This document contains Representational State Transfer (REST) Bindings to the CTS2 OMG Specification. Certain patterns are used throughout the document: <ul> <li>Accessing a Resource By a 'Name'</li> A CTS2 Resource may be accessed by its unique identifier, or 'Name.' To access a CTS2 Resource by name, the convention is <br/> <code> /{resourceType}/{name} </code> <br/> <li>Accessing a Resource By a 'URI'</li> A CTS2 Resource may also be accessed by its URI or "AlternatemID." This convention varies slighly from the 'by name' convention in that the URI is not specified in the URL path, but as a query parameter. This is done to eliminate the need for complex encoding that would be necessary to embed a URI into a URL path. The convention for accessing a resource by its URI is <br/> <code> /{resourceType}byuri?uri={uri|alternateId} </code> <br/> <li>Accessing a 'Directory' of Resources</li> In CTS2, a group of like Resources is called a 'Directory.' A Directory may be filtered and sorted based on client input. Also, Directories are pageable, with hrefs to included the next and previous page. The convention for accessing a Directory of resources is <br/> <code> /{resourceType}s </code> <br/> <li>Creating a Resource</li> CTS2 Resources are created via a 'POST' request to the <code> /{resourceType} </code> URL path. The request will retrun a reference to the created Resource in the form of the 'Location' HTTP Header. <li>Updating a Resource</li> CTS2 Resources are created via a 'PUT' request to the the actual 'Location' of the Resource. This in effect completely replaces the existing Resource with the new Resource. <li>Deleting a Resource</li> A DELETE request is similar to a UPDATE request, exception that the 'DELETE' HTTP method is used. </ul> <br/> <br/> For more information about CTS2, visit the <a href="">CTS2 Site<a> <br/> <br/> <b/>NOTE:<b/> Each 'by URI' request must accept any parameters that are allowed by the 'read by name' requests. For example, '/codesystembyuri?uri=http://some/cs' must accept the same parameters as the equivalent 'read by name' request, such as '/codesystem/CS'. The following Query Parameter Synonyms will be supported for CTS2 Version 1.1: Current Name Synonym ----------------------------- 'maxtoreturn' -> 'max' 'referencelanguage' -> 'lang' 'matchvalue' -> 'q' Assume the old parameter values to be deprecated for Version 1.1, to be replaced with the synonyms as the official values in the next release. For Version 1.1, both the 'Current Name' or the 'Synonym' can be used. Format and Language may be controlled either by a Query Parameter: ?referencelanguage={language} or ?format={format} OR by the HTTP 'Accept' and 'Accept-Language' Header Parameters. Query OR Header parameters will both the accepted as valid, however, the Query parameters will ALWAYS take precedence over the Header parameters, if both are present. <i>BaseService</i> contains the components that are common to any CTS2 service implementation. It includes information about the service itself, the namespaces and formats that are known to the service and the structural, functional and representation profiles that are supported by the service instance. An optional extension to the <i>AssociationQueryService</i> that allows <i>AssociationDirectoryURI</i>s to be resolved as graphs. A service that allows the creation and modification of semantic assertions made by an ontology or code system. A service that allows the specification and rendering of useful subsets of associations. <i>AssociationQueryService</i> allows associations to be restricted by subject, predicate, target, asserting ontology, etc. It also provides set operations that allow the results of restrictions to be combined. A service that provides direct read access to associations A service that transforms various external formats into the CTS2 <i>Association</i> model and visa versa. Return an expression that represents <i>associationList</i> in the named <i>languageAndSyntax</i>. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. An exception in the <i>OntologyLanguageAndSyntax</i> parameter. The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service An extension to the <i>AssociationQueryService</i> that allows the posing of "what if" questions. A service that allows the creation, update and deletion of concept domain bindings A service that provides direct read access to bindings that are asserted between concept domains and value sets. A service that allows the enumeration, query and filtering of the concept domain bindings known to the system A service that provides direct read access to <i>EntityDescriptions </i>by namespace/name or URI in the context of a particular code system or code system version. A service that allows the selection, manipulation and rendering of sets of <i>EntityDescriptions</i>. A service that provides a historical perspective on what changes occurred to a given <i>EntityDescription</i>. A service that transforms various external formats into the CTS2 <i>EntityDescription</i> model and visa. versa. Transform the list of entity descriptions in <i>entityList</i> into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. The language and syntax of an expression in an ontology. Language identifies the expression semantics (e.g. OWL 2.0, RDF, SNOMED Compositional Expression, etc) and syntax identifies how it is represnted (e.g. XML, text/plain, xml/rdf, manchester syntax, etc) a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service Transform <i>entityExpression</i> into a list of one or more <i>EntityDescription</i>s in the context of the supplied <i>codeSystemVersion</i>. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The referenced <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is not recognized by the service The entity expression is syntactically incorrect and cannot be parsed An exception in the <i>OntologyLanguageAndSyntax</i> parameter. A service that enables the creation, modification and removal of map catalog entries. Note that the attributes and methods inherited from <i>BaseMaintenanceService</i> have been hidden for the sake of simplicity. A service that provides direct read access to <i>MapCatalogEntries.</i> A service that provides a historical perspective on the changes that occurred in a map catalog over time. Interface for creating and updating the descriptions of specific versions of maps. Note that the attributes and methods that were inherited from <i>BaseMaintenanceService</i> have been hidden for the sake of clarity. A service that provides a historical perspective on the changes that occurred in a map catalog over time. A service that allows the creation, update and deletion of <i>MapEntries</i> within a <i>MapVersion</i> A service providing direct access to entries in map versions. Services that allow the filtering and query of entries in a <i>MapVersion</i>. These services allow the filtering of entries by rule and target content. A service that allows the evolution of a map entry to be retrieved and viewed. A service that interprets and resolves maps <i>StatementReadService</i> provides direct access to statements - assertions about CTS2 resources, entities, associations, concept domain bindings and map entries. <i>StatementQueryService </i>provides an ability to filter directories of statements by subject, predicate, target and/or model element. It should be noted that the functionality provided her has significant overlap with specifications such as SPARQL and the API4KB. It is not the intent of the CTS2 specification to compete with or offer alternatives to these specifications. The key differences between this API and those mentioned above is the <i>Statement</i> model. First, it differentiates between simple resource URIs and the namespace/name structure in entity references. Secondly it provides bridge information that identifies how CTS2 structures were derived from more atomic information. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, it provides provenance and history for the sets of assertions in statements. The query service itself could (and probably should) be implemented using triple stores, SPARQL, or other alternatives. The <i>StatementHistoryService</i> provides the ability to view the history of changes for an individual statement. A key to implementing this service is the ability to uniquely identify a statement, which is the equivalent of constructing some sort of identifier in the process of reification. The CTS2 specification is silent when it comes to how these identifiers are formed, but does note that the ability to talk meaningfully about statements globally (vs. within the context of a single service) requires that a reproducible algorithm needs to be available. A service that allows the creation, update and removal of value set definitions. A service that provides the change history for a value set definition. The <i>ValueSetResolutionService</i> provides the ability to resolve value set definitions against code system versions - versions that can either be supplied directly or via version tags. The resolution of a value set can be returned as a iterable directory,, an entity directory that can be used in other entity directory functions (useful only if the service supports the <b>ENTITY</b> profile), or as a resolved value set. Value sets can also be tested for the presence or absence of entities. Load structured content from a specified source and return a URI that references the "process" that performed or is performing the import The language and syntax of an expression in an ontology. Language identifies the expression semantics (e.g. OWL 2.0, RDF, SNOMED Compositional Expression, etc) and syntax identifies how it is represnted (e.g. XML, text/plain, xml/rdf, manchester syntax, etc) a Universal Resource Identifier (URI) as defined in <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>IETF RFC 3986</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations are encouraged to consider implementing this data type using the IRI (<a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>RFC3987</u></font></a>) specification. a Universal Resource Identifier (URI) as defined in <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>IETF RFC 3986</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations are encouraged to consider implementing this data type using the IRI (<a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>RFC3987</u></font></a>) specification. An indicator that determines the server's response to encountering warnings or errors. An indicator that determines whether an import, export or other potentially lengthy request occurs in the foreground or returns control to the user. Determine whether the source document would import successfully if it were imported The language and syntax of an expression in an ontology. Language identifies the expression semantics (e.g. OWL 2.0, RDF, SNOMED Compositional Expression, etc) and syntax identifies how it is represnted (e.g. XML, text/plain, xml/rdf, manchester syntax, etc) a Universal Resource Identifier (URI) as defined in <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>IETF RFC 3986</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations are encouraged to consider implementing this data type using the IRI (<a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>RFC3987</u></font></a>) specification. a