# baseURI: https://www.omg.org/spec/Commons/AnnotationVocabulary/ @base . @prefix cmns-av: . @prefix dct: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix xsd: . a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "Annotation Vocabulary" ; dct:abstract "The Annotation Vocabulary provides commonly used annotation properties for documentation to facilitate understanding." ; dct:license "http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT"^^xsd:anyURI ; dct:references , ; dct:title "Commons Annotation Vocabulary" ; owl:versionIRI ; skos:changeNote "https://www.omg.org/spec/Commons/20220501/AnnotationVocabulary.rdf version of this ontology was modified to normalize the use of rdfs:isDefinedBy for SKOS and Dublin Core annotations (COMMONS-1)." ; skos:note "Note that any of the annotation properties provided in Dublin Core can be used in addition to those declared herein. However, Dublin Core terms that are not explicitly defined herein must be declared explicitly as annotation properties in the ontologies that use them." , "The annotation properties defined below are derived from similar annotation vocabularies used in (1) the Object Management Group (OMG) specification metadata - see http://www.omg.org/techprocess/ab/SpecificationMetadata/, (2) annotations used in the Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) - see https://spec.edmcouncil.org/fibo/ontology/FND/Utilities/AnnotationVocabulary/, and (3) other ontology efforts such as the NIST-sponsored Industrial Ontology Foundation (IOF)." ; cmns-av:copyright "Copyright (c) 2022 EDM Council, Inc." , "Copyright (c) 2022 Object Management Group, Inc." ; . dct:abstract a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:description ; rdfs:label "abstract" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "summary of the resource" ; cmns-av:usageNote "This annotation is typically used to describe an artifact such as a controlled vocabulary, ontology, or other similar resource." ; . dct:contributor a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "contributor" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "party that has made contributions to the resource" ; . dct:creator a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:contributor ; rdfs:label "creator" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "party that originated the resource" ; . dct:description a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:note ; rdfs:label "description" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "account of the resource" ; . dct:issued a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "issued" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "date of formal issuance of the resource" ; cmns-av:usageNote "This annotation is typically used to describe an artifact such as a controlled vocabulary, ontology, or other similar resource." ; . dct:license a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "license" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "legal document giving official permission to do something with the resource" ; cmns-av:usageNote "This annotation is typically used to describe an artifact such as a controlled vocabulary, ontology, or other similar resource." ; . dct:modified a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "modified" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "date on which the resource was most recently revised" ; . dct:publisher a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "publisher" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "primary party responsible for making the resource available" ; cmns-av:usageNote "This annotation is typically used to describe an artifact such as a controlled vocabulary, ontology, or other similar resource." ; . dct:references a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "references" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "indicates a related resource that is referenced, cited, or otherwise pointed to by the described resource" ; . dct:rights a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "rights" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "provides nformation about rights held in and over the resource" ; cmns-av:usageNote "This annotation is typically used to describe an artifact such as a controlled vocabulary, ontology, or other similar resource." ; . dct:source a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "source" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "related resource from which the described resource is derived" ; cmns-av:explanatoryNote "The intent is to provide a user with a reference as to how the thing being annotated was derived or arrived at. The source can be a URL to a standard, common dictionary (e.g., Collins, Merriam-Webster, Oxford), a formal reference such as an ISO standard, or similar reference. Or it can be a short description of a source from which the entity being annotated was derived." ; . dct:title a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "title" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "formal name given to the resource (artifact, such as a controlled vocabulary or ontology)" ; cmns-av:usageNote "This annotation is typically used to describe an artifact such as a controlled vocabulary, document, ontology, or other similar resource." ; . skos:altLabel a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label ; rdfs:label "alternative label" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "alternative lexical tag for a resource" ; . skos:changeNote a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:note ; rdfs:label "change note" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "note describing a modification to a resource" ; . skos:definition a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:note ; rdfs:label "definition" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "formal statement of the meaning of a resource" ; . skos:editorialNote a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:note ; rdfs:label "editorial note" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "note for an editor, translator, or maintainer of the controlled vocabulary or ontology" ; . skos:example a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:note ; rdfs:label "example" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "illustration of the use of some resource" ; . skos:note a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:label "note" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "general remark, for any purpose" ; . skos:prefLabel a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:label ; rdfs:label "preferred label" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "preferred lexical label for a resource, in a given language" ; . skos:scopeNote a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:note ; rdfs:label "scope note" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "note that helps to clarify the meaning of something within the context of the intended use of the resource" ; . cmns-av:abbreviation a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf cmns-av:synonym ; rdfs:label "abbreviation" ; skos:definition "designation formed by omitting parts from the full form of a term that denotes the same concept" ; skos:example "Chemical Symbols: H, O, Mg; Units of Measure: Km, Kg, G" ; skos:note "Abbreviations can be created by removing individual words, or can be acronyms, initialisms, or clipped terms." ; cmns-av:adaptedFrom "ISO 1087 Terminology work and terminology science - Vocabulary, Second edition, 2019-09" , "ISO 31-0 Quantities and units - General principles" ; cmns-av:explanatoryNote "The symbols for quantities are generally single letters of the Latin or Greek alphabet, sometimes with subscripts or other modifying signs. These letters, including those that are members of the Greek alphabet are not symbols for the purposes of this ontology, however, they are abbreviations. Expressions of chemical formulae may, however, include a combination of abbreviations and symbols, as needed to define a given quantity." ; . cmns-av:acronym a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf cmns-av:abbreviation ; rdfs:label "acronym" ; skos:definition "abbreviation that is made up of the initial letters of the components of the full form of a term or proper name or from syllables of the full form" ; skos:example "Examples of acronyms are: laser, ISO, GATT, UNESCO, UNICEF" ; skos:note "Acronyms are frequently pronounced syllabically. It may be useful to use this property for generation of acronym lists." ; cmns-av:adaptedFrom "ISO 1087 Terminology work and terminology science - Vocabulary, Second edition, 2019-09" ; . cmns-av:adaptedFrom a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:source ; rdfs:label "adapted from" ; skos:definition "document or other source from which a given term (or its definition) was adapted (i.e., is compatible with but not quoted); the range for this annotation can be a string, URI, or citation" ; cmns-av:usageNote "This annotation should be used to indicate that a reference was used, for example, as input to the development of a definition or term but would not be considered infringing on a copyright." ; . cmns-av:copyright a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:rights ; rdfs:label "copyright" ; skos:definition "exclusive legal right, given to an originator or an assignee to print, publish, perform, film, or record literary, artistic, or musical material, and to authorize others to do the same" ; cmns-av:usageNote "This annotation is typically used to describe an artifact such as a controlled vocabulary, ontology, or other similar resource." ; . cmns-av:directSource a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf dct:source ; rdfs:label "direct source" ; skos:definition "quoted reference for the subject resource; the range for this annotation can be a string, URI, or bibliographic citation" ; . cmns-av:explanatoryNote a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:note ; rdfs:label "explanatory note" ; skos:definition "note that provides additional explanatory material for a resource" ; . cmns-av:logicalDefinition a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:definition ; rdfs:label "logical definition" ; skos:definition "definition in the form of a formal expression, such as the mathematical or logic representation, for the resource" ; . cmns-av:symbol a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf cmns-av:synonym ; rdfs:label "symbol" ; skos:definition "abbreviation that is a design or mark, or other non-alpha-numeric character(s) conventionally used to represent something, such as a currency or mathematical sign or operator" ; . cmns-av:synonym a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:altLabel ; rdfs:label "synonym" ; skos:definition "designation that can be substituted for the primary representation of something" ; cmns-av:adaptedFrom "ISO 1087 Terminology work and terminology science - Vocabulary, Second edition, 2019-09" ; . cmns-av:usageNote a owl:AnnotationProperty ; rdfs:subPropertyOf skos:note ; rdfs:label "usage note" ; skos:definition "note that provides information about how a given resource is used or may be extended" ; .