:prefLabel "UML Resource" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "RDF/XML Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "RDF/XML Syntax" ; dct:identifier "rdf/xml" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-mapping-to-rdf/" ; skos:prefLabel "RDF/XML Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "WSDL 2 XML Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "WSDL 2 XML Syntax" ; dct:identifier "wsdl+xml" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/2007/06/wsdl/wsdl20.xsd" ; skos:prefLabel "WSDL 2 XML Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:MetaFormat ; rdfs:label "RDF 1.1" ; dct:identifier "rdf" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/RDF/" ; skos:prefLabel "RDF 1.1" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "OWL Functional Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "OWL Functional Syntax" ; dct:identifier "ofn" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/2012/REC-owl2-syntax-20121211/" ; skos:prefLabel "OWL Functional Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "HTML" ; rdfs:comment "HTML 5" ; dct:identifier "html" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/" ; owl:versionInfo "v52" ; skos:prefLabel "HTML" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "OWL Manchester Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "OWL Manchester Syntax" ; dct:identifier "ms" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-manchester-syntax/" ; skos:prefLabel "OWL Manchester Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "SPARQL 1.1" ; rdfs:comment "SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language" ; dct:identifier "sparql" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-sparql11-query-20130321/" ; dol:supportsSerialization ; owl:versionInfo "v11" ; skos:prefLabel "SPARQL 1.1" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "SPARQL Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "SPARQL Syntax" ; dct:identifier "sparql-query" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/2013/REC-sparql11-query-20130321/#grammar" ; skos:prefLabel "SPARQL Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "Turtle" ; rdfs:comment "Terse RDF Triple Language" ; dct:identifier "ttl" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/" ; skos:prefLabel "Turtle" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "WSDL 2.0" ; rdfs:comment "Web Service Description Language 2.0" ; dct:identifier "WSDL" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl20/" ; dol:supportsSerialization ; owl:versionInfo "v2" ; skos:prefLabel "WSDL 2.0" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "XHTML" ; rdfs:comment "X-HTML" ; dct:identifier "xhtml" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/" ; owl:versionInfo "v1" ; skos:prefLabel "XHTML" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "XSD 1.1" ; rdfs:comment "XML Schema Definition Language 1.1" ; dct:identifier "xsd" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/xmlschema11-1/" ; dol:supportsSerialization ; owl:versionInfo "v11" ; skos:prefLabel "XSD 1.1" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:OMSLanguage , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "XSLT 3.0" ; rdfs:comment "Extensible Stylesheet Transformation 3.0" ; dct:identifier "xslt" ; dct:source "https://www.w3.org/TR/2017/REC-xslt-30-20170608/" ; owl:versionInfo "v3" ; skos:prefLabel "XSLT 3.0" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "XCL" ; rdfs:comment "Common Logic XML Syntax" ; dct:identifier "xcl/xml" ; dct:source "https://www.iso.org/standard/66249.html" ; skos:prefLabel "XCL" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "CQL/ELM XML Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "CQL/ELM XML Syntax" ; dct:identifier "cql+xml" ; dct:source "https://cql.hl7.org/elm.html" ; skos:prefLabel "CQL-ELM XML Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , dol:Serialization ; rdfs:label "KNART XML Syntax" ; rdfs:comment "KNART 1.3 XML Syntax" ; dct:identifier "knart+xml" ; dct:source "https://www.hl7.org/implement/standards/product_brief.cfm?product_id=337" ; skos:prefLabel "KNART XML Syntax" ; api4kp:depends-on ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "DITA 1.3" ; rdfs:comment "DITA 1.3" ; dct:identifier "dita" ; dct:source "http://docs.oasis-open.org/dita/dita/v1.3/dita-v1.3-part3-all-inclusive.html" ; owl:versionInfo "v13" ; skos:prefLabel "DITA 1.3" ; . a owl:NamedIndividual , api4kp:ConstructedLanguage ; rdfs:label "LwDITA 1.0" ; rdfs:comment "LwDITA 1.0" ; dct:identifier "lwdita" ; dct:source "https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/tc_home.php?wg_abbrev=dita-lightweight-dita" ; owl:versionInfo "v10" ; skos:prefLabel "LwDITA 1.0" ; .