Universal Resource Identifier (URI) as defined in <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>IETF RFC 3986</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations are encouraged to consider implementing this data type using the IRI (<a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>RFC3987</u></font></a>) specification. An indicator that determines the detail level of a validation request. an entry in a sequence of messages related to a process or task Return the import status for the supplied process identifier <i>ImportStatus</i> represents the state of an import process that is currently running or has completed. The <i>LoggingLevel</i> entries are modeled after the corresponding levels in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>Apache log4j package</u></font></a>. As with the log4j package, each level includes the entries in the lower level. In particular, levels are ordered. For the standard levels, we have DEBUG &lt; INFO &lt; WARN &lt; ERROR &lt; FATAL. A ordered sequence of log entries. The order of the entries is determined by the specific CTS2 service implementation and should not be assumed by client applications. Export structured content to a specified location with a specified format and return a URI that represents the (results of) the process that did the exporting The language and syntax of an expression in an ontology. Language identifies the expression semantics (e.g. OWL 2.0, RDF, SNOMED Compositional Expression, etc) and syntax identifies how it is represnted (e.g. XML, text/plain, xml/rdf, manchester syntax, etc) the unique name of a query that, when executed results in a list of resources that, in the context of a given service, satisfy the query. a Universal Resource Identifier (URI) as defined in <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>IETF RFC 3986</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations are encouraged to consider implementing this data type using the IRI (<a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>RFC3987</u></font></a>) specification. An indicator that determines the server's response to encountering warnings or errors. An indicator that determines whether an import, export or other potentially lengthy request occurs in the foreground or returns control to the user. the type of resource referenced by the directory is not supported by the service - either it can't be exported period or it can't be exported in the supplied language or format a referenced resource already exists and <i>overWrite</i> is set to <i>FAIL_IF_EXISTS</i> the export service is unable to open or create the supplied target directory an error occurred while trying to write the exported image of a resource into the directory An exception in the <i>OntologyLanguageAndSyntax</i> parameter. The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service Obtain a current status of the export process. <i>ExportStatus </i>represents the state of an export process that is currently running or has completed. The name or URI of the <i>Changeable</i> <i>status</i> property is not recognized by the service. The <i>LoggingLevel</i> entries are modeled after the corresponding levels in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>Apache log4j package</u></font></a>. As with the log4j package, each level includes the entries in the lower level. In particular, levels are ordered. For the standard levels, we have DEBUG &lt; INFO &lt; WARN &lt; ERROR &lt; FATAL. A ordered sequence of log entries. The order of the entries is determined by the specific CTS2 service implementation and should not be assumed by client applications. the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. the URI of the requested resource the Scoped Entity Name of the EntityDescription Resource. This identifier will be in the following format: <br/> <br/> namespace:name <br/> <br/> where 'namespace' is the scoping namespace and 'name' is the name of the EntityDescription in that context. 'Namespace' may be ommitted if the Entity is being accessed within the context of a CodeSystem. In this case, the name of the CodeSystem will be set as the 'namespace.' <br/> <br/> For example, the following calls are functionally identical: <br/> <br/> '/codesystem/CS/version/1/entity/CS:MyEntity' <br/> '/codesystem/CS/version/1/entity/MyEntity' retrieve all of the <i>EntityDescriptions</i> for the supplied <i>entityId</i>. This function will return the current <i>EntityDescription</i> for every describing code system version that makes non-semantic assertions about the referenced entity. Return the available <i>EntityDescriptions</i> for the referenced entity. This returns a list of the latest versions of all of the code systems that make assertions about the referenced entity. the URI of the requested resource determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. A resolve type of either 'primary,' 'refs,' or 'list.' The following values are accepted: - 'primary' - redirect to the one EntityDescription from the Primary CodeSystemVersion. - 'refs' - resolve to the EntityReference representation. - 'list' - resolve to the EntityList representation. The URI, namespace/name (if known) and a list of code systems that make assertions about the entity. a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria Redirect to the Entity in the 'PRIMARY' CodeSystemVersion, if the 'resolve' parameter is set to 'primary.' This will then redirect to the appropriate Entity READ Service URL. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service Create a new code system version catalog entry. Note that the <i>versionOf</i> parameter does not have to be validated as there is no service level requirement that code system catalogs be complete or even present. the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is a collection of assertions about one or more entities. If the <i>state</i> of a <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is <i>Final </i>the set of assertions made the resource is fixed, meaning that if one knows the <i>documentURI</i> assigned to the version and the specific <i>sourceAndNotation</i> from which the version instance was derived, the set of assertions is known as well. The supplied source is not recognized by the service The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service the URI, OID or alternateID of the requested resource This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>CodeSystemVersionCatalogEntries</i>. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. A list (set) of zero or more entity references an indicator that determines whether the given service access request applies only to elements that are currently marked as <i>ACTIVE</i> in the context of the particular query or to both <i>ACTIVE</i> and <i>INACTIVE</i> entries. a parameter used in queries where multiple elements are provided. It determines whether a candidate element must satisfy all restrictions or just one or more restriction in order to be considered as satisfying the restriction composite Retrieve the specified code system version directory. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Retrieve the specified code system version directory. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. A collection of rules that, when interpreted in the context of one or more code system versions, returns a set of EntityReferences. the URI of the requested resource This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>ValueSetDefinitions</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. A list (set) of zero or more entity references Resolve a <i>ValueSetDefinitionDirectoryURI</i> to a directory summarizing the referenced definitions. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>ValueSetDefinition</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>ValueSetDefinition </i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Resolve a <i>ValueSetDefinitionDirectoryURI</i> to a directory summarizing the referenced definitions. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>ValueSetDefinition</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>ValueSetDefinition </i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Load the resolved value set into the local resolution list and return a URI that references it. The result of resolving a specific value set definition against a known set of code system versions. <i>ResolvedValueSet</i> consists of a header that carries sufficient information that the resolution operation would be repeatable and the result of the resolution, which consists of set of EntityReferences. the URI of the requested resource the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. Resolve the directory URI to the corresponding directory the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. A directory of resolved value sets. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Resolve the directory URI to the corresponding directory the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. A directory of resolved value sets. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Create a new map version entry. the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. A specific version of a <i>Map. MapVersion</i> is bound to specific code system versions and/or value set versions and references a set of mapping entries (<i>mapSet</i>) that, if the resource is <i>FINAL</i>, are fixed with respect to this version. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>MapVersions</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements An indicator that determines whether the "from", the "to" or both components of a Map or MapVersion are being queried. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements An indicator that determines whether the "from", the "to" or both components of a Map or MapVersion are being queried. a parameter used in queries where multiple elements are provided. It determines whether a candidate element must satisfy all restrictions or just one or more restriction in order to be considered as satisfying the restriction composite An indicator that determines whether the "from", the "to" or both components of a Map or MapVersion are being queried. Resolve a <i>MapVersionDirectoryURI </i>returning a directory of the map versions that it references. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>MapVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>MapVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Resolve a <i>MapVersionDirectoryURI </i>returning a directory of the map versions that it references. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>MapVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>MapVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Create a new <i>Association</i> the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. A "semantic" assertion about a relationship between a <i>subject</i> entity and a target entity, literal or compound expression as represented by an unnamed blank node ("bnode"). The namespace in the <i>predicate</i> identifier is not known to or supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The target <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service The predicate of an association qualifier is not recognized by the service or is not considered to be a valid association qualifier. The namespace in the <i>predicate</i> identifier is not known to or supported by the service The namespace in the <i>subject</i> identifier is not known to or supported by the service The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service The namespace in a <i>target </i>entity identifier is not known to or supported by the service The predicate name or URI is not recognized by the service This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>Associations.