# imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/CountryRepresentation/ # imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Languages/LanguageRepresentation/ @prefix dct: . @prefix lcc-3166-1: . @prefix lcc-639-1: . @prefix lcc-639-2: . @prefix lcc-cr: . @prefix lcc-lr: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix sm: . @prefix xsd: . a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "ISO 3166-1 Country Codes Ontology" ; dct:issued "2021-11-30T02:58:21.841531+01:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; dct:license "http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT"^^xsd:anyURI ; sm:contentLanguage "https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-quick-reference/"^^xsd:anyURI ; sm:copyright "Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Unisys" , "Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Adaptive Inc." , "Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Object Management Group, Inc." , "Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Thematix Partners LLC" , "Copyright (c) 2021 agnos.ai UK Ltd." ; sm:dependsOn "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/CountryRepresentation/"^^xsd:anyURI , "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Languages/LanguageRepresentation/"^^xsd:anyURI ; sm:fileAbbreviation "lcc-3166-1" ; sm:fileAbstract "This ontology represents the subset of the ISO 3166 standard that include the actual ISO 3166-1 country codes, with the ontology and codes for the other parts of the standard represented in dependent models." ; sm:filename "ISO3166-1-CountryCodes.rdf" ; rdfs:seeAlso "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/AboutLCC/"^^xsd:anyURI , "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/AboutCountries/"^^xsd:anyURI ; owl:imports , ; owl:versionIRI ; skos:changeNote "The https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/20151101/Countries/ISO3166-1-CountryCodes.rdf version of this ontology has been revised to reflect the issues addressed by the LCC 1.0 FTF report. The country codes and related metadata contained herein are current as of the July 2017 revision to the online code set." , "The https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/20190201/Countries/ISO3166-1-CountryCodes.rdf version of this ontology has been revised to reflect the issues addressed by the LCC 1.1 FTF report. The country codes and related metadata contained herein are current as of the February 2019 revision to the online code set." ; . lcc-3166-1:ABW a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ABW" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Aruba" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Aruba ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ABW" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Aruba ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AD a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Andorra" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Andorra ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Andorra ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for United Arab Emirates (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:UnitedArabEmirates ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:UnitedArabEmirates ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Afghanistan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Afghanistan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Afghanistan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AFG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "AFG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Afghanistan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Afghanistan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AFG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Afghanistan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Antigua and Barbuda" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:AntiguaAndBarbuda ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:AntiguaAndBarbuda ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AGO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "AGO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Angola" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Angola ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AGO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Angola ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Anguilla" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Anguilla ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Anguilla ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AIA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "AIA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Anguilla" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Anguilla ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AIA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Anguilla ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Albania" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Albania ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Albania ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ALA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ALA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Åland Islands" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:AlandIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ALA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:AlandIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ALB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ALB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Albania" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Albania ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ALB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Albania ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Armenia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Armenia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Armenia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AND a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "AND" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Andorra" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Andorra ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AND" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Andorra ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Angola" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Angola ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Angola ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AQ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AQ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Antarctica" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Antarctica ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AQ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Antarctica ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Argentina" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Argentina ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Argentina ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ARE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ARE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for United Arab Emirates (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:UnitedArabEmirates ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ARE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:UnitedArabEmirates ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ARG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ARG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Argentina" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Argentina ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ARG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Argentina ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ARM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ARM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Armenia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Armenia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ARM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Armenia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for American Samoa" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:AmericanSamoa ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:AmericanSamoa ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ASM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ASM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for American Samoa" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:AmericanSamoa ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ASM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:AmericanSamoa ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Austria" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Austria ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Austria ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ATA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ATA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Antarctica" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Antarctica ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ATA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Antarctica ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ATF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ATF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for French Southern Territories (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:FrenchSouthernTerritories ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ATF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:FrenchSouthernTerritories ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ATG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ATG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Antigua and Barbuda" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:AntiguaAndBarbuda ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ATG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:AntiguaAndBarbuda ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Australia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Australia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Australia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AUS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "AUS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Australia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Australia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AUS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Australia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AUT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "AUT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Austria" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Austria ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AUT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Austria ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AW a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AW" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Aruba" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Aruba ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AW" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Aruba ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AX a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AX" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Åland Islands" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:AlandIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AX" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:AlandIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AZ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "AZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Azerbaijan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Azerbaijan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Azerbaijan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:AZE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "AZE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Azerbaijan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Azerbaijan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "AZE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Azerbaijan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Afghanistan a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Afghānistān"@fa , "Afghānistān"@ps ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Afghanistan" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Afghanistan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "AFGHANISTAN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République islamique d'Afghanistan"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Afghanistan (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "AFGHANISTAN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Afghānistān"@fa , "Afghānistān"@ps ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "004" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Persian , lcc-639-1:Pushto ; . lcc-3166-1:AlandIslands a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Åland"@sv ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Åland Islands" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Åland Islands"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ÅLAND ISLANDS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Åland(les Îles)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ÅLAND, ÎLES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Åland"@sv ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "248" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Swedish ; . lcc-3166-1:Albania a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Shqipëria; Shqipëri"@sq ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Albania" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Albania"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Albania"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ALBANIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République d'Albanie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Albanie (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ALBANIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Shqipëria; Shqipëri"@sq ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "008" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Albanian ; . lcc-3166-1:Algeria a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Al Jazā'ir"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Algeria" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the People's Democratic Republic of Algeria"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Algeria"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ALGERIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République algérienne démocratique et populaire"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Algérie (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ALGÉRIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Al Jazā'ir"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "012" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:AmericanSamoa a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "American Samoa"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of American Samoa" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "American Samoa"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "AMERICAN SAMOA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Samoa américaines (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SAMOA AMÉRICAINES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "016" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as a subdivision of the United States (US-AS)." , "Principal island:Tutuila. Includes: Swain's Island" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Andorra a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Andorra"@ca ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Andorra" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Principality of Andorra"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Andorra"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ANDORRA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la Principauté d'Andorre"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Andorre (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ANDORRE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Andorra"@ca ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "020" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Catalan ; . lcc-3166-1:Angola a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Angola"@pt ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Angola" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Angola"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Angola"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ANGOLA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République d'Angola"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Angola (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ANGOLA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Angola"@pt ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "024" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Cabinda." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Portuguese ; . lcc-3166-1:Anguilla a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Anguilla"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Anguilla" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Anguilla"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ANGUILLA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Anguilla"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ANGUILLA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "660" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Antarctica a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Antarctica" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Antarctica"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ANTARCTICA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Antarctique (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ANTARCTIQUE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "010" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." , "Territories south of 60° south latitude." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; . lcc-3166-1:AntiguaAndBarbuda a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Antigua and Barbuda"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Antigua and Barbuda" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Antigua and Barbuda"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Antigua-et-Barbuda"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ANTIGUA-ET-BARBUDA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "028" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Redonda Island." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Argentina a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Argentina (la)"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Argentina" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Argentine Republic"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Argentina"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ARGENTINA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République argentine"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Argentine (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ARGENTINE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Argentina (la)"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "032" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:Armenia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Hayastan"@hy ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Armenia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Armenia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Armenia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ARMENIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République d'Arménie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Arménie (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ARMÉNIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Hayastan"@hy ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "051" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Armenian ; . lcc-3166-1:Aruba a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Aruba"@nl ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Aruba" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Aruba"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ARUBA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Aruba"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ARUBA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Aruba"@nl , "Aruba" ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "533" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as subdivision of Netherlands (NL-AW)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Dutch , lcc-639-2:Papiamento ; . lcc-3166-1:Australia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Australia"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Australia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Australia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "AUSTRALIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Australie (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "AUSTRALIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "036" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks """Often referred to as the Commonwealth of Australia. Includes: Lord Howe Island, Macquarie Island; and also Ashmore and Cartier Islands, and Coral Sea Islands which are Australian external territories.""" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Austria a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Österreich"@de ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Austria" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Austria"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Austria"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "AUSTRIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République d'Autriche"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Autriche (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "AUTRICHE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Österreich"@de ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "040" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:German ; . lcc-3166-1:Azerbaijan a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Azərbaycan"@az ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Azerbaijan" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Azerbaijan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Azerbaijan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "AZERBAIJAN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République d'Azerbaïdjan"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Azerbaïdjan (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "AZERBAÏDJAN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Azərbaycan"@az ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "031" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Azerbaijani ; . lcc-3166-1:BA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Bosnia and Herzegovina" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:BosniaAndHerzegovina ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:BosniaAndHerzegovina ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Barbados" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Barbados ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Barbados ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BD a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Bangladesh" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bangladesh ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bangladesh ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BDI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BDI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Burundi" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Burundi ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BDI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Burundi ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Belgium" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Belgium ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Belgium ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BEL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BEL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Belgium" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Belgium ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BEL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Belgium ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BEN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BEN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Benin" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Benin ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BEN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Benin ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BES a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BES" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bonaire ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BES" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bonaire ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Burkina Faso" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:BurkinaFaso ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:BurkinaFaso ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BFA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BFA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Burkina Faso" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:BurkinaFaso ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BFA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:BurkinaFaso ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Bulgaria" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bulgaria ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bulgaria ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BGD a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BGD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Bangladesh" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bangladesh ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BGD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bangladesh ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BGR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BGR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Bulgaria" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bulgaria ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BGR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bulgaria ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BH a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Bahrain" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bahrain ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bahrain ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BHR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BHR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Bahrain" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bahrain ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BHR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bahrain ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BHS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BHS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Bahamas (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bahamas ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BHS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bahamas ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Burundi" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Burundi ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Burundi ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BIH a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BIH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Bosnia and Herzegovina" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:BosniaAndHerzegovina ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BIH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:BosniaAndHerzegovina ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BJ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BJ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Benin" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Benin ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BJ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Benin ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Saint Barthélemy" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaintBarthelemy ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaintBarthelemy ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BLM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BLM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Saint Barthélemy" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaintBarthelemy ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BLM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaintBarthelemy ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BLR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BLR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Belarus" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Belarus ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BLR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Belarus ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BLZ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BLZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Belize" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Belize ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BLZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Belize ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Bermuda" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bermuda ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bermuda ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BMU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BMU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Bermuda" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bermuda ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BMU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bermuda ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Brunei Darussalam" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:BruneiDarussalam ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:BruneiDarussalam ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Bolivia (Plurinational State of)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bolivia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bolivia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BOL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BOL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Bolivia (Plurinational State of)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bolivia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BOL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bolivia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BQ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BQ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bonaire ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BQ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bonaire ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Brazil" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Brazil ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Brazil ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BRA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BRA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Brazil" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Brazil ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BRA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Brazil ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BRB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BRB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Barbados" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Barbados ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BRB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Barbados ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BRN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BRN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Brunei Darussalam" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:BruneiDarussalam ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BRN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:BruneiDarussalam ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Bahamas (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bahamas ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bahamas ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Bhutan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bhutan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bhutan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BTN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BTN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Bhutan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Bhutan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BTN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Bhutan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BV a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BV" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Bouvet Island" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:BouvetIsland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BV" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:BouvetIsland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BVT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BVT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Bouvet Island" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:BouvetIsland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BVT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:BouvetIsland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BW a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BW" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Botswana" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Botswana ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BW" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Botswana ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BWA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "BWA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Botswana" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Botswana ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BWA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Botswana ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Belarus" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Belarus ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Belarus ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:BZ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "BZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Belize" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Belize ; lcc-lr:hasTag "BZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Belize ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Bahamas a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Bahamas (the)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Bahamas (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Commonwealth of the Bahamas"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Bahamas (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BAHAMAS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Commonwealth des Bahamas"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Bahamas (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BAHAMAS"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "044" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "The island of New Providence, where the capital Nassau is located, is administered directly by the national government." