#ifndef ORGOMGC4ISERVICE_INTERFACESNAVIGATION_SERVICESDEFVAR #define ORGOMGC4ISERVICE_INTERFACESNAVIGATION_SERVICESDEFVAR #include "Requests.idl" #include "org__omg__c4i__Domain_Model__Navigation_Domain__Reporting__Ext.idl" #include "org__omg__c4i__Domain_Model__Navigation_Domain__Requests.idl" module org { module omg { module c4i { module Service_Interfaces { module Navigation_Services { // Request the navigation system to send all its available navigational information // at the navigation system's default rate for the data. Where the reported data can // have different statistical representations (measurement kinds) all forms // supported by the navigation subsystem are reported at the navigation system's // default rate for that measurement and report kind. Can also cancel requests to // the navigation system to send any of its available navigational information. // The interface implemented by a navigation system to provide C2INav services. struct request_default_navigation_data_type { org::omg::c4i::Domain_Model::Common_Types::Requests::request_id_type request_id; boolean cancel; }; #ifndef DDS_XTYPES #pragma keylist request_default_navigation_data_type #endif // Request the navigation system to send a particular kind of navigation report with // specified measurement types at a configurable interval.If the data is already // being reported then this request updates the interval at which it is reported (or // sets it to the navigation system's default rate); it does not act cumulatively on // existing data reporting. Can also cancel requests to the navigation system to // send any of its available navigational information. // The interface implemented by a navigation system to provide C2INav services. struct request_custom_navigation_data_type { org::omg::c4i::Domain_Model::Common_Types::Requests::request_id_type request_id; org::omg::c4i::Domain_Model::Navigation_Domain::Requests::navigation_request_type request; boolean cancel; }; #ifndef DDS_XTYPES #pragma keylist request_custom_navigation_data_type #endif // Requests the covariance between a chosen set of quantities to be reported. The // covariance is to be reported at the fastest reporting rate of the chosen // quantities.Can also cancel requests to the navigation system to send the // particular covariance information. // The interface implemented by a navigation system to provide C2INav services. struct request_covariance_type { org::omg::c4i::Domain_Model::Common_Types::Requests::request_id_type request_id; org::omg::c4i::Domain_Model::Navigation_Domain::Reporting::Ext::navigation_report_kind_sequence_type report_kinds; boolean cancel; }; #ifndef DDS_XTYPES #pragma keylist request_covariance_type #endif }; }; }; }; }; #endif