</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. a non-empty sequence of characters. As terminological resources are often multilingual, it is expected that most CTS2 Platform Specific Models (PSMs) will require that the <i>String </i>implementation support international character sets. Return a directory that summarizes the resolution of the supplied association directory URI. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return a directory that summarizes the resolution of the supplied association directory URI. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in either the 'source' or 'target' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in the 'predicate' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in the 'source' or 'subject' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in the 'target' or 'object' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service This URL Path represents: An augmented rendering of a set of <i>Associations </i>where the linkage between subject and target nodes has been normalized for easier traversal. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. Identifies the root of an association graph A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. An indicator that states whether the graph represents a graph at which the focus is in the subject role, the target role or both. a non-negative integer ($\nat$). <i>NaturalNumber</i> is used exclusively for representing quantities in this specification. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. a non-empty sequence of characters. As terminological resources are often multilingual, it is expected that most CTS2 Platform Specific Models (PSMs) will require that the <i>String </i>implementation support international character sets. Resolve the set of associations referenced by <i>associationDirectory</i> as a graph. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' An augmented rendering of a set of <i>Associations </i>where the linkage between subject and target nodes has been normalized for easier traversal. either (a) the <i>focusEntity</i> is not reachable in <i>associationDirectory</i> or (b) <i>graphFocus</i> was not set to SPECIFIC_ENTITY but <i>focusEntity</i> was supplied The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service Resolve the set of associations referenced by <i>associationDirectory</i> as a graph. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' An augmented rendering of a set of <i>Associations </i>where the linkage between subject and target nodes has been normalized for easier traversal. either (a) the <i>focusEntity</i> is not reachable in <i>associationDirectory</i> or (b) <i>graphFocus</i> was not set to SPECIFIC_ENTITY but <i>focusEntity</i> was supplied The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>CodeSystemCatalogEntries</i>. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Resolve a <i>DirectoryURI </i> that references a set of code system catalog entries and return a summary of the references. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory that summarizes a set of catalog entries. A set of code system catalog entries. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Resolve a <i>DirectoryURI </i> that references a set of code system catalog entries and return a summary of the references. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory that summarizes a set of catalog entries. A set of code system catalog entries. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Create a new entry in the code system catalog the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. Metadata and access information about a code system. the URI, OID or alternateID of the requested resource the Name of the Code System Determine whether a catalog entry exists that has an <i>about</i> or <i>alternateId</i> that matches the supplied URI or that has a <i>codeSystemName</i> that matches the supplied name that is (was) applicable in the supplied <i>context.</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Return a list of records that reflects the change in the catalog entry over the specified time span. Records will be sorted from earliest to latest if (a) <i>fromDate</i> is omitted or (b) <i>toDate</i> is omitted, or (c) <i>fromDate </i> is earlier than <i>toDate</i>. In all other cases, records will be sorted from latest to earliest. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. A set of code system catalog entries. The referenced <i>CodeSystem</i> is not recognized by the service Return an catalog entry that reflects the state of the entry when it first appeared in the service. Metadata and access information about a code system. The referenced <i>CodeSystem</i> is not recognized by the service Metadata and access information about a code system. Update the contents of an existing catalog entry. Metadata and access information about a code system. Retrieve the specified code system version details for the specified code system from the service. A call of: 'codesystem/{cs}?tag=CURRENT' will contain the full set of sub-resources equivalent to: 'codesystem/{cs}/version/{ver}' For example, this is allowed: 'codesystem/{cs}/entities?tag=CURRENT' Please refer to the 'codesystem/{codesystemid}' resource for all allowed sub-resources. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. The <i>versionTag</i> is not recognized by the service The referenced <i>CodeSystem</i> is not recognized by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Determine if the specified version of the code system exists for the specified code system on the service. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. The <i>versionTag</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Return the catalog entry that has an <i>about</i> or <i>alternateId</i> that matches the supplied URI or that has a <i>codeSystemName</i> that matches the supplied name that is (was) applicable in the supplied <i>context.</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. Metadata and access information about a code system. The referenced <i>CodeSystem</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. A list (set) of zero or more entity references an indicator that determines whether the given service access request applies only to elements that are currently marked as <i>ACTIVE</i> in the context of the particular query or to both <i>ACTIVE</i> and <i>INACTIVE</i> entries. a parameter used in queries where multiple elements are provided. It determines whether a candidate element must satisfy all restrictions or just one or more restriction in order to be considered as satisfying the restriction composite Retrieve the specified code system version directory. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Retrieve the specified code system version directory. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. the Name of the Code System Version Retrieve the specified code system version details from the service. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is a collection of assertions about one or more entities. If the <i>state</i> of a <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is <i>Final </i>the set of assertions made the resource is fixed, meaning that if one knows the <i>documentURI</i> assigned to the version and the specific <i>sourceAndNotation</i> from which the version instance was derived, the set of assertions is known as well. The referenced <i>CodeSystem</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Clone an existing code system version catalog entry. the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. the identifier to assign the new cloned resource. If omitted, the service will generate one. the uri to assign the new cloned resource. If omitted, the service will generate one. Update an existing code system version catalog entry. the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is a collection of assertions about one or more entities. If the <i>state</i> of a <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is <i>Final </i>the set of assertions made the resource is fixed, meaning that if one knows the <i>documentURI</i> assigned to the version and the specific <i>sourceAndNotation</i> from which the version instance was derived, the set of assertions is known as well. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The referenced <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service Return TRUE if the a <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is known to the service with a matching name or URI. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service Transform <i>entityExpression</i> into a lot of one or more <i>Associations</i> in the context of the supplied <i>codeSystemVersion</i>. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The entity expression is syntactically incorrect and cannot be parsed The referenced <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is not recognized by the service An exception in the <i>OntologyLanguageAndSyntax</i> parameter. The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The set of new assertions that can be inferred from the combination of the assertions in <i>associationList</i> and the set that are <i>assertedBy</i> <i>codeSystemVersion</i>. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The referenced <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is not recognized by the service Inference is not supported for the supplied codeSystemVersion Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>Associations.</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. a non-empty sequence of characters. As terminological resources are often multilingual, it is expected that most CTS2 Platform Specific Models (PSMs) will require that the <i>String </i>implementation support international character sets. Return a directory that summarizes the resolution of the supplied association directory URI. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return a directory that summarizes the resolution of the supplied association directory URI. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in either the 'source' or 'target' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in the 'predicate' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in the 'source' or 'subject' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in the 'target' or 'object' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service This URL Path represents: An augmented rendering of a set of <i>Associations </i>where the linkage between subject and target nodes has been normalized for easier traversal. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. Identifies the root of an association graph A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. An indicator that states whether the graph represents a graph at which the focus is in the subject role, the target role or both. a non-negative integer ($\nat$). <i>NaturalNumber</i> is used exclusively for representing quantities in this specification. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. a non-empty sequence of characters. As terminological resources are often multilingual, it is expected that most CTS2 Platform Specific Models (PSMs) will require that the <i>String </i>implementation support international character sets. Resolve the set of associations referenced by <i>associationDirectory</i> as a graph. An augmented rendering of a set of <i>Associations </i>where the linkage between subject and target nodes has been normalized for easier traversal. either (a) the <i>focusEntity</i> is not reachable in <i>associationDirectory</i> or (b) <i>graphFocus</i> was not set to SPECIFIC_ENTITY but <i>focusEntity</i> was supplied The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service Resolve the set of associations referenced by <i>associationDirectory</i> as a graph. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' An augmented rendering of a set of <i>Associations </i>where the linkage between subject and target nodes has been normalized for easier traversal. either (a) the <i>focusEntity</i> is not reachable in <i>associationDirectory</i> or (b) <i>graphFocus</i> was not set to SPECIFIC_ENTITY but <i>focusEntity</i> was supplied The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service the External Identifier of the Association Retrieve the association instance identified by the <i>entryID</i> URI determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. A "semantic" assertion about a relationship between a <i>subject</i> entity and a target entity, literal or compound expression as represented by an unnamed blank node ("bnode"). The referenced <i>Association</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Update an existing Association resource the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. A "semantic" assertion about a relationship between a <i>subject</i> entity and a target entity, literal or compound expression as represented by an unnamed blank node ("bnode"). The namespace in the <i>predicate</i> identifier is not known to or supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The target <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service The predicate of an association qualifier is not recognized by the service or is not considered to be a valid association qualifier. The namespace in the <i>predicate</i> identifier is not known to or supported by the service The namespace in the <i>subject</i> identifier is not known to or supported by the service The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service The namespace in a <i>target </i>entity identifier is not known to or supported by the service The predicate name or URI is not recognized by the service Determine whether an association identified by the <i>entryID</i> URI is accessible from the service in the specified (optional) context The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service the Scoped Entity Name of the EntityDescription Resource. This identifier will be in the following format: <br/> <br/> namespace:name <br/> <br/> where 'namespace' is the scoping namespace and 'name' is the name of the EntityDescription in that context. 'Namespace' may be ommitted if the Entity is being accessed within the context of a CodeSystem. In this case, the name of the CodeSystem will be set as the 'namespace.' <br/> <br/> For example, the following calls are functionally identical: <br/> <br/> '/codesystem/CS/version/1/entity/CS:MyEntity' <br/> '/codesystem/CS/version/1/entity/MyEntity' retrieve an entity description from a specified code system version determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. The referenced <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is not recognized by the service The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Update an existing entity description of any type. The <i>caseSignificance</i> indicator is not recognized by the service One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The predicate name or URI is not recognized by the service The <i>designationFidelity</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>designationType</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service Determine if the specified entity description exists in the specified code system version. The referenced <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities that are hierarchical 'ancestors' of the given entity. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. a non-empty sequence of characters. As terminological resources are often multilingual, it is expected that most CTS2 Platform Specific Models (PSMs) will require that the <i>String </i>implementation support international character sets. Return a directory that summarizes the resolution of the supplied association directory URI. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return a directory that summarizes the resolution of the supplied association directory URI. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in either the 'source' or 'target' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in the 'predicate' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in the 'target' or 'object' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>Associations.</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. a non-empty sequence of characters. As terminological resources are often multilingual, it is expected that most CTS2 Platform Specific Models (PSMs) will require that the <i>String </i>implementation support international character sets. Return a directory that summarizes the resolution of the supplied association directory URI. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return a directory that summarizes the resolution of the supplied association directory URI. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in either the 'source' or 'target' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in the 'predicate' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in the 'source' or 'subject' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in the 'target' or 'object' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Associations that are the 'predicateof' the given entity. 'predicateof' means that the given entity must participate as the 'predicate' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>Associations.</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. a non-empty sequence of characters. As terminological resources are often multilingual, it is expected that most CTS2 Platform Specific Models (PSMs) will require that the <i>String </i>implementation support international character sets. Return a directory that summarizes the resolution of the supplied association directory URI. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return a directory that summarizes the resolution of the supplied association directory URI. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in either the 'source' or 'target' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in the 'source' or 'subject' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in the 'target' or 'object' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities that are hierarchical 'descendants' of the given entity. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Associations that are the 'targetof' the given entity. 'targetof' means that the given entity must participate as the 'target' or 'object' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>Associations.</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. a non-empty sequence of characters. As terminological resources are often multilingual, it is expected that most CTS2 Platform Specific Models (PSMs) will require that the <i>String </i>implementation support international character sets. Return a directory that summarizes the resolution of the supplied association directory URI. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in either the 'source' or 'target' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in the 'predicate' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service A Directory of Entity Descriptions that include all entities in the given Association Directory that participate in the 'source' or 'subject' of the association. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service Return a directory that summarizes the resolution of the supplied association directory URI. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>Association</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Return a directory of <i>EntityDescriptions</i> matching the supplied namespace/name or URI whose <i>ChangeSet \\</i> <i>officialEffectiveDate</i> falls between <i>fromDate </i>and <i>toDate</i>. The order of the dates controls the return order - if <i>fromDate </i>is later than <i>toDate</i> the return order is latest to earliest, otherwise it is earliest to latest. a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service Return a directory of <i>EntityDescriptions</i> matching the supplied namespace/name or URI whose changes became visible in the service between <i>fromDate</i> and <i>toDate</i>. The order of the dates controls the return order - if <i>fromDate </i>is later than <i>toDate</i> the return order is latest to earliest, otherwise it is earliest to latest. a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service Select from the set of <i>ChangeSet</i>s that contain one or more changes for the referenced entity the <i>ChangeSet</i> that has the earliest <i>officialEffectiveDate</i> and return the first change for the named entity in the set. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service Get the first change that was applied to the named entity from the perspective of the service. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service Select from the set of <i>ChangeSet</i>s that contain one or more changes for the referenced entity the <i>ChangeSet</i> that has the latest <i>officialEffectiveDate</i> and return the last change for the named entity in the set. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service Get the last change that was applied to the named entity from the perspective of the service. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service Return a list of records that reflects changes in the catalog entry over the specified time span. Records will be sorted from earliest to latest if (a) <i>fromDate</i> is omitted or (b) <i>toDate</i> is omitted or (c) <i>fromDate</i> is earlier than <i>toDate</i>. In all other cases, records will be sorted from the latest to the earliest. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. A collection of complete <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The referenced <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is not recognized by the service <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is a collection of assertions about one or more entities. If the <i>state</i> of a <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is <i>Final </i>the set of assertions made the resource is fixed, meaning that if one knows the <i>documentURI</i> assigned to the version and the specific <i>sourceAndNotation</i> from which the version instance was derived, the set of assertions is known as well. <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is a collection of assertions about one or more entities. If the <i>state</i> of a <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is <i>Final </i>the set of assertions made the resource is fixed, meaning that if one knows the <i>documentURI</i> assigned to the version and the specific <i>sourceAndNotation</i> from which the version instance was derived, the set of assertions is known as well. List the URIs of all the changes that were applied between <i>fromDate</i> and <i>toDate</i>. If <i>fromDate</i> is absent or is less than <i>toDate</i>, entries will be listed in forward chronological order, otherwise they will be listed in reverse order. An ordered list of <i>ChangeSetEntries. </i>The order of the list reflects the order in which the change sets were applied to the service instance. Create a new change set and set it in an OPEN state Validate the change set and report any errors or warnings that would occur were it to be applied. An ordered collection of changes that, when applied, will transform a service instance from one consistent state to another. A <i>ChangeSet</i> is viewed as an atomic unit of change - either all of the <i>Changeable</i> elements in a change set will be applied or none of them will be applied. It is anticipated that service implementations will provide a mechanism by which it can apply local business rules to the validation and application of change sets. These rules may include the option to selectively apply, reject, modify or ignore the elements of change sets as they arrive. In this case, it is up to the developers of the business rules to determine what constitutes a "complete" change set that can be applied. the process is unable to open the primary document to be imported Read a complete change set. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. if 'true,' return a representation of the resource that allows for pagination An ordered collection of changes that, when applied, will transform a service instance from one consistent state to another. A <i>ChangeSet</i> is viewed as an atomic unit of change - either all of the <i>Changeable</i> elements in a change set will be applied or none of them will be applied. It is anticipated that service implementations will provide a mechanism by which it can apply local business rules to the validation and application of change sets. These rules may include the option to selectively apply, reject, modify or ignore the elements of change sets as they arrive. In this case, it is up to the developers of the business rules to determine what constitutes a "complete" change set that can be applied. A change set whose contents is available as a set of directory entries that allows iteration. The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Cancel the proposed changes specified in a change set transaction to the changeable being updated. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. Install the supplied change set into the service. An indicator that determines the server's response to encountering warnings or errors. The state of a running or completed load or export process. the URI of the requested resource Metadata about what, in ISO-11179, is called a "Data Element Concept" - "a <b>concept </b>that can be expressed in the form of a <b>data element</b>, described independently of any particular representation." The HL7 SFM defines a <i>ConceptDomain</i> as "A named category of like concepts (a semantic type) that will be bound to one or more attributes in a static model whose datatypes are coded. Concept Domains exist to constrain the intent of the coded element while deferring the association of the element to a specific coded terminology until later in the model development process. Thus, Concept Domains are independent of any specific vocabulary or code system. Concept Domains represents an abstract conceptual space such as 'countries of the world', 'the gender of a person used for administrative purposes', 'languages of the world', etc." This URL Path represents: determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Return a summary of the catalog entries referenced by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>ConceptDomain</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Return a summary of the catalog entries referenced by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>ConceptDomain</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>ConceptDomain</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return the <i>ConceptDomainCatalogEntry </i>referenced by the supplied name or URI. Note that the URI may either be the <i>about</i> URI or one of the <i>alternateIDs</i>. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. Metadata about what, in ISO-11179, is called a "Data Element Concept" - "a <b>concept </b>that can be expressed in the form of a <b>data element</b>, described independently of any particular representation." The HL7 SFM defines a <i>ConceptDomain</i> as "A named category of like concepts (a semantic type) that will be bound to one or more attributes in a static model whose datatypes are coded. Concept Domains exist to constrain the intent of the coded element while deferring the association of the element to a specific coded terminology until later in the model development process. Thus, Concept Domains are independent of any specific vocabulary or code system. Concept Domains represents an abstract conceptual space such as 'countries of the world', 'the gender of a person used for administrative purposes', 'languages of the world', etc." The named <i>conceptDomain</i> is not recognized by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Metadata about what, in ISO-11179, is called a "Data Element Concept" - "a <b>concept </b>that can be expressed in the form of a <b>data element</b>, described independently of any particular representation." The HL7 SFM defines a <i>ConceptDomain</i> as "A named category of like concepts (a semantic type) that will be bound to one or more attributes in a static model whose datatypes are coded. Concept Domains exist to constrain the intent of the coded element while deferring the association of the element to a specific coded terminology until later in the model development process. Thus, Concept Domains are independent of any specific vocabulary or code system. Concept Domains represents an abstract conceptual space such as 'countries of the world', 'the gender of a person used for administrative purposes', 'languages of the world', etc." Determine whether the service has a catalog entry for a concept domain with the supplied name or URI in the supplied context The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>ConceptDomainBindings.</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. Return a directory that summarizes the set of bindings referenced by the directory URI the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory that summarizes a set of concept domain bindings. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Return a directory that summarizes the set of bindings referenced by the directory URI the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory that summarizes a set of concept domain bindings. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. the URI of the requested resource Return the <i>ConceptDomainCatalogEntry </i>referenced by the supplied name or URI. Note that the URI may either be the <i>about</i> URI or one of the <i>alternateIDs</i>. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. The binding of a <i>ConceptDomain </i>and a <i>ValueSet</i> that supplies the set of permissible value meanings in a given context. <i>ConceptDomainBinding</i> can also bind specific value set definitions and/or specific code system versions where desired. The named <i>conceptDomain</i> is not recognized by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Determine whether a concept domain binding exists for the specified domain, value set, realm and context. Note that only the <i>conceptDomain</i> name and/or <i>valueSet</i> names must be validated. A service implementation may choose whether to validate the URI's or simply assume that, if not found in the service, they reference external elements. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. A collection of complete <i>ConceptDomainBinding</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The binding of a <i>ConceptDomain </i>and a <i>ValueSet</i> that supplies the set of permissible value meanings in a given context. <i>ConceptDomainBinding</i> can also bind specific value set definitions and/or specific code system versions where desired. The binding of a <i>ConceptDomain </i>and a <i>ValueSet</i> that supplies the set of permissible value meanings in a given context. <i>ConceptDomainBinding</i> can also bind specific value set definitions and/or specific code system versions where desired. Change one or more elements in the named concept domain binding and return the result of the change The <i>conceptDomainBinding</i> URI is not recognized by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. The <i>valueSetDefinition</i> URI isn't recognized by the service. The referenced <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is not recognized by the service represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. A collection of complete <i>ConceptDomain</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. Metadata about what, in ISO-11179, is called a "Data Element Concept" - "a <b>concept </b>that can be expressed in the form of a <b>data element</b>, described independently of any particular representation." The HL7 SFM defines a <i>ConceptDomain</i> as "A named category of like concepts (a semantic type) that will be bound to one or more attributes in a static model whose datatypes are coded. Concept Domains exist to constrain the intent of the coded element while deferring the association of the element to a specific coded terminology until later in the model development process. Thus, Concept Domains are independent of any specific vocabulary or code system. Concept Domains represents an abstract conceptual space such as 'countries of the world', 'the gender of a person used for administrative purposes', 'languages of the world', etc." Metadata about what, in ISO-11179, is called a "Data Element Concept" - "a <b>concept </b>that can be expressed in the form of a <b>data element</b>, described independently of any particular representation." The HL7 SFM defines a <i>ConceptDomain</i> as "A named category of like concepts (a semantic type) that will be bound to one or more attributes in a static model whose datatypes are coded. Concept Domains exist to constrain the intent of the coded element while deferring the association of the element to a specific coded terminology until later in the model development process. Thus, Concept Domains are independent of any specific vocabulary or code system. Concept Domains represents an abstract conceptual space such as 'countries of the world', 'the gender of a person used for administrative purposes', 'languages of the world', etc." determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. If ommitted, assume 'resolveAsCompleteSet' is requested and return the ResolvedValueSet representation the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation A <i>ResolvedValueSet </i>whose contents are available as a set of directory entries that allows iteration. The result of resolving a specific value set definition against a known set of code system versions. <i>ResolvedValueSet</i> consists of a header that carries sufficient information that the resolution operation would be repeatable and the result of the resolution, which consists of set of EntityReferences. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service Create a new concept domain binding The binding of a <i>ConceptDomain </i>and a <i>ValueSet</i> that supplies the set of permissible value meanings in a given context. <i>ConceptDomainBinding</i> can also bind specific value set definitions and/or specific code system versions where desired. The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. The value set name or URI is not recognized by the service The named <i>conceptDomain</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>bindingQualifier</i> is not recognized by the system. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>ConceptDomainBindings.</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. Return a directory that summarizes the set of bindings referenced by the directory URI the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory that summarizes a set of concept domain bindings. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Return a directory that summarizes the set of bindings referenced by the directory URI the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory that summarizes a set of concept domain bindings. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. This URL Path represents: determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements Resolve a <i>MapCatalogDirectoryURI</i> as a set of <i>MapCatalogSummaryEntries.</i> the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory summarizing all or some of the <i>MapCatalogEntries</i> known to the service. A collection of complete <i>MapCatalogEntry </i>resources that meet a specified criteria. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Resolve a <i>MapCatalogDirectoryURI</i> as a set of <i>MapCatalogSummaryEntries.</i> the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory summarizing all or some of the <i>MapCatalogEntries</i> known to the service. A collection of complete <i>MapCatalogEntry </i>resources that meet a specified criteria. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. the URI, OID or alternateID of the requested resource Create a new entry in the map catalog the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. An entry in a catalog of maps - organized collections of rules that describe how information encoded using one set of value meanings can be transformed into a second, related set of meanings. A map catalog contains information about who is responsible for creating and distributing the rules, the source code system or value set, the target code system or value set, how often the rules are updated, how they are distributed, etc. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. the Name of the Map Retrieve a <i>MapCatalogEntry</i> by name or URI. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. An entry in a catalog of maps - organized collections of rules that describe how information encoded using one set of value meanings can be transformed into a second, related set of meanings. A map catalog contains information about who is responsible for creating and distributing the rules, the source code system or value set, the target code system or value set, how often the rules are updated, how they are distributed, etc. The named <i>Map</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Update an existing entry in the map catalog An entry in a catalog of maps - organized collections of rules that describe how information encoded using one set of value meanings can be transformed into a second, related set of meanings. A map catalog contains information about who is responsible for creating and distributing the rules, the source code system or value set, the target code system or value set, how often the rules are updated, how they are distributed, etc. The named <i>Map</i> is not recognized by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. Return a list of <i>MapCatalogEntries</i> that show the states that the named catalog entry went through between <i>fromDate</i> and <i>toDate</i>. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. A collection of complete <i>MapCatalogEntry </i>resources that meet a specified criteria. The named <i>Map</i> is not recognized by the service Return the earliest known change for the named map catalog entry. An entry in a catalog of maps - organized collections of rules that describe how information encoded using one set of value meanings can be transformed into a second, related set of meanings. A map catalog contains information about who is responsible for creating and distributing the rules, the source code system or value set, the target code system or value set, how often the rules are updated, how they are distributed, etc. The named <i>Map</i> is not recognized by the service An entry in a catalog of maps - organized collections of rules that describe how information encoded using one set of value meanings can be transformed into a second, related set of meanings. A map catalog contains information about who is responsible for creating and distributing the rules, the source code system or value set, the target code system or value set, how often the rules are updated, how they are distributed, etc. Determine whether a <i>MapCatalogEntry</i> exists for the supplied URI or service specific identifier. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>MapVersions</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements An indicator that determines whether the "from", the "to" or both components of a Map or MapVersion are being queried. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements An indicator that determines whether the "from", the "to" or both components of a Map or MapVersion are being queried. a parameter used in queries where multiple elements are provided. It determines whether a candidate element must satisfy all restrictions or just one or more restriction in order to be considered as satisfying the restriction composite An indicator that determines whether the "from", the "to" or both components of a Map or MapVersion are being queried. Resolve a <i>MapVersionDirectoryURI </i>returning a directory of the map versions that it references. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>MapVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>MapVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Resolve a <i>MapVersionDirectoryURI </i>returning a directory of the map versions that it references. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>MapVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>MapVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. the Name of the Map Version retrieve a specific version of a map by name or URI determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. A specific version of a <i>Map. MapVersion</i> is bound to specific code system versions and/or value set versions and references a set of mapping entries (<i>mapSet</i>) that, if the resource is <i>FINAL</i>, are fixed with respect to this version. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The named <i>mapVersion</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Clone an existing map version. the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. the identifier to assign the new cloned resource. If omitted, the service will generate one. the uri to assign the new cloned resource. If omitted, the service will generate one. Modify the attributes of an existing map version. A specific version of a <i>Map. MapVersion</i> is bound to specific code system versions and/or value set versions and references a set of mapping entries (<i>mapSet</i>) that, if the resource is <i>FINAL</i>, are fixed with respect to this version. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The named <i>mapVersion</i> is not recognized by the service The referenced <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is not recognized by the service One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Determine if the specified map version is known to the service. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Return a directory of <i>MapVersions</i> that represent the incremental history of the named map version in this service. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. A collection of complete <i>MapVersion</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The named <i>mapVersion</i> is not recognized by the service Return the initial state of a map version from the perspective of the service. A specific version of a <i>Map. MapVersion</i> is bound to specific code system versions and/or value set versions and references a set of mapping entries (<i>mapSet</i>) that, if the resource is <i>FINAL</i>, are fixed with respect to this version. The named <i>mapVersion</i> is not recognized by the service Return the current state of a map version from the perspective of the service. A specific version of a <i>Map. MapVersion</i> is bound to specific code system versions and/or value set versions and references a set of mapping entries (<i>mapSet</i>) that, if the resource is <i>FINAL</i>, are fixed with respect to this version. The named <i>mapVersion</i> is not recognized by the service determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Return a directory containing a summary of the map entries referenced by <i>directory</i> that meet any additional requirements from <i>context</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>MapEntries</i> that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>MapEntries</i> that meet a specified criteria. Return a directory containing a summary of the map entries referenced by <i>directory</i> that meet any additional requirements from <i>context</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>MapEntries</i> that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>MapEntries</i> that meet a specified criteria. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Evaluate the supplied entity in the context of the map version and return the resulting set of map targets and/or exceptions. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' An ordered list of map targets A list of map target lists, one per input entity Evaluate the supplied entity in the context of the map version and return the resulting set of map targets and/or exceptions. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' Opaque data is the equivalent of an ASN.1 External Type \footnote{ISO/IEC 8824-1:2008 Information technology -- Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notion. Clause 37 - Notation for the external type} or the XML Schema <a href="$inet://\#anyType"><font color="#0000ff"><u>anyType</u></font></a>. An <i>OpaqueData</i> instance may represent text with an optional spoken or written language code or a formal structure such as embedded HTML, XML or MIME encoded data. When a formal structure is included, its type should be specified in the <i>format</i> attribute and, when the type is an XML variant, the corresponding schema (or DTD) should be included in the <i>schema</i> parameter. The <i>OpaqueData</i> data type must be encoded in such a way that the content can be represented by a character string. Binary data is not permitted, although hyperlinks \emph{to} binary data are. An ordered list of map targets A list of map target lists, one per input entity Update the attributes of the supplied map entry and return the result of the change the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. The set of parameters that can be updated in a map entry. Determine whether a <i>MapEntry</i> exists for the supplied entity. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The named <i>mapVersion</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Read the <i>MapEntry</i> that corresponds to the supplied <i>sourceEntity</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. <i>MapEntry</i> defines a set of rules that identify how a single <i>mapFrom </i>Entity maps to zero or more <i>mapTo </i>target Entities. A <i>MapEntry</i> instance is uniquely identified by the combination of the <i>assertedBy</i> <i>MapVersionReference</i> and the <i>mapFrom</i> entity identifier. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service The named <i>mapVersion</i> is not recognized by the service The supplied <i>fromEntry</i> is not associated with any <i>MapEntry</i> in the referenced <i>MapVersion.</i> The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Return an ordered list of map entries that represent the various states that the named entry went through over time. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. A collection of complete <i>MapEntries</i> that meet a specified criteria. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The named <i>mapVersion</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service The supplied <i>fromEntry</i> is not associated with any <i>MapEntry</i> in the referenced <i>MapVersion.</i> Remove the referenced <i>MapSet</i> and any contained <i>MapTargets.</i> Add the described <i>MapSet</i> to the input <i>entry</i> and return the result of the addition. Remove the referenced map target Update the referenced map target and return the result of the changes A set of parameters that are used to create or update a map target Add the supplied map target in one-based target slog (1 means first entry, 2 second, etc. 0 or missing means at end) A set of parameters that are used to create or update a map target the URI of the requested resource Evaluate the supplied entity in the context of the map version and return the resulting set of map targets and/or exceptions. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' An ordered list of map targets A list of map target lists, one per input entity Evaluate the supplied entity in the context of the map version and return the resulting set of map targets and/or exceptions. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' Opaque data is the equivalent of an ASN.1 External Type \footnote{ISO/IEC 8824-1:2008 Information technology -- Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1): Specification of basic notion. Clause 37 - Notation for the external type} or the XML Schema <a href="$inet://\#anyType"><font color="#0000ff"><u>anyType</u></font></a>. An <i>OpaqueData</i> instance may represent text with an optional spoken or written language code or a formal structure such as embedded HTML, XML or MIME encoded data. When a formal structure is included, its type should be specified in the <i>format</i> attribute and, when the type is an XML variant, the corresponding schema (or DTD) should be included in the <i>schema</i> parameter. The <i>OpaqueData</i> data type must be encoded in such a way that the content can be represented by a character string. Binary data is not permitted, although hyperlinks \emph{to} binary data are. An ordered list of map targets A list of map target lists, one per input entity This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> An indicator that determines what class of entities are to be selected in the <i>mapVersionEntities</i> and <i>mapVersionEntityReferences</i> operations. An indicator that determines whether the "from", the "to" or both components of a Map or MapVersion are being queried. An indicator that determines what class of entities are to be selected in the <i>mapVersionEntities</i> and <i>mapVersionEntityReferences</i> operations. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Return a <i>DirectoryURI</i> that resolves to the set of entities that meet the supplied criteria. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Return a <i>DirectoryURI</i> that resolves to the set of entities that meet the supplied criteria. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Return a <i>DirectoryURI</i> that resolves to the set of entities that meet the supplied criteria. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service the URI, OID or alternateID of the requested resource Create a new map entry the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. <i>MapEntry</i> defines a set of rules that identify how a single <i>mapFrom </i>Entity maps to zero or more <i>mapTo </i>target Entities. A <i>MapEntry</i> instance is uniquely identified by the combination of the <i>assertedBy</i> <i>MapVersionReference</i> and the <i>mapFrom</i> entity identifier. The named <i>mapVersion</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. the URI of the requested resource Create a new <i>ValueSetCatalogEntry</i> the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. An entry in a value set catalog that describes the purpose, use, etc. of a value set. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. This URL Path represents: determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Resolve a <i>ValueSetCatalogDirectoryURI</i> to a set of <i>ValueSetCatalogSummaryEntries.</i> the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A catalog that summarizes a set of value sets known to the service. An iterable collection of <i>ValueSetCatalogEntries.</i> The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Resolve a <i>ValueSetCatalogDirectoryURI</i> to a set of <i>ValueSetCatalogSummaryEntries.</i> the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service the Name of the Value Set Retrieve the specified value set. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. An entry in a value set catalog that describes the purpose, use, etc. of a value set. The value set name or URI is not recognized by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Return the definition for the supplied value set and version tag A call of: 'valueset/{vs}?tag=CURRENT' will contain the full set of sub-resources equivalent to: 'valueset/{vs}/definition/{def}' For example, this is allowed: 'valueset/{vs}/resolution?tag=CURRENT' Please refer to the 'valueset/{valuesetid}' resource for all allowed sub-resources. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. The value set name or URI is not recognized by the service The <i>versionTag</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Determine if the value set definition for the specified value set exists on the service. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. The value set name or URI is not recognized by the service The <i>versionTag</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Determine if a catalog entry for the named value is known to the service. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Update an existing <i>ValueSetCatalogEntry</i> An entry in a value set catalog that describes the purpose, use, etc. of a value set. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. Return a list of <i>ValueSetCatalogEntries</i> that reflect the various states that the <i>ValueSetCatalogEntry</i> went through between <i>fromDate</i> and <i>toDate.</i> represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. The value set name or URI is not recognized by the service Return the first known state of the specified <i>ValueSetCatalogEntry</i> An entry in a value set catalog that describes the purpose, use, etc. of a value set. The value set name or URI is not recognized by the service An entry in a value set catalog that describes the purpose, use, etc. of a value set. Resolve a <i>ValueSetDefinitionDirectoryURI</i> to a directory summarizing the referenced definitions. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A list (set) of zero or more entity references A directory of <i>ValueSetDefinition</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>ValueSetDefinition </i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. A list (set) of zero or more entity references Resolve a <i>ValueSetDefinitionDirectoryURI</i> to a directory summarizing the referenced definitions. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>ValueSetDefinition</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>ValueSetDefinition </i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Retrieve the specified value set definition. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. A collection of rules that, when interpreted in the context of one or more code system versions, returns a set of EntityReferences. The <i>valueSetDefinition</i> URI isn't recognized by the service. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Determine if the specified value set definition exists on the service. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service A collection of rules that, when interpreted in the context of one or more code system versions, returns a set of EntityReferences. Clone an existing value set definition. the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. the identifier to assign the new cloned resource. If omitted, the service will generate one. the uri to assign the new cloned resource. If omitted, the service will generate one. Return a list of <i>ValueSetCatalogEntries</i> that reflect the various states that the <i>ValueSetCatalogEntry</i> went through between <i>fromDate</i> and <i>toDate.</i> represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. A collection of complete <i>ValueSetDefinition </i> resources that meet a specified criteria. The value set name or URI is not recognized by the service Return the first known state of the specified <i>ValueSetCatalogEntry</i> A collection of rules that, when interpreted in the context of one or more code system versions, returns a set of EntityReferences. The <i>valueSetDefinition</i> URI isn't recognized by the service. A collection of rules that, when interpreted in the context of one or more code system versions, returns a set of EntityReferences. Remove the specified definition entry from the named value set The supplied number does not reference an existing <i>ValueSetDefinitionEntry</i> or the operation would remove the last <i>ValueSetDefinitionEntry</i> from a definition. The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. The <i>valueSetDefinition</i> URI isn't recognized by the service. the unique identifier of a set of change instructions that can potentially transform the contents of CTS2 service instance from one state to another. An element of a value set definition that, when resolved yields a set of entity references that are to be included in, excluded from or intersected with the set of elements that represent the full resolution of the definition. Note that only <i>ACTIVE</i> entity references are included. <i>INACTIVE</i> entity references may never be considered for inclusion or exclusion in the resolution of a value set definition. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. Resolve the directory URI to the corresponding directory the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. A directory of resolved value sets. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Resolve the directory URI to the corresponding directory the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. A directory of resolved value sets. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Intersect the supplied entity list with what the entities in the resolved set and return those that are in common. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>valueSetDefinition</i> URI isn't recognized by the service. The referenced <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Return an iterator for the entire resolved set the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. If ommitted, assume 'resolveAsCompleteSet' is requested and return the ResolvedValueSet representation the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. A <i>ResolvedValueSet </i>whose contents are available as a set of directory entries that allows iteration. The result of resolving a specific value set definition against a known set of code system versions. <i>ResolvedValueSet</i> consists of a header that carries sufficient information that the resolution operation would be repeatable and the result of the resolution, which consists of set of EntityReferences. The <i>versionTag</i> is not recognized by the service The referenced <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service Intersect the supplied entity list with what would result were the value set, when resolved against the supplied code system version and/or version tag and return those that are in common. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. The <i>valueSetDefinition</i> URI isn't recognized by the service. The referenced <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Resolve the value set definition against the supplied code system versions and/or version tags. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. If ommitted, assume 'resolveAsCompleteSet' is requested and return the ResolvedValueSet representation the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation A <i>ResolvedValueSet </i>whose contents are available as a set of directory entries that allows iteration. The result of resolving a specific value set definition against a known set of code system versions. <i>ResolvedValueSet</i> consists of a header that carries sufficient information that the resolution operation would be repeatable and the result of the resolution, which consists of set of EntityReferences. The <i>versionTag</i> is not recognized by the service The referenced <i>CodeSystemVersion</i> is not recognized by the service The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>EntityDescriptionDirectory</i> Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. the name or URI of the property or model element to be filtered. Properties are referenced by their predicate and model elements all have URI's that are established by this specification. the algorithm to be used for testing the referenced component. Examples might include "starts with", "regular expression match", "exists", "inRange", etc. NOTE: The CTS2 specification needs to establish a core set of match algorithms that all compliant implementations must support. the value to be used in comparison. The structure and format of <i>matchValue</i> depends on the specific <i>matchAlgorithm</i>. As an example, a "startsWith" algorithm would be plain text, a "regularExpression" algorithm would have a regular expression while an "exists" algorithm would have nothing in the <i>matchValue</i> attribute. Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. a reference to a tag that can be assigned to versionable resources within the context of a service implementation Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Transform the list of entity descriptions referenced in <i>entityDirectory </i>into the semantics and syntax specified in <i>toLanguageAndSyntax</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. An expression in a given ontology language and syntax that describes or defines an entity. Examples might include descriptions of entities in Manchester OWL Syntax, RDF, SNOMED Concept Expression, etc. The supplied ontology language is not supported by the service The supplied ontology syntax is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return an <i>EntityDirectory</i> that contains the set of <i>EntityReference</i>s identified by <i>directory</i>. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements a directory of <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria a collection of complete <i>Entity</i> resources that meet a specified criteria The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. Determine whether the supplied entity name or URI is in the set referenced by <i>directory</i>. A reference to a class, property or individual that is described in some Code System. <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> may either reference an entity that is known locally to the service or an entity that is described elsewhere. If the entity is known to the service, it is possible to use the <i>entityName</i> variant, but note that <u>neither</u><i> scopingNamespace</i> nor the <i>entityName</i> are guaranteed to be the same in different CTS2 implementations. The <i>entityName</i> variant is intended for use in human/browser interactions and should not be hard-coded into data tables or applications. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The supplied namespace name is not one that is known to the service. The <i>EntityNameOrURI</i> is not known to the service This URL Path represents: a <i>DirectoryURI </i>that references a set of <i>Statements</i> determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements Carries either a local identifier (<i>name</i>) or a URI (<i>uri</i>) that references a resource in the service. <i>NameOrURI</i> is only used as an input parameter and its type is always defined by the usage context. Note that service calls that use the <i>name</i> option may not be portable across implementations, as there is no guarantee that any two CTS2 service implementations will use the same local identifiers for the same resources. A set of zero or more <i>EntityNmeOrURI</i> elements A set of zero or more <i>NameOrURI</i> elements resolve a <i>StatementDirectoryURI</i> and return a directory summarizing the statements it references the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>Statement</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>Statement </i>resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return the number of elements currently represented by the supplied directory URI. resolve a <i>StatementDirectoryURI</i> and return a directory summarizing the statements it references the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the type and name of the attribute, property or special element to be sorted the sort order the 0-based page number used for paging result sets the maximum number of <i>entries</i> that may be present in a return <i>Directory</i>. Note that a service may choose to return less than <i>maxToReturn</i> entries - this is simply an upper limit. If <i>maxToReturn</i> is not supplied, the service may use whatever return block size it determines to be most appropriate. when the 'list' parameter is true, this can be used to limit the resulting content to only elements specified. whether to return the results in 'List' or 'Directory' format. 'true' indicates that results will be returned as a 'List.' 'false' indicates that results will be returned as a 'Directory' A directory of <i>Statement</i> resources that meet a specified criteria. A collection of complete <i>Statement </i>resources that meet a specified criteria. The supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not valid The type represented by the supplied <i>directory</i> URI is not the one required by the service invocation. The <i>referenceLanguage</i> is not supported by the service The change set specified could either not be read or located by the service. The <i>changeSetContext</i> is recognized by the service, but its state is not <i>OPEN</i>. One or more <i>changeSetContext</i> is not supported by the service Errors that can occur in sort and/or filter parameters The <i>format</i> is not supported by the service implementation The <i>timeLimit</i> was exceeded by the service. Return a list of records that reflects the change in the catalog entry over the specified time span. Records will be sorted from earliest to latest if (a) <i>fromDate</i> is omitted or (b) <i>toDate</i> is omitted, or (c) <i>fromDate </i> is earlier than <i>toDate</i>. In all other cases, records will be sorted from latest to earliest. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. represents an ``Instant" as defined in the <a href="$inet://"><font color="#0000ff"><u>OWL Time Specification</u></font></a>. CTS2 implementations must be able to support temporal units of <i>second</i>, <i>minute</i>, <i>hour</i>, <i>day</i>, <i>month</i>, and <i>year</i>, and be able to represent and compare instances represented in any of these units. <i>DateAndTime</i> can only provide a partial ordering and, as a consequence, is never used as an index, unique identifier or to sequence data or events. A collection of complete <i>Statement </i>resources that meet a specified criteria. The referenced statement is not recognized by the service Return the earliest known version of the statement An assertion about a CTS2 model element. The referenced statement is not recognized by the service An assertion about a CTS2 model element. determines whether the query only applies to only active or all entries. the URI of an open change set whose contents should be included in the results of the access request. <i>changeSetContext</i> is only applicable in services that support the <b>Authoring</b> profile. If omitted, no change set context is supplied in the service call. the spoken or written language that should be used for the results of the inquiry, where appropriate. Should default to the default reference language of the service if omitted. the contextual date and time of the query. <i>referenceTime</i> is may only be present in services that support the <b>Temporal</b> profile. If omitted, <i>referenceTime</i> defaults to the current system date and time. the local identifier or URI of the return format for query results. This parameter defaults to the <i>defaultFormat</i> in the <i>BaseService</i> interface if not supplied. the maximum amount of time that may be taken to process a query before a time out exception occurs. If not present, the service determines the maximum query time out. An assertion about a CTS2 model element.