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Bahrain a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Al Baḩrayn"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Bahrain" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kingdom of Bahrain"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Bahrain"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BAHRAIN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume de Bahreïn"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Bahreïn"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BAHREÏN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Al Baḩrayn"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "048" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:Bangladesh a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Bāṁlādesh"@bn ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Bangladesh" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the People's Republic of Bangladesh"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Bangladesh"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BANGLADESH"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République populaire du Bangladesh"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Bangladesh (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BANGLADESH"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Bāṁlādesh"@bn ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "050" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Bengali ; . lcc-3166-1:Barbados a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Barbados"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Barbados" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Barbados"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BARBADOS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Barbade (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BARBADE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "052" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Belarus a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Belarus'"@ru , "Bielaruś"@be ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Belarus" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Belarus"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Belarus"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BELARUS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Bélarus"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Bélarus (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BÉLARUS"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Belarus'"@ru , "Bielaruś"@be ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "112" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Belarusian , lcc-639-1:Russian ; . lcc-3166-1:Belgium a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Belgien"@de , "Belgique (la)"@fr , "België"@nl ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Belgium" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kingdom of Belgium"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Belgium"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BELGIUM"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume de Belgique"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Belgique (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BELGIQUE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Belgien"@de , "België"@nl ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "056" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Dutch , lcc-639-1:French , lcc-639-1:German ; . lcc-3166-1:Belize a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Belize"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Belize" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Belize"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BELIZE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Belize (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BELIZE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "084" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Benin a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Bénin (le)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Benin" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Benin"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Benin"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BENIN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Bénin"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Bénin (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BÉNIN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "204" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Bermuda a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Bermuda"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Bermuda" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Bermuda"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BERMUDA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Bermudes (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BERMUDES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "060" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Bhutan a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Druk-Yul"@dz ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Bhutan" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kingdom of Bhutan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Bhutan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BHUTAN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume du Bhoutan"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Bhoutan (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BHOUTAN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Druk-Yul"@dz ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "064" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Dzongkha ; . lcc-3166-1:Bolivia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Bolivia, Estado Plurinacional de"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Bolivia (Plurinational State of)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Plurinational State of Bolivia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Bolivia (Plurinational State of)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BOLIVIA (PLURINATIONAL STATE OF)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "l'État plurinational de Bolivie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Bolivie (État plurinational de)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BOLIVIE (ÉTAT PLURINATIONAL DE)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Bolivia, Estado Plurinacional de"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "068" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:Bonaire a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba"@en , "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba"@nl ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BONAIRE, SINT EUSTATIUS AND SABA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Bonaire, Saint-Eustache et Saba"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BONAIRE, SAINT-EUSTACHE ET SABA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Bonaire, Sint Eustatius en Saba"@nl , "Boneiru, Sint Eustatius y Saba" ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "535" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Included as a subdivision of the Netherlands (NL-BQ)." , "Often referred to as Caribbean Netherlands." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Dutch , lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-2:Papiamento ; . lcc-3166-1:BosniaAndHerzegovina a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Bosna i Hercegovina"@bs , "Bosna i Hercegovina"@hr , "Bosna i Hercegovina"@sr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Bosnia and Herzegovina" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Bosnia and Herzegovina"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Bosnie-Herzégovine (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BOSNIE-HERZÉGOVINE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Bosna i Hercegovina"@bs , "Bosna i Hercegovina"@hr , "Bosna i Hercegovina"@sr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "070" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Herzegovina * is the second significant part of composite country name." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Bosnian , lcc-639-1:Croatian , lcc-639-1:Serbian ; . lcc-3166-1:Botswana a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Botswana"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Botswana" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Botswana"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Botswana"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BOTSWANA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Botswana"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Botswana (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BOTSWANA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "072" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:BouvetIsland a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Bouvetøya"@nb , "Bouvetøya"@nn ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Bouvet Island" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Bouvet Island"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BOUVET ISLAND"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Bouvet (l'Île)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BOUVET, ÎLE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Bouvetøya"@nb , "Bouvetøya"@nn ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "074" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:NorwegianBokmal , lcc-639-1:NorwegianNynorsk ; . lcc-3166-1:Brazil a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Brasil (o)"@pt ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Brazil" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Federative Republic of Brazil"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Brazil"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BRAZIL"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République fédérative du Brésil"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Brésil (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BRÉSIL"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Brasil (o)"@pt ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "076" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Fernando de Noronha Island, Martim Vaz Islands, Trindade Island." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Portuguese ; . lcc-3166-1:BritishIndianOceanTerritory a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "British Indian Ocean Territory (the)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of British Indian Ocean Territory (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "British Indian Ocean Territory (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Territoire britannique de l'océan Indien"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Indien (le Territoire britannique de l'océan)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "OCÉAN INDIEN, TERRITOIRE BRITANNIQUE DE L'"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "086" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks """ Comprises: Chagos Archipelago (Principal island: Diego Garcia). No subdivision reported""" , "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:BruneiDarussalam a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Brunei Darussalam"@en , "Negara Brunei Darussalam"@ms ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Brunei Darussalam" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Brunei Darussalam"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BRUNEI DARUSSALAM"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Brunéi Darussalam (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BRUNEI DARUSSALAM"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Negara Brunei Darussalam"@ms ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "096" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Variant: Negara Brunei Darussalam." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Malay ; . lcc-3166-1:Bulgaria a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Bulgaria"@bg ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Bulgaria" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Bulgaria"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Bulgaria"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BULGARIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Bulgarie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Bulgarie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BULGARIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Bulgaria"@bg ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "100" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Bulgarian ; . lcc-3166-1:BurkinaFaso a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Burkina Faso (le)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Burkina Faso" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Burkina Faso"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BURKINA FASO"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Burkina Faso"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Burkina Faso (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BURKINA FASO"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "854" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Burundi a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Burundi"@rn , "Burundi (le)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Burundi" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Burundi"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Burundi"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "BURUNDI"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Burundi"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Burundi (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "BURUNDI"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Burundi"@rn ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "108" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French , lcc-639-1:Rundi ; . lcc-3166-1:CA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Canada" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Canada ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Canada ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CAF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CAF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Central African Republic (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CentralAfricanRepublic ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CAF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CentralAfricanRepublic ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CAN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CAN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Canada" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Canada ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CAN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Canada ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CC a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CC" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Cocos Keeling Islands" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CocosKeelingIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CC" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CocosKeelingIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CCK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CCK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Cocos Keeling Islands" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CocosKeelingIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CCK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CocosKeelingIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CD a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Congo Democratic Republic Of" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CongoDemocraticRepublicOf ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CongoDemocraticRepublicOf ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Central African Republic (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CentralAfricanRepublic ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CentralAfricanRepublic ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Congo (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Congo ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Congo ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CH a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Switzerland" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Switzerland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Switzerland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CHE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CHE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Switzerland" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Switzerland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CHE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Switzerland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CHL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CHL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Chile" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Chile ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CHL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Chile ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CHN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CHN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for China" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:China ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CHN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:China ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Côte d'Ivoire" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CoteDIvoire ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CoteDIvoire ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CIV a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CIV" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Côte d'Ivoire" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CoteDIvoire ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CIV" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CoteDIvoire ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Cook Islands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CookIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CookIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Chile" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Chile ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Chile ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Cameroon" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Cameroon ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Cameroon ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CMR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CMR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Cameroon" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Cameroon ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CMR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Cameroon ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for China" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:China ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:China ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Colombia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Colombia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Colombia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:COD a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "COD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Congo Democratic Republic Of" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CongoDemocraticRepublicOf ; lcc-lr:hasTag "COD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CongoDemocraticRepublicOf ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:COG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "COG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Congo (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Congo ; lcc-lr:hasTag "COG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Congo ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:COK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "COK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Cook Islands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CookIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "COK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CookIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:COL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "COL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Colombia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Colombia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "COL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Colombia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:COM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "COM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Comoros (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Comoros ; lcc-lr:hasTag "COM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Comoros ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CPV a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CPV" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Cabo Verde" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CaboVerde ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CPV" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CaboVerde ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Costa Rica" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CostaRica ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CostaRica ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CRI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CRI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Costa Rica" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CostaRica ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CRI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CostaRica ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Cuba" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Cuba ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Cuba ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CUB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CUB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Cuba" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Cuba ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CUB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Cuba ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CUW a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CUW" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Curaçao" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Curacao ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CUW" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Curacao ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CV a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CV" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Cabo Verde" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CaboVerde ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CV" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CaboVerde ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CW a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CW" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Curaçao" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Curacao ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CW" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Curacao ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CX a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CX" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Christmas Island" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:ChristmasIsland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CX" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:ChristmasIsland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CXR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CXR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Christmas Island" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:ChristmasIsland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CXR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:ChristmasIsland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Cyprus" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Cyprus ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Cyprus ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CYM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CYM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Cayman Islands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CaymanIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CYM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CaymanIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CYP a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CYP" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Cyprus" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Cyprus ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CYP" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Cyprus ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CZ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "CZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Czechia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Czechia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Czechia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CZE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "CZE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Czechia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Czechia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "CZE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Czechia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:CaboVerde a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Cabo Verde"@pt ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Cabo Verde" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Cabo Verde"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Cabo Verde"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CABO VERDE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Cabo Verde"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Cabo Verde"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CABO VERDE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Cabo Verde"@pt ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "132" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Principal islands: São Tiago, São Vicente." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Portuguese ; . lcc-3166-1:Cambodia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Kâmpŭchéa"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kingdom of Cambodia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Cambodia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CAMBODIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume du Cambodge"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Cambodge (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CAMBODGE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kâmpŭchéa"@km ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "116" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:CentralKhmer ; . lcc-3166-1:Cameroon a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Cameroon"@en , "Cameroun (le)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Cameroon" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Cameroon"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Cameroon"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CAMEROON"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Cameroun"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Cameroun (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CAMEROUN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "120" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Canada a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Canada"@en , "Canada (le)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Canada" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Canada"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CANADA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Canada (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CANADA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "124" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:CaymanIslands a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Cayman Islands (the)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Cayman Islands (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Cayman Islands (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CAYMAN ISLANDS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Caïmans (les Îles)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CAÏMANS, ÎLES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "136" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." , "Principal island: Grand Cayman." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:CentralAfricanRepublic a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka"@sg , "République centrafricaine (la)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Central African Republic (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Central African Republic"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Central African Republic (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République centrafricaine"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "République centrafricaine (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CENTRAFRICAINE, RÉPUBLIQUE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka"@sg ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "140" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French , lcc-639-1:Sango ; . lcc-3166-1:Chad a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Tchad (le)"@fr , "Tshād"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Chad" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Chad"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Chad"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CHAD"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Tchad"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Tchad (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TCHAD"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tshād"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "148" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic , lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Chile a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Chile"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Chile" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Chile"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Chile"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CHILE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Chili"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Chili (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CHILI"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Chile"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "152" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Easter Island, Juan Fernández Islands, Sala y Gómez Island, San Ambrosio Island, San Félix Island." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:China a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Zhongguo"@zh ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of China" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the People's Republic of China"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "China"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CHINA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République populaire de Chine"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Chine (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CHINE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Zhongguo"@zh ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "156" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "See also TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Chinese ; . lcc-3166-1:ChristmasIsland a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Christmas Island"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Christmas Island" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Christmas Island"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CHRISTMAS ISLAND"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Christmas (l'Île)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CHRISTMAS, ÎLE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "162" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:CocosKeelingIslands a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Cocos Keeling Islands" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Cocos (Keeling) Islands (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Cocos (les Îles)/ Keeling (les Îles)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "COCOS (KEELING), ÎLES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "166" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Colombia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Colombia"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Colombia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Colombia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Colombia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "COLOMBIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Colombie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Colombie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "COLOMBIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Colombia"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "170" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Malpelo Island, San Andrés y Providencia Islands." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:Comoros a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Al Qamar"@ar , "Comores (les)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Comoros (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Union of the Comoros"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Comoros (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "COMOROS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "l'Union des Comores"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Comores (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "COMORES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Al Qamar"@ar , "Komori" ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "174" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks '''Comprises: Anjouan, Grande Comore, Mohéli. The language code "002" refers to the administrative language "Shikomor" that has not been assigned an ISO 639 language code.''' , 'The language code "002" refers to the administrative language "Shikomor" that has not been assigned an ISO 639 language code.' ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-3166-1:Shikomor , lcc-639-1:Arabic , lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Congo a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Congo (le)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Congo (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of the Congo"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Congo (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CONGO"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Congo"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Congo (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CONGO"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "178" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:CongoDemocraticRepublicOf a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Congo (la République démocratique du)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Congo Democratic Republic Of" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Democratic Republic of the Congo"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CONGO, DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République démocratique du Congo"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Congo (la République démocratique du)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CONGO, RÉPUBLIQUE DÉMOCRATIQUE DU"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "180" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Previous entry: ZAIRE." , "Remark: Ex Zaire/Zaïre, change of name 1997-05-17" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:CookIslands a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Cook Islands (the)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Cook Islands (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Cook Islands (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "COOK ISLANDS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Cook (les Îles)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "COOK, ÎLES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "184" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." , "Principal island: Rarotonga." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:CostaRica a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Costa Rica"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Costa Rica" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Costa Rica"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Costa Rica"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "COSTA RICA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Costa Rica"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Costa Rica (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "COSTA RICA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Costa Rica"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "188" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Coco Island." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:CoteDIvoire a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Côte d'Ivoire (la)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Côte d'Ivoire" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Côte d'Ivoire"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CÔTE D'IVOIRE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la Republic de Côte d'Ivoire"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Côte d'Ivoire (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CÔTE D'IVOIRE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "384" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Country a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionKind ; rdfs:label "Country" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the kind of region that is a country" ; . lcc-3166-1:Croatia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Hrvatska"@hr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Croatia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Croatia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Croatia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CROATIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Croatie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Croatie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CROATIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Hrvatska"@hr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "191" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Croatian ; . lcc-3166-1:Cuba a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Cuba"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Cuba" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Cuba"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Cuba"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CUBA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Cuba"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Cuba"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CUBA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Cuba"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "192" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:Curacao a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Curaçao"@en , "Curaçao"@nl ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Curaçao" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Curaçao"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CURAÇAO"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Curaçao"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CURAÇAO"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Curaçao"@nl , "Kòrsou" ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "531" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as subdivision of Netherlands (NL-CW)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Dutch , lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-2:Papiamento ; . lcc-3166-1:Cyprus a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Kýpros"@el , "Kıbrıs"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Cyprus" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Cyprus"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Cyprus"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CYPRUS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Chypre"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Chypre"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CHYPRE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kýpros"@el , "Kıbrıs"@tr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "196" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:ModernGreek , lcc-639-1:Turkish ; . lcc-3166-1:CzechRepublic a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-1:Czechia ; rdfs:comment "CzechRepublic is supported as legacy identifier for Czechia" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; . lcc-3166-1:Czechia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Česko"@cs ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Czechia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Czech Republic"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Czechia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "CZECHIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République tchèque"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Tchéquie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TCHÉQUIE (LA)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Česko"@cs ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "203" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Czech ; . lcc-3166-1:DE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "DE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Germany" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Germany ; lcc-lr:hasTag "DE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Germany ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:DEU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "DEU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Germany" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Germany ; lcc-lr:hasTag "DEU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Germany ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:DJ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "DJ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Djibouti" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Djibouti ; lcc-lr:hasTag "DJ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Djibouti ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:DJI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "DJI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Djibouti" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Djibouti ; lcc-lr:hasTag "DJI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Djibouti ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:DK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "DK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Denmark" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Denmark ; lcc-lr:hasTag "DK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Denmark ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:DM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "DM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Dominica" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Dominica ; lcc-lr:hasTag "DM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Dominica ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:DMA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "DMA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Dominica" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Dominica ; lcc-lr:hasTag "DMA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Dominica ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:DNK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "DNK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Denmark" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Denmark ; lcc-lr:hasTag "DNK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Denmark ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:DO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "DO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Dominican Republic (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:DominicanRepublic ; lcc-lr:hasTag "DO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:DominicanRepublic ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:DOM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "DOM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Dominican Republic (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:DominicanRepublic ; lcc-lr:hasTag "DOM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:DominicanRepublic ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:DZ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "DZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Algeria" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Algeria ; lcc-lr:hasTag "DZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Algeria ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:DZA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "DZA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Algeria" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Algeria ; lcc-lr:hasTag "DZA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Algeria ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Denmark a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Danmark"@da ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Denmark" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kingdom of Denmark"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Denmark"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "DENMARK"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume du Danemark"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Danemark (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "DANEMARK"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Danmark"@da ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "208" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Danish ; . lcc-3166-1:Djibouti a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Djibouti"@fr , "Jībūtī"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Djibouti" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Djibouti"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Djibouti"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "DJIBOUTI"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Djibouti"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Djibouti"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "DJIBOUTI"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Jībūtī"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "262" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic , lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Dominica a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Dominica"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Dominica" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Commonwealth of Dominica"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Dominica"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "DOMINICA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Commonwealth de Dominique"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Dominique (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "DOMINIQUE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "212" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:DominicanRepublic a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "República Dominicana (la)"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Dominican Republic (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Dominican Republic"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Dominican Republic (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "DOMINICAN REPUBLIC"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République dominicaine"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "dominicaine (la République)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "DOMINICAINE, RÉPUBLIQUE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "República Dominicana (la)"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "214" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:EC a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "EC" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Ecuador" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Ecuador ; lcc-lr:hasTag "EC" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Ecuador ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ECU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ECU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Ecuador" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Ecuador ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ECU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Ecuador ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:EE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "EE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Estonia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Estonia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "EE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Estonia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:EG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "EG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Egypt" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Egypt ; lcc-lr:hasTag "EG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Egypt ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:EGY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "EGY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Egypt" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Egypt ; lcc-lr:hasTag "EGY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Egypt ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:EH a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "EH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Western Sahara*" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:WesternSahara ; lcc-lr:hasTag "EH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:WesternSahara ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ER a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "ER" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Eritrea" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Eritrea ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ER" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Eritrea ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ERI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ERI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Eritrea" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Eritrea ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ERI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Eritrea ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ES a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "ES" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Spain" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Spain ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ES" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Spain ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ESH a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ESH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Western Sahara*" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:WesternSahara ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ESH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:WesternSahara ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ESP a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ESP" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Spain" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Spain ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ESP" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Spain ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:EST a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "EST" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Estonia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Estonia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "EST" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Estonia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ET a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "ET" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Ethiopia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Ethiopia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ET" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Ethiopia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ETH a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ETH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Ethiopia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Ethiopia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ETH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Ethiopia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Ecuador a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Ecuador (el)"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Ecuador" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Ecuador"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Ecuador"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ECUADOR"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République d'Équateur"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Équateur (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ÉQUATEUR"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Ecuador (el)"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "218" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Galápagos Islands." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:Egypt a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Mişr"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Egypt" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Arab Republic of Egypt"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Egypt"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "EGYPT"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République arabe d'Égypte"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Égypte (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ÉGYPTE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Mişr"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "818" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:ElSalvador a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "El Salvador"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of El Salvador" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of El Salvador"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "El Salvador"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "EL SALVADOR"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République d'El Salvador"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "El Salvador"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "EL SALVADOR"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "El Salvador"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "222" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:EquatorialGuinea a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Guinea Ecuatorial"@es , "Guiné Equatorial (a)"@pt , "Guinée équatoriale (la)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Equatorial Guinea" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Equatorial Guinea"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Equatorial Guinea"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "EQUATORIAL GUINEA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Guinée équatoriale"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Guinée équatoriale (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GUINÉE ÉQUATORIALE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Guinea Ecuatorial"@es , "Guiné Equatorial (a)"@pt ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "226" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Comprises: Annobón Island, Bioko Island, the Continental Region (Rio Muni)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French , lcc-639-1:Portuguese , lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:Eritrea a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Eritrea"@en , "Iertra"@ti , "Irītrīyā"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Eritrea" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the State of Eritrea"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Eritrea"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ERITREA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "l'État d'Érythrée"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Érythrée (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ÉRYTHRÉE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Iertra"@ti , "Irītrīyā"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "232" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic , lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Tigrinya ; . lcc-3166-1:Estonia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Eesti"@et ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Estonia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Estonia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Estonia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ESTONIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République d'Estonie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Estonie (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ESTONIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Eesti"@et ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "233" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Estonian ; . lcc-3166-1:Eswatini a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Eswatini"@en , "eSwatini"@ss ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Eswatini" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kingdom of Eswatini"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Eswatini"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ESWATINI"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume d’Eswatini"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Eswatini (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ESWATINI"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "eSwatini"@ss ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "748" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Swati ; . lcc-3166-1:Ethiopia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Ītyop'iya"@am ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Ethiopia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Ethiopia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ETHIOPIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République fédérale démocratique d'Éthiopie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Éthiopie (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ÉTHIOPIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Ītyop'iya"@am ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "231" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Amharic ; . lcc-3166-1:FI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "FI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Finland" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Finland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "FI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Finland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:FIN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "FIN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Finland" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Finland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "FIN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Finland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:FJ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "FJ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Fiji" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Fiji ; lcc-lr:hasTag "FJ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Fiji ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:FJI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "FJI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Fiji" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Fiji ; lcc-lr:hasTag "FJI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Fiji ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:FK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "FK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:FalklandIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "FK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:FalklandIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:FLK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "FLK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:FalklandIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "FLK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:FalklandIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:FM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "FM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Micronesia (Federated States of)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Micronesia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "FM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Micronesia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:FO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "FO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Faroe Islands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:FaroeIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "FO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:FaroeIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:FR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "FR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for France" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:France ; lcc-lr:hasTag "FR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:France ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:FRA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "FRA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for France" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:France ; lcc-lr:hasTag "FRA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:France ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:FRO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "FRO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Faroe Islands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:FaroeIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "FRO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:FaroeIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:FSM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "FSM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Micronesia (Federated States of)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Micronesia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "FSM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Micronesia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:FalklandIslands a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Falkland Islands (the) [Malvinas]"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Falkland (les Îles)/Malouines (les Îles)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "FALKLAND, ÎLES (MALVINAS)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "238" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:FaroeIslands a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Færøerne"@da , "Føroyar"@fo ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Faroe Islands (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Faroe Islands (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "FAROE ISLANDS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Féroé (les Îles)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "FÉROÉ, ÎLES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Færøerne"@da , "Føroyar"@fo ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "234" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Danish , lcc-639-1:Faroese ; . lcc-3166-1:Fiji a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Fiji"@en , "Viti"@fj ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Fiji" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Fiji"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Fiji"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "FIJI"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République des Fidji"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Fidji (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "FIDJI"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Viti"@fj ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "242" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Principal islands: Vanua Levu, Viti Levu. Includes Rotuma Island." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Fijian ; . lcc-3166-1:Finland a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Finland"@sv , "Suomi"@fi ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Finland" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Finland"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Finland"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "FINLAND"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Finlande"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Finlande (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "FINLANDE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Finland"@sv , "Suomi"@fi ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "246" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Åland Islands." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Finnish , lcc-639-1:Swedish ; . lcc-3166-1:France a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "France (la)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of France" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the French Republic"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "France"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "FRANCE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République française"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "France (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "FRANCE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "250" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Comprises: Metropolitan France, French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, La Réunion, Mayotte, Saint Barthélemy, Saint Martin, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories, New Caledonia, Wallis and Futuna. Includes: Clipperton Island." , "The current nomenclature of the departments as an administrative unit of the State administration remains unchanged, as well as the codification of the communes which historically results from it. Territorial collectivities are French administrative structures, distinct from the State administration, which must take care of the interests of the population of a specific territory." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:FrenchGuiana a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Guyane française (la )"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of French Guiana" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "French Guiana"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "FRENCH GUIANA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Guyane française (la )"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GUYANE FRANÇAISE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "254" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as subdivision of France (FR-GF)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:FrenchPolynesia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Polynésie française (la)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of French Polynesia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "French Polynesia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "FRENCH POLYNESIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Polynésie française (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "POLYNÉSIE FRANÇAISE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "258" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Comprises: Austral Islands, Gambier Islands, Marquesas Islands, Society Archipelago (Principal island: Tahiti), Tuamotu Islands." , "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as a subdivision of France (FR-PF)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:FrenchSouthernTerritories a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Terres australes françaises (les)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of French Southern Territories (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "French Southern Territories (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Terres australes françaises (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TERRES AUSTRALES FRANÇAISES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "260" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Comprises: Amsterdam Island, Crozet Archipelago, Kerguelen Islands, Saint Paul Island and French scattered Indian Ocean Islands formed by Bassas da India, Europa Island, Glorioso Islands, Juan de Nova Island and Tromelin Island." , "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as subdivision of France (FR-TF)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:GA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Gabon" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Gabon ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Gabon ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GAB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GAB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Gabon" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Gabon ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GAB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Gabon ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:UnitedKingdomOfGreatBritainAndNorthernIreland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:UnitedKingdomOfGreatBritainAndNorthernIreland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GBR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GBR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:UnitedKingdomOfGreatBritainAndNorthernIreland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GBR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:UnitedKingdomOfGreatBritainAndNorthernIreland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GD a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Grenada" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Grenada ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Grenada ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Georgia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Georgia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Georgia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GEO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GEO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Georgia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Georgia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GEO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Georgia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for French Guiana" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:FrenchGuiana ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:FrenchGuiana ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Guernsey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Guernsey ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Guernsey ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GGY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GGY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Guernsey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Guernsey ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GGY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Guernsey ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GH a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Ghana" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Ghana ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Ghana ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GHA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GHA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Ghana" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Ghana ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GHA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Ghana ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Gibraltar" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Gibraltar ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Gibraltar ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GIB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GIB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Gibraltar" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Gibraltar ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GIB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Gibraltar ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GIN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GIN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Guinea" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Guinea ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GIN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Guinea ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Greenland" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Greenland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Greenland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GLP a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GLP" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Guadeloupe" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Guadeloupe ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GLP" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Guadeloupe ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Gambia (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Gambia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Gambia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GMB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GMB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Gambia (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Gambia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GMB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Gambia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Guinea" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Guinea ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Guinea ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GNB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GNB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Guinea-Bissau" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Guinea-Bissau ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GNB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Guinea-Bissau ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GNQ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GNQ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Equatorial Guinea" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:EquatorialGuinea ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GNQ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:EquatorialGuinea ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GP a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GP" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Guadeloupe" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Guadeloupe ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GP" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Guadeloupe ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GQ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GQ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Equatorial Guinea" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:EquatorialGuinea ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GQ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:EquatorialGuinea ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Greece" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Greece ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Greece ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GRC a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GRC" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Greece" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Greece ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GRC" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Greece ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GRD a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GRD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Grenada" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Grenada ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GRD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Grenada ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GRL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GRL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Greenland" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Greenland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GRL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Greenland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Guatemala" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Guatemala ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Guatemala ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GTM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GTM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Guatemala" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Guatemala ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GTM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Guatemala ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Guam" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Guam ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Guam ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GUF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GUF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for French Guiana" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:FrenchGuiana ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GUF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:FrenchGuiana ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GUM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GUM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Guam" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Guam ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GUM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Guam ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GUY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "GUY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Guyana" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Guyana ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GUY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Guyana ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GW a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GW" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Guinea-Bissau" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Guinea-Bissau ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GW" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Guinea-Bissau ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:GY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "GY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Guyana" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Guyana ; lcc-lr:hasTag "GY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Guyana ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Gabon a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Gabon (le)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Gabon" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Gabonese Republic"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Gabon"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GABON"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République gabonaise"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Gabon (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GABON"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "266" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Gambia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Gambia (the)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Gambia (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of the Gambia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Gambia (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GAMBIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Gambie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Gambie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GAMBIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "270" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Georgia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Sakartvelo"@ka ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Georgia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Georgia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GEORGIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Géorgie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GÉORGIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Sakartvelo"@ka ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "268" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "The code GE was formerly used for the Gilbert and Ellice Islands (GE, GEL, --) and has been reused and reassigned to Georgia. See also code element GEKI." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Georgian ; . lcc-3166-1:Germany a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Deutschland"@de ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Germany" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Federal Republic of Germany"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Germany"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GERMANY"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République fédérale d'Allemagne"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Allemagne (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ALLEMAGNE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Deutschland"@de ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "276" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:German ; . lcc-3166-1:Ghana a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Ghana"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Ghana" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Ghana"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Ghana"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GHANA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Ghana"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Ghana (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GHANA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "288" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Gibraltar a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Gibraltar"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Gibraltar" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Gibraltar"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GIBRALTAR"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Gibraltar"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GIBRALTAR"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "292" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Greece a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Elláda"@el ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Greece" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Hellenic Republic"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Greece"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GREECE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République hellénique"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Grèce (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GRÈCE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Elláda"@el ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "300" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Mount Athos autonomous area." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:ModernGreek ; . lcc-3166-1:Greenland a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Grønland"@da , "Kalaallit Nunaat"@kl ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Greenland" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Greenland"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GREENLAND"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Groenland (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GROENLAND"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Grønland"@da , "Kalaallit Nunaat"@kl ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "304" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Danish , lcc-639-1:Kalaallisut ; . lcc-3166-1:Grenada a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Grenada"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Grenada" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Grenada"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GRENADA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Grenade (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GRENADE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "308" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Southern Grenadine Islands (Principal island: Carriacou)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Guadeloupe a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Guadeloupe (la)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Guadeloupe" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Guadeloupe"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GUADELOUPE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Guadeloupe (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GUADELOUPE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "312" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: la Désirade, Marie-Galante, les Saintes." , "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as subdivision of France (FR-GP)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Guam a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Guam"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Guam" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Guam"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GUAM"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Guam"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GUAM"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "316" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as subdivision of the United States (US-GU)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Guatemala a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Guatemala"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Guatemala" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Guatemala"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Guatemala"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GUATEMALA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Guatemala"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Guatemala (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GUATEMALA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Guatemala"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "320" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:Guernsey a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Guernesey"@fr , "Guernsey"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Guernsey" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Guernsey"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GUERNSEY"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Guernesey"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GUERNESEY"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "831" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." , "The Bailiwick of Guernsey also includes the islands of Alderney, Brecqhou, Burhou, Herm, Jethou, Lihou, Little Sark, and Sark." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Guinea a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Guinée (la)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Guinea" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Guinea"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Guinea"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GUINEA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Guinée"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Guinée (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GUINÉE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "324" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Guinea-Bissau a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Guiné-Bissau (a)"@pt ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Guinea-Bissau" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Guinea-Bissau"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Guinea-Bissau"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GUINEA-BISSAU"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Guinée-Bissau"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Guinée-Bissau (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GUINÉE-BISSAU"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Guiné-Bissau (a)"@pt ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "624" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Portuguese ; . lcc-3166-1:Guyana a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Guyana"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Guyana" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Co-operative Republic of Guyana"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Guyana"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "GUYANA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République coopérative du Guyana"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Guyana (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GUYANA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "328" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:HK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "HK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Hong Kong" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:HongKong ; lcc-lr:hasTag "HK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:HongKong ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:HKG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "HKG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Hong Kong" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:HongKong ; lcc-lr:hasTag "HKG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:HongKong ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:HM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "HM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Heard Island and McDonald Islands" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:HeardIslandAndMcDonaldIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "HM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:HeardIslandAndMcDonaldIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:HMD a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "HMD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Heard Island and McDonald Islands" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:HeardIslandAndMcDonaldIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "HMD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:HeardIslandAndMcDonaldIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:HN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "HN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Honduras" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Honduras ; lcc-lr:hasTag "HN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Honduras ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:HND a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "HND" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Honduras" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Honduras ; lcc-lr:hasTag "HND" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Honduras ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:HR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "HR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Croatia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Croatia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "HR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Croatia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:HRV a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "HRV" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Croatia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Croatia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "HRV" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Croatia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:HT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "HT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Haiti" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Haiti ; lcc-lr:hasTag "HT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Haiti ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:HTI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "HTI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Haiti" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Haiti ; lcc-lr:hasTag "HTI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Haiti ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:HU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "HU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Hungary" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Hungary ; lcc-lr:hasTag "HU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Hungary ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:HUN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "HUN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Hungary" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Hungary ; lcc-lr:hasTag "HUN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Hungary ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Haiti a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Ayiti"@ht , "Haïti"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Haiti" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Haiti"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Haiti"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "HAITI"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République d'Haïti"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Haïti"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "HAÏTI"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Ayiti"@ht ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "332" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French , lcc-639-1:Haitian ; . lcc-3166-1:HeardIslandAndMcDonaldIslands a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Heard Island and McDonald Islands"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Heard Island and McDonald Islands" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Heard Island and McDonald Islands"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "ll'Île Heard-et-Îles MacDonald"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Heard-et-Îles MacDonald (l'Île)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "HEARD-ET-ÎLES MACDONALD, ÎLE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "334" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:HolySee a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Sancta Sedes"@la , "Santa Sede (la)"@it ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Holy See (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Holy See (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "HOLY SEE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Saint-Siège (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SAINT-SIÈGE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Sancta Sedes"@la , "Santa Sede (la)"@it ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "336" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." , "Previous entry: VATICAN CITY STATE (HOLY SEE)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Italian , lcc-639-1:Latin ; . lcc-3166-1:Honduras a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Honduras"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Honduras" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Honduras"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Honduras"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "HONDURAS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Honduras"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Honduras (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "HONDURAS"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Honduras"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "340" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Swan Islands." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:HongKong a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Hong Kong"@en , "Xianggang"@zh ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Hong Kong" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of China"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Hong Kong"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "HONG KONG"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "Hong Kong, Région administrative spéciale de Chine (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Hong Kong"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "HONG KONG"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Xianggang"@zh ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "344" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as subdivision of China (CN-HK)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Chinese , lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Hungary a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Magyarország"@hu ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Hungary" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Hungary"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "HUNGARY"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Hongrie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "HONGRIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Magyarország"@hu ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "348" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Hungarian ; . lcc-3166-1:ID a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "ID" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Indonesia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Indonesia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ID" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Indonesia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IDN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "IDN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Indonesia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Indonesia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IDN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Indonesia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "IE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Ireland" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Ireland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Ireland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "IL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Israel" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Israel ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Israel ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "IM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Isle of Man" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:IsleOfMan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:IsleOfMan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IMN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "IMN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Isle of Man" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:IsleOfMan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IMN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:IsleOfMan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "IN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:India ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:India ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IND a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "IND" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:India ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IND" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:India ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "IO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for British Indian Ocean Territory (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:BritishIndianOceanTerritory ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:BritishIndianOceanTerritory ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IOT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "IOT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for British Indian Ocean Territory (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:BritishIndianOceanTerritory ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IOT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:BritishIndianOceanTerritory ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IQ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "IQ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Iraq" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Iraq ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IQ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Iraq ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "IR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Iran (Islamic Republic of)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Iran ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Iran ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IRL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "IRL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Ireland" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Ireland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IRL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Ireland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IRN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "IRN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Iran (Islamic Republic of)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Iran ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IRN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Iran ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IRQ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "IRQ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Iraq" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Iraq ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IRQ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Iraq ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "IS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Iceland" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Iceland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Iceland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ISL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ISL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Iceland" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Iceland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ISL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Iceland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-lr:CodeSet , lcc-lr:IdentificationScheme ; rdfs:label "ISO 3166-1 code set" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the set of country identifiers that comprise the 2 character codes in the ISO 3166-1 specification" ; . lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-lr:CodeSet , lcc-lr:IdentificationScheme ; rdfs:label "ISO 3166-1 code set" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the set of country identifiers that comprise the 3 character codes in the ISO 3166-1 specification" ; . lcc-3166-1:ISO639-3-CodeSet a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-lr:CodeSet , lcc-lr:IdentificationScheme ; rdfs:label "ISO 639-3 code set" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; rdfs:seeAlso ; skos:definition "the set of language identifiers that comprise the ISO 639-3 specification" ; . lcc-3166-1:ISR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ISR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Israel" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Israel ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ISR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Israel ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:IT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "IT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Italy" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Italy ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Italy ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ITA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ITA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Italy" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Italy ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ITA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Italy ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Iceland a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Ísland"@is ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Iceland" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Iceland"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Iceland"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ICELAND"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République d'Islande"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Islande (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ISLANDE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Ísland"@is ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "352" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Remark: The Icelandic characters ð (eze) and þ (thorn) may be written as “dh” and “th”." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Icelandic ; . lcc-3166-1:India a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Bhārat"@hi , "India"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of India"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "India"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "INDIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de l'Inde"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Inde (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "INDE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Bhārat"@hi ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "356" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Amindivi Islands, Andaman Islands, Laccadive Islands, Minicoy Island, Nicobar Islands." , "Remark: the forms used in the list are English-language forms provided by India." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Hindi ; . lcc-3166-1:Indonesia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Indonesia"@id ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Indonesia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Indonesia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Indonesia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "INDONESIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République d'Indonésie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Indonésie (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "INDONÉSIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Indonesia"@id ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "360" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Indonesian ; . lcc-3166-1:Iran a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Jomhūrī-ye Eslāmī-ye Īrān"@fa ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Iran (Islamic Republic of)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Islamic Republic of Iran"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Iran (Islamic Republic of)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "IRAN (ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République islamique d'Iran"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Iran (République Islamique d')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "IRAN (RÉPUBLIQUE ISLAMIQUE D')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Jomhūrī-ye Eslāmī-ye Īrān"@fa ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "364" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Also referred to as Iran." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Persian ; . lcc-3166-1:Iraq a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Al ‘Irāq"@ar , "‘Êraq"@ku ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Iraq" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Iraq"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Iraq"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "IRAQ"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République d'Iraq"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Iraq (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "IRAQ"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Al ‘Irāq"@ar , "‘Êraq"@ku ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "368" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Kurdish and Arabic are both official languages according to the Iraqi constitution, which states “The federal and official institutions and agencies in the Kurdistan region shall use both languages.”" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic , lcc-639-1:Kurdish ; . lcc-3166-1:Ireland a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Ireland"@en , "Éire"@ga ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Ireland" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Ireland"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "IRELAND"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Irlande (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "IRLANDE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Éire"@ga ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "372" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Irish ; . lcc-3166-1:IsleOfMan a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Isle of Man"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Isle of Man" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Isle of Man"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ISLE OF MAN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Île de Man"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ÎLE DE MAN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "833" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Israel a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Isrā'īl"@ar , "Yisra'el"@he ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Israel" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the State of Israel"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Israel"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ISRAEL"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "l'État d'Israël"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Israël"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ISRAËL"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Isrā'īl"@ar , "Yisra'el"@he ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "376" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic , lcc-639-1:Hebrew ; . lcc-3166-1:Italy a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Italia (l')"@it ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Italy" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Italy"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Italy"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ITALY"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République italienne"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Italie (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ITALIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Italia (l')"@it ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "380" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Italian ; . lcc-3166-1:JAM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "JAM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Jamaica" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Jamaica ; lcc-lr:hasTag "JAM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Jamaica ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:JE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "JE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Jersey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Jersey ; lcc-lr:hasTag "JE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Jersey ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:JEY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "JEY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Jersey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Jersey ; lcc-lr:hasTag "JEY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Jersey ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:JM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "JM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Jamaica" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Jamaica ; lcc-lr:hasTag "JM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Jamaica ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:JO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "JO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Jordan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Jordan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "JO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Jordan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:JOR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "JOR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Jordan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Jordan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "JOR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Jordan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:JP a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "JP" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Japan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Japan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "JP" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Japan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:JPN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "JPN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Japan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Japan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "JPN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Japan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Jamaica a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Jamaica"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Jamaica" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Jamaica"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "JAMAICA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Jamaïque (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "JAMAÏQUE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "388" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Japan a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Nihon/Nippon"@ja ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Japan" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Japan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "JAPAN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Japon (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "JAPON"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Nihon/Nippon"@ja ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "392" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Japanese ; . lcc-3166-1:Jersey a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Jersey"@en , "Jersey"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Jersey" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Jersey"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "JERSEY"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Jersey"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "JERSEY"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "832" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Jordan a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Al Urdun"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Jordan" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Jordan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "JORDAN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume hachémite de Jordanie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Jordanie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "JORDANIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Al Urdun"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "400" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:KAZ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "KAZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Kazakhstan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Kazakhstan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KAZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Kazakhstan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "KE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Kenya" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Kenya ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Kenya ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KEN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "KEN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Kenya" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Kenya ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KEN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Kenya ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "KG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Kyrgyzstan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Kyrgyzstan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Kyrgyzstan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KGZ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "KGZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Kyrgyzstan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Kyrgyzstan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KGZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Kyrgyzstan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KH a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "KH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KHM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "KHM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KHM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "KI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Kiribati" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Kiribati ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Kiribati ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KIR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "KIR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Kiribati" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Kiribati ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KIR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Kiribati ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "KM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Comoros (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Comoros ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Comoros ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "KN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Saint Kitts and Nevis" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaintKittsAndNevis ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaintKittsAndNevis ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KNA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "KNA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Saint Kitts and Nevis" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaintKittsAndNevis ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KNA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaintKittsAndNevis ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KOR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "KOR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Korea Republic Of" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:KoreaRepublicOf ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KOR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:KoreaRepublicOf ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KP a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "KP" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Korea Democratic Peoples Republic Of" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:KoreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublicOf ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KP" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:KoreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublicOf ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "KR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Korea Republic Of" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:KoreaRepublicOf ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:KoreaRepublicOf ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KW a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "KW" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Kuwait" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Kuwait ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KW" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Kuwait ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KWT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "KWT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Kuwait" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Kuwait ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KWT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Kuwait ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "KY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Cayman Islands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:CaymanIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:CaymanIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:KZ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "KZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Kazakhstan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Kazakhstan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Kazakhstan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Kazakhstan a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Kazahstan"@ru , "Qazaqstan"@kk ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Kazakhstan" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Kazakhstan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Kazakhstan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "KAZAKHSTAN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Kazakhstan"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Kazakhstan (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "KAZAKHSTAN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kazahstan"@ru , "Qazaqstan"@kk ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "398" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Kazakh , lcc-639-1:Russian ; . lcc-3166-1:Kenya a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Kenya"@en , "Kenya"@sw ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Kenya" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Kenya"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Kenya"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "KENYA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Kenya"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Kenya (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "KENYA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kenya"@sw ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "404" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Swahili ; . lcc-3166-1:Kiribati a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Kiribati"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Kiribati" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Kiribati"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Kiribati"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "KIRIBATI"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Kiribati"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Kiribati"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "KIRIBATI"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kiribati" ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "296" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Comprises: Gilbert Islands (Principal atoll: Tarawa, including Banaba), part of Line Islands (including Kiritimati), Phoenix Islands (including Abariringa, Enderbury Island)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-2:Gilbertese ; . lcc-3166-1:KoreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublicOf a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Chosŏn"@ko ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Korea Democratic Peoples Republic Of" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Democratic People's Republic of Korea"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Korea (the Democratic People's Republic of)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "KOREA (DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République populaire démocratique de Corée"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Corée (la République populaire démocratique de)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CORÉE, RÉPUBLIQUE POPULAIRE DÉMOCRATIQUE DE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Chosŏn"@ko ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "408" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Often referred to as North Korea." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Korean ; . lcc-3166-1:KoreaRepublicOf a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Hanguk"@ko ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Korea Republic Of" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Korea"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Korea (the Republic of)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "KOREA, REPUBLIC OF"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Corée"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Corée (la République de)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "CORÉE, RÉPUBLIQUE DE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Hanguk"@ko ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "410" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Often referred to as South Korea." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Korean ; . lcc-3166-1:Kuwait a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Al Kuwayt"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Kuwait" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the State of Kuwait"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Kuwait"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "KUWAIT"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "l'État du Koweït"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Koweït (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "KOWEÏT"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Al Kuwayt"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "414" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:Kyrgyzstan a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Kyrgyzstan"@ky , "Kyrgyzstan"@ru ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Kyrgyzstan" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kyrgyz Republic"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Kyrgyzstan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "KYRGYZSTAN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République kirghize"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Kirghizistan (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "KIRGHIZISTAN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kyrgyzstan"@ky , "Kyrgyzstan"@ru ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "417" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Kirghiz , lcc-639-1:Russian ; . lcc-3166-1:L001 a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-lr:IndividualLanguageIdentifier ; owl:sameAs lcc-639-2:cnr ; owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ; . lcc-3166-1:L002 a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-lr:IndividualLanguageIdentifier ; rdfs:label "002" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 language code for Shikomor" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Shikomor ; lcc-lr:hasTag "002" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Shikomor ; . lcc-3166-1:LA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "LA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:LaoPeoplesDemocraticRepublic ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:LaoPeoplesDemocraticRepublic ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LAO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "LAO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:LaoPeoplesDemocraticRepublic ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LAO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:LaoPeoplesDemocraticRepublic ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "LB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Lebanon" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Lebanon ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Lebanon ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LBN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "LBN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Lebanon" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Lebanon ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LBN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Lebanon ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LBR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "LBR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Liberia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Liberia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LBR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Liberia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LBY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "LBY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Libya" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Libya ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LBY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Libya ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LC a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "LC" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Saint Lucia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaintLucia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LC" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaintLucia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LCA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "LCA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Saint Lucia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaintLucia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LCA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaintLucia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "LI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Liechtenstein" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Liechtenstein ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Liechtenstein ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LIE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "LIE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Liechtenstein" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Liechtenstein ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LIE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Liechtenstein ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "LK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Sri Lanka" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SriLanka ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SriLanka ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LKA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "LKA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Sri Lanka" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SriLanka ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LKA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SriLanka ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "LR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Liberia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Liberia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Liberia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "LS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Lesotho" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Lesotho ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Lesotho ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LSO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "LSO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Lesotho" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Lesotho ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LSO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Lesotho ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "LT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Lithuania" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Lithuania ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Lithuania ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LTU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "LTU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Lithuania" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Lithuania ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LTU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Lithuania ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "LU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Luxembourg" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Luxembourg ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Luxembourg ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LUX a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "LUX" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Luxembourg" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Luxembourg ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LUX" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Luxembourg ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LV a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "LV" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Latvia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Latvia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LV" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Latvia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LVA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "LVA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Latvia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Latvia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LVA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Latvia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "LY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Libya" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Libya ; lcc-lr:hasTag "LY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Libya ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:LaoPeoplesDemocraticRepublic a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Sathalanalat Paxathipatai Paxaxôn Lao"@lo ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Lao People's Democratic Republic"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Lao People's Democratic Republic (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "LAO PEOPLE'S DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République démocratique populaire lao"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Lao (la République démocratique populaire)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "LAO, RÉPUBLIQUE DÉMOCRATIQUE POPULAIRE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Sathalanalat Paxathipatai Paxaxôn Lao"@lo ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "418" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Also referred to as Laos." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Lao ; . lcc-3166-1:Latvia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Latvija"@lv ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Latvia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Latvia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Latvia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "LATVIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Lettonie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Lettonie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "LETTONIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Latvija"@lv ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "428" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Latvian ; . lcc-3166-1:Lebanon a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Lubnān"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Lebanon" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Lebanese Republic"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Lebanon"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "LEBANON"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République libanaise"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Liban (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "LIBAN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Lubnān"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "422" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:Lesotho a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Lesotho"@en , "Lesotho"@st ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Lesotho" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kingdom of Lesotho"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Lesotho"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "LESOTHO"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume du Lesotho"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Lesotho (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "LESOTHO"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Lesotho"@st ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "426" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:SouthernSotho ; . lcc-3166-1:Liberia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Liberia"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Liberia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Liberia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Liberia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "LIBERIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Libéria"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Libéria (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "LIBÉRIA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "430" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Libya a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Lībiyā"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Libya" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the State of Libya"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Libya"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "LIBYA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "l'État de Libye"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Libye (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "LIBYE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Lībiyā"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "434" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "The subdivision category sha‘bīyah (popularate) is no longer used since the fall of Gaddafi. The word Muḩāfaz̧ah governorate is now sometimes used instead for these subdivisions of Libya, which are those pre-2011. The unrest in Libya means that there is no recognised current administrative structure." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:Liechtenstein a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Liechtenstein"@de ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Liechtenstein" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Principality of Liechtenstein"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Liechtenstein"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "LIECHTENSTEIN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la Principauté du Liechtenstein"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Liechtenstein (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "LIECHTENSTEIN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Liechtenstein"@de ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "438" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:German ; . lcc-3166-1:Lithuania a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Lietuva"@lt ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Lithuania" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Lithuania"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Lithuania"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "LITHUANIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Lituanie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Lituanie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "LITUANIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Lietuva"@lt ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "440" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Lithuanian ; . lcc-3166-1:Luxembourg a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Luxembourg (le)"@fr , "Luxemburg"@de , "Lëtzebuerg"@lb ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Luxembourg" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Luxembourg"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "LUXEMBOURG"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Luxembourg (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "LUXEMBOURG"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Luxemburg"@de , "Lëtzebuerg"@lb ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "442" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French , lcc-639-1:German , lcc-639-1:Luxembourgish ; . lcc-3166-1:MA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MAC a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MAC" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Macao" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Macao ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MAC" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Macao ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MAF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MAF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Saint Martin (French part)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaintMartin ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MAF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaintMartin ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MAR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MAR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MAR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MC a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MC" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Monaco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Monaco ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MC" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Monaco ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MCO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MCO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Monaco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Monaco ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MCO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Monaco ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MD a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Moldova (the Republic of)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Moldova ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Moldova ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MDA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MDA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Moldova (the Republic of)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Moldova ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MDA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Moldova ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MDG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MDG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Madagascar" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Madagascar ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MDG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Madagascar ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MDV a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MDV" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Maldives" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Maldives ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MDV" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Maldives ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ME a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "ME" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Montenegro" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Montenegro ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ME" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Montenegro ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MEX a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MEX" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Mexico" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Mexico ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MEX" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Mexico ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Saint Martin (French part)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaintMartin ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaintMartin ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Madagascar" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Madagascar ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Madagascar ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MH a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Marshall Islands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:MarshallIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:MarshallIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MHL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MHL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Marshall Islands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:MarshallIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MHL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:MarshallIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for North Macedonia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:NorthMacedonia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:NorthMacedonia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MKD a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MKD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for North Macedonia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:NorthMacedonia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MKD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:NorthMacedonia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ML a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "ML" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Mali" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Mali ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ML" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Mali ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MLI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MLI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Mali" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Mali ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MLI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Mali ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MLT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MLT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Malta" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Malta ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MLT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Malta ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Myanmar" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Myanmar ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Myanmar ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MMR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MMR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Myanmar" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Myanmar ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MMR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Myanmar ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Mongolia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Mongolia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Mongolia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MNE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MNE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Montenegro" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Montenegro ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MNE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Montenegro ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MNG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MNG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Mongolia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Mongolia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MNG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Mongolia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MNP a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MNP" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Northern Mariana Islands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:NorthernMarianaIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MNP" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:NorthernMarianaIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Macao" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Macao ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Macao ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MOZ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MOZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Mozambique" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Mozambique ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MOZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Mozambique ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MP a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MP" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Northern Mariana Islands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:NorthernMarianaIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MP" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:NorthernMarianaIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MQ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MQ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Martinique" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Martinique ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MQ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Martinique ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Mauritania" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Mauritania ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Mauritania ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MRT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MRT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Mauritania" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Mauritania ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MRT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Mauritania ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Montserrat" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Montserrat ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Montserrat ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MSR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MSR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Montserrat" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Montserrat ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MSR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Montserrat ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Malta" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Malta ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Malta ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MTQ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MTQ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Martinique" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Martinique ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MTQ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Martinique ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Mauritius" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Mauritius ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Mauritius ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MUS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MUS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Mauritius" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Mauritius ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MUS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Mauritius ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MV a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MV" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Maldives" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Maldives ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MV" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Maldives ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MW a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MW" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Malawi" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Malawi ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MW" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Malawi ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MWI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MWI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Malawi" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Malawi ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MWI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Malawi ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MX a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MX" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Mexico" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Mexico ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MX" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Mexico ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Malaysia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Malaysia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Malaysia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MYS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MYS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Malaysia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Malaysia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MYS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Malaysia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MYT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "MYT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Mayotte" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Mayotte ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MYT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Mayotte ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:MZ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "MZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Mozambique" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Mozambique ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Mozambique ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Macao a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Aomen"@zh , "Macau"@pt ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Macao" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "Macao Special Administrative Region of China"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Macao"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MACAO"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "Macao, Région administrative spéciale de Chine"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Macao"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MACAO"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Aomen"@zh , "Macau"@pt ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "446" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Subdivision in 2 districts, distrito (pt), which is not relevant for this part of ISO 3166. Included also as a subdivision of China (CN-MO)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Chinese , lcc-639-1:Portuguese ; . lcc-3166-1:Macedonia a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-1:NorthMacedonia ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ; . lcc-3166-1:Madagascar a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Madagascar"@en , "Madagascar"@fr , "Madagasikara"@mg ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Madagascar" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Madagascar"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Madagascar"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MADAGASCAR"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Madagascar"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Madagascar"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MADAGASCAR"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Madagasikara"@mg ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "450" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:French , lcc-639-1:Malagasy ; . lcc-3166-1:Malawi a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Malawi"@en , "Malaŵi"@ny ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Malawi" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Malawi"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Malawi"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MALAWI"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Malawi"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Malawi (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MALAWI"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Malaŵi"@ny ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "454" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Nyanja ; . lcc-3166-1:Malaysia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Malaysia"@ms ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Malaysia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Malaysia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MALAYSIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Malaisie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MALAISIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Malaysia"@ms ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "458" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Comprises: Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Malay ; . lcc-3166-1:Maldives a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Dhivehi Raajje"@dv ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Maldives" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Maldives"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Maldives"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MALDIVES"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République des Maldives"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Maldives (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MALDIVES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Dhivehi Raajje"@dv ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "462" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Dhivehi ; . lcc-3166-1:Mali a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Mali (le)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Mali" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Mali"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Mali"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MALI"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Mali"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Mali (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MALI"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "466" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Malta a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Malta"@en , "Malta"@mt ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Malta" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Malta"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Malta"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MALTA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Malte"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Malte"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MALTE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Malta"@mt ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "470" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Maltese ; . lcc-3166-1:MarshallIslands a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Aelōn̄ in M̧ajeļ"@mh , "Marshall Islands (the)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Marshall Islands (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of the Marshall Islands"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Marshall Islands (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MARSHALL ISLANDS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République des Îles Marshall"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Marshall (les Îles)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MARSHALL, ÎLES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Aelōn̄ in M̧ajeļ"@mh ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "584" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Principal atolls: Jaluit, Kwajalein, Majuro." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Marshallese ; . lcc-3166-1:Martinique a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Martinique (la)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Martinique" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Martinique"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MARTINIQUE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Martinique (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MARTINIQUE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "474" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as a subdivision of France (FR-MQ)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Mauritania a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Mūrītāniyā"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Mauritania" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Islamic Republic of Mauritania"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Mauritania"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MAURITANIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République islamique de Mauritanie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Mauritanie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MAURITANIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Mūrītāniyā"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "478" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:Mauritius a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Mauritius"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Mauritius" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Mauritius"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Mauritius"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MAURITIUS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Maurice"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Maurice"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MAURICE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "480" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Agalega Islands, Cargados Carajos Shoals, Rodrigues Island." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Mayotte a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Mayotte"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Mayotte" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Mayotte"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MAYOTTE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Mayotte"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MAYOTTE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "175" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as a subdivision of France (FR-YT)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Mexico a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "México"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Mexico" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the United Mexican States"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Mexico"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MEXICO"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "les États-Unis du Mexique"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Mexique (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MEXIQUE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "México"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "484" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:Micronesia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Micronesia (Federated States of)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Micronesia (Federated States of)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Federated States of Micronesia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Micronesia (Federated States of)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MICRONESIA (FEDERATED STATES OF)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "les États fédérés de Micronésie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Micronésie (États fédérés de)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MICRONÉSIE (ÉTATS FÉDÉRÉS DE)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "583" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Comprises: Caroline Islands (except PALAU, see separate entry). Principal islands: Chuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei, YapChuuk, Kosrae, Pohnpei, Yap." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Moldova a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Republica Moldova"@ro ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Moldova (the Republic of)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Moldova"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Moldova (the Republic of)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Moldova"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Moldova (la République de)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MOLDOVA, RÉPUBLIQUE DE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Republica Moldova"@ro ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "498" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Romanian ; . lcc-3166-1:Monaco a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Monaco"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Monaco" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Principality of Monaco"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Monaco"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MONACO"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la Principauté de Monaco"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Monaco"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MONACO"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "492" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Mongolia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Mongol"@mn ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Mongolia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Mongolia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MONGOLIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Mongolie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MONGOLIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Mongol"@mn ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "496" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Mongolian ; . lcc-3166-1:Montenegrin a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-lr:IndividualLanguage ; owl:sameAs lcc-639-2:Montenegrin ; owl:deprecated "true"^^xsd:boolean ; . lcc-3166-1:Montenegro a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Montenegro" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Montenegro"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MONTENEGRO"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "Monténégro (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Monténégro (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MONTÉNÉGRO"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Crna Gora" ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "499" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Montenegro was formerly part of former entries: YUGOSLAVIA (YU, YUG, 891) then SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO (CS, SCG, 891)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-2:Montenegrin ; . lcc-3166-1:Montserrat a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Montserrat"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Montserrat" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Montserrat"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MONTSERRAT"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Montserrat"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MONTSERRAT"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "500" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Morocco a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Al Maghrib"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kingdom of Morocco"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Morocco"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MOROCCO"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume du Maroc"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Maroc (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MAROC"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Al Maghrib"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "504" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks 'Remark: Entries followed by "(EH)" are located partially or fully in the territory of Western Sahara (ISO 3166 alpha-2 code element EH).' ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:Mozambique a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Moçambique"@pt ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Mozambique" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Mozambique"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Mozambique"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MOZAMBIQUE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Mozambique"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Mozambique (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MOZAMBIQUE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Moçambique"@pt ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "508" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Portuguese ; . lcc-3166-1:Myanmar a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Myanma"@my ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Myanmar" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of the Union of Myanmar"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Myanmar"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "MYANMAR"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de l'Union du Myanmar"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Myanmar (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MYANMAR"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Myanma"@my ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "104" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Remark: the forms used in the list are English-language forms provided by Myanmar." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Burmese ; . lcc-3166-1:NA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "NA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Namibia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Namibia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Namibia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NAM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "NAM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Namibia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Namibia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NAM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Namibia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NC a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "NC" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for New Caledonia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:NewCaledonia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NC" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:NewCaledonia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NCL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "NCL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for New Caledonia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:NewCaledonia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NCL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:NewCaledonia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "NE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Niger (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Niger ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Niger ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NER a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "NER" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Niger (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Niger ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NER" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Niger ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "NF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Norfolk Island" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:NorfolkIsland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:NorfolkIsland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NFK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "NFK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Norfolk Island" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:NorfolkIsland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NFK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:NorfolkIsland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "NG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Nigeria" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Nigeria ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Nigeria ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NGA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "NGA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Nigeria" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Nigeria ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NGA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Nigeria ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "NI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Nicaragua" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Nicaragua ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Nicaragua ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NIC a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "NIC" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Nicaragua" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Nicaragua ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NIC" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Nicaragua ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NIU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "NIU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Niue" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Niue ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NIU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Niue ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "NL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Netherlands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Netherlands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Netherlands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NLD a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "NLD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Netherlands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Netherlands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NLD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Netherlands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "NO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Norway" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Norway ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Norway ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NOR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "NOR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Norway" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Norway ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NOR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Norway ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NP a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "NP" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Nepal" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Nepal ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NP" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Nepal ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NPL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "NPL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Nepal" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Nepal ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NPL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Nepal ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "NR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Nauru" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Nauru ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Nauru ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NRU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "NRU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Nauru" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Nauru ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NRU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Nauru ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "NU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Niue" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Niue ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Niue ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NZ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "NZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for New Zealand" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:NewZealand ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:NewZealand ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:NZL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "NZL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for New Zealand" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:NewZealand ; lcc-lr:hasTag "NZL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:NewZealand ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Namibia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Namibia"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Namibia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Namibia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Namibia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "NAMIBIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Namibie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Namibie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "NAMIBIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "516" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Nauru a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Naoero"@na , "Nauru"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Nauru" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Nauru"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Nauru"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "NAURU"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Nauru"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Nauru"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "NAURU"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Naoero"@na ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "520" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Nauru ; . lcc-3166-1:Nepal a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Nepāl"@ne ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Nepal" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Nepal"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "NEPAL"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Népal (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "NÉPAL"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Nepāl"@ne ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "524" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "In September 2015 Nepal created a new federal structure consisting of 7 provinces. Until now five of these provinces have names. The other two are identified by numbers only. These provinces should replace the zones and development regions but this has not yet been fully implemented." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Nepali ; . lcc-3166-1:Netherlands a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Nederland"@nl ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Netherlands (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kingdom of the Netherlands"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Netherlands (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "NETHERLANDS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume des Pays-Bas"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Pays-Bas (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "PAYS-BAS"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Nederland"@nl ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "528" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: the islands Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Dutch ; . lcc-3166-1:NewCaledonia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Nouvelle-Calédonie (la)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of New Caledonia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "New Caledonia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "NEW CALEDONIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Nouvelle-Calédonie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "NOUVELLE-CALÉDONIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "540" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Loyalty Islands." , "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as a subdivision of France (FR-NC)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:NewZealand a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Aotearoa"@mi , "New Zealand"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of New Zealand" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "New Zealand"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "NEW ZEALAND"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Nouvelle-Zélande (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "NOUVELLE-ZÉLANDE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Aotearoa"@mi ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "554" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Antipodes Islands, Auckland Islands, Campbell Island, Chatham Islands, Kermadec Islands." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Maori ; . lcc-3166-1:Nicaragua a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Nicaragua"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Nicaragua" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Nicaragua"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Nicaragua"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "NICARAGUA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Nicaragua"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Nicaragua (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "NICARAGUA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Nicaragua"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "558" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:Niger a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Niger (le)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Niger (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of the Niger"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Niger (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "NIGER"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Niger"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Niger (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "NIGER"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "562" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Nigeria a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Nigeria"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Nigeria" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Federal Republic of Nigeria"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Nigeria"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "NIGERIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République fédérale du Nigéria"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Nigéria (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "NIGÉRIA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "566" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Niue a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Niue"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Niue" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Niue"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "NIUE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Niue"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "NIUE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Niue" ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "570" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-2:Niuean ; . lcc-3166-1:NorfolkIsland a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Norfolk Island"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Norfolk Island" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Norfolk Island"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "NORFOLK ISLAND"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Norfolk (l'Île)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "NORFOLK, ÎLE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "574" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:NorthMacedonia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Severna Makedonija"@mk ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of North Macedonia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of North Macedonia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "North Macedonia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "NORTH MACEDONIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Macédoine du Nord"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Macédoine du Nord (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MACÉDOINE DU NORD"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Severna Makedonija"@mk ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "807" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Macedonian ; . lcc-3166-1:NorthernMarianaIslands a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Northern Mariana Islands (the)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Northern Mariana Islands (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Northern Mariana Islands (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "les Îles Mariannes du Nord"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Mariannes du Nord (les Îles)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "MARIANNES DU NORD, ÎLES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "580" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Comprises: Mariana Islands (except GUAM, see separate entry). (Principal island: Saipan)." , "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as a subdivision of the United States (US-MP)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Norway a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Noreg"@nn , "Norge"@nb ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Norway" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kingdom of Norway"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Norway"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "NORWAY"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume de Norvège"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Norvège (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "NORVÈGE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Noreg"@nn , "Norge"@nb ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "578" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:NorwegianBokmal , lcc-639-1:NorwegianNynorsk ; . lcc-3166-1:OM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "OM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Oman" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Oman ; lcc-lr:hasTag "OM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Oman ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:OMN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "OMN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Oman" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Oman ; lcc-lr:hasTag "OMN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Oman ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Oman a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "‘Umān"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Oman" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Sultanate of Oman"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Oman"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "OMAN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Sultanat d'Oman"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Oman"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "OMAN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "‘Umān"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "512" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: part of the Musandam Peninsula." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:PA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "PA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Panama" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Panama ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Panama ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PAK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "PAK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Pakistan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Pakistan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PAK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Pakistan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PAN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "PAN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Panama" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Panama ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PAN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Panama ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PCN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "PCN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Pitcairn" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Pitcairn ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PCN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Pitcairn ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "PE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Peru" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Peru ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Peru ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PER a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "PER" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Peru" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Peru ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PER" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Peru ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "PF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for French Polynesia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:FrenchPolynesia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:FrenchPolynesia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "PG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Papua New Guinea" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:PapuaNewGuinea ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:PapuaNewGuinea ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PH a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "PH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Philippines (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Philippines ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Philippines ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PHL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "PHL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Philippines (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Philippines ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PHL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Philippines ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "PK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Pakistan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Pakistan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Pakistan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "PL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Poland" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Poland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Poland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PLW a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "PLW" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Palau" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Palau ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PLW" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Palau ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "PM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Saint Pierre and Miquelon" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaintPierreAndMiquelon ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaintPierreAndMiquelon ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "PN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Pitcairn" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Pitcairn ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Pitcairn ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PNG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "PNG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Papua New Guinea" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:PapuaNewGuinea ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PNG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:PapuaNewGuinea ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:POL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "POL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Poland" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Poland ; lcc-lr:hasTag "POL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Poland ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "PR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Puerto Rico" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:PuertoRico ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:PuertoRico ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PRI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "PRI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Puerto Rico" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:PuertoRico ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PRI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:PuertoRico ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PRK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "PRK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Korea Democratic Peoples Republic Of" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:KoreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublicOf ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PRK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:KoreaDemocraticPeoplesRepublicOf ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PRT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "PRT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Portugal" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Portugal ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PRT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Portugal ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PRY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "PRY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Paraguay" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Paraguay ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PRY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Paraguay ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "PS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Palestine, State of" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Palestine ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Palestine ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PSE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "PSE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Palestine, State of" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Palestine ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PSE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Palestine ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "PT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Portugal" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Portugal ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Portugal ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PW a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "PW" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Palau" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Palau ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PW" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Palau ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "PY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Paraguay" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Paraguay ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Paraguay ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:PYF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "PYF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for French Polynesia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:FrenchPolynesia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "PYF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:FrenchPolynesia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Pakistan a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Pakistan"@en , "Pākistān"@ur ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Pakistan" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Islamic Republic of Pakistan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Pakistan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "PAKISTAN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République islamique du Pakistan"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Pakistan (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "PAKISTAN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Pākistān"@ur ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "586" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Urdu ; . lcc-3166-1:Palau a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Palau"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Palau" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Palau"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Palau"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "PALAU"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République des Palaos"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Palaos (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "PALAOS"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Belau" ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "585" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Comprises: the west part of the Caroline Islands (Principal island: Babelthuap)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-2:Palauan ; . lcc-3166-1:Palestine a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Dawlat Filasţīn"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Palestine, State of" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the State of Palestine"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Palestine, State of"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "PALESTINE, STATE OF"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "l'État de Palestine"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Palestine, État de"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "PALESTINE, ÉTAT DE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Dawlat Filasţīn"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "275" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Remark: Conventional names." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:Panama a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Panamá"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Panama" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Panama"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Panama"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "PANAMA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Panama"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Panama (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "PANAMA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Panamá"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "591" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:PapuaNewGuinea a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Papua New Guinea"@en , "Papuaniugini"@ho ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Papua New Guinea" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Independent State of Papua New Guinea"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Papua New Guinea"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "PAPUA NEW GUINEA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "l'État indépendant de Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "PAPOUASIE-NOUVELLE-GUINÉE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Papuaniugini"@ho , "Papuaniugini" ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "598" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Bismarck Archipelago, Northern Solomon Islands (Principal island: Bougainville)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:HiriMotu , lcc-639-2:TokPisin ; . lcc-3166-1:Paraguay a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Paraguay"@gn , "Paraguay (el)"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Paraguay" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Paraguay"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Paraguay"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "PARAGUAY"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Paraguay"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Paraguay (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "PARAGUAY"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Paraguay"@gn , "Paraguay (el)"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "600" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Guarani , lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:Peru a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Perú"@ay , "Perú"@qu , "Perú (el)"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Peru" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Peru"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Peru"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "PERU"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Pérou"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Pérou (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "PÉROU"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Perú"@ay , "Perú"@qu , "Perú (el)"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "604" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Aymara , lcc-639-1:Quechua , lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:Philippines a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Philippines (the)"@en , "Pilipinas"@tl ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Philippines (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of the Philippines"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Philippines (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "PHILIPPINES"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République des Philippines"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Philippines (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "PHILIPPINES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Pilipinas"@tl ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "608" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Tagalog ; . lcc-3166-1:Pitcairn a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Pitcairn"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Pitcairn" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Pitcairn"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "PITCAIRN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Pitcairn"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "PITCAIRN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "612" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Ducie Island, Henderson Island, Oeno Island." , "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Poland a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Polska"@pl ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Poland" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Poland"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Poland"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "POLAND"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Pologne"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Pologne (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "POLOGNE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Polska"@pl ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "616" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Polish ; . lcc-3166-1:Portugal a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Portugal"@pt ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Portugal" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Portuguese Republic"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Portugal"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "PORTUGAL"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République portugaise"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Portugal (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "PORTUGAL"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Portugal"@pt ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "620" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Portuguese ; . lcc-3166-1:PuertoRico a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Puerto Rico"@en , "Puerto Rico"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Puerto Rico" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Puerto Rico"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "PUERTO RICO"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Porto Rico"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "PORTO RICO"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Puerto Rico"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "630" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as a subdivision of the United States (US-PR)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:QA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "QA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Qatar" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Qatar ; lcc-lr:hasTag "QA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Qatar ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:QAT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "QAT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Qatar" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Qatar ; lcc-lr:hasTag "QAT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Qatar ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Qatar a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Qaţar"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Qatar" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the State of Qatar"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Qatar"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "QATAR"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "l'État du Qatar"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Qatar (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "QATAR"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Qaţar"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "634" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:RE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "RE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Réunion" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Reunion ; lcc-lr:hasTag "RE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Reunion ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:REU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "REU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Réunion" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Reunion ; lcc-lr:hasTag "REU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Reunion ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:RO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "RO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Romania" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Romania ; lcc-lr:hasTag "RO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Romania ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ROU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ROU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Romania" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Romania ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ROU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Romania ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:RS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "RS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Serbia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Serbia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "RS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Serbia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:RU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "RU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Russian Federation (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:RussianFederation ; lcc-lr:hasTag "RU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:RussianFederation ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:RUS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "RUS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Russian Federation (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:RussianFederation ; lcc-lr:hasTag "RUS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:RussianFederation ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:RW a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "RW" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Rwanda" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Rwanda ; lcc-lr:hasTag "RW" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Rwanda ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:RWA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "RWA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Rwanda" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Rwanda ; lcc-lr:hasTag "RWA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Rwanda ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Reunion a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Réunion (La)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Réunion" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Réunion"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "RÉUNION"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Réunion (La)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "RÉUNION"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "638" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as a subdivision of France (FR-RE)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Romania a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "România"@ro ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Romania" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Romania"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ROMANIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Roumanie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ROUMANIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "România"@ro ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "642" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Romanian ; . lcc-3166-1:RussianFederation a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Rossijskaja Federacija"@ru ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Russian Federation (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Russian Federation"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Russian Federation (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "RUSSIAN FEDERATION"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la Fédération de Russie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Russie (la Fédération de)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "RUSSIE, FÉDÉRATION DE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Rossijskaja Federacija"@ru ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "643" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: the Kaliningrad Region." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Russian ; . lcc-3166-1:Rwanda a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Rwanda"@en , "Rwanda"@rw , "Rwanda (le)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Rwanda" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Rwanda"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Rwanda"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "RWANDA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Rwanda"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Rwanda (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "RWANDA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Rwanda"@rw ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "646" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:French , lcc-639-1:Kinyarwanda ; . lcc-3166-1:SA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Saudi Arabia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaudiArabia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaudiArabia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SAU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SAU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Saudi Arabia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaudiArabia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SAU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaudiArabia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Solomon Islands" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SolomonIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SolomonIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SC a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SC" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Seychelles" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Seychelles ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SC" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Seychelles ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SD a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Sudan (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Sudan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Sudan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SDN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SDN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Sudan (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Sudan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SDN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Sudan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Sweden" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Sweden ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Sweden ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SEN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SEN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Senegal" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Senegal ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SEN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Senegal ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Singapore" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Singapore ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Singapore ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SGP a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SGP" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Singapore" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Singapore ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SGP" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Singapore ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SGS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SGS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SGS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SH a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaintHelena ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaintHelena ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SHN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SHN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaintHelena ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SHN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaintHelena ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Slovenia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Slovenia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Slovenia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SJ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SJ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Svalbard and Jan Mayen" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SvalbardAndJanMayen ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SJ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SvalbardAndJanMayen ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SJM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SJM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Svalbard and Jan Mayen" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SvalbardAndJanMayen ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SJM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SvalbardAndJanMayen ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Slovakia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Slovakia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Slovakia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Sierra Leone" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SierraLeone ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SierraLeone ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SLB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SLB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Solomon Islands" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SolomonIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SLB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SolomonIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SLE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SLE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Sierra Leone" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SierraLeone ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SLE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SierraLeone ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SLV a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SLV" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for El Salvador" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:ElSalvador ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SLV" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:ElSalvador ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for San Marino" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SanMarino ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SanMarino ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SMR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SMR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for San Marino" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SanMarino ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SMR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SanMarino ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Senegal" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Senegal ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Senegal ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Somalia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Somalia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Somalia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SOM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SOM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Somalia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Somalia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SOM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Somalia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SPM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SPM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Saint Pierre and Miquelon" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaintPierreAndMiquelon ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SPM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaintPierreAndMiquelon ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Suriname" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Suriname ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Suriname ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SRB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SRB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Serbia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Serbia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SRB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Serbia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for South Sudan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SouthSudan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SouthSudan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SSD a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SSD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for South Sudan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SouthSudan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SSD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SouthSudan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ST a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "ST" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Sao Tome and Principe" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaoTomeAndPrincipe ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ST" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaoTomeAndPrincipe ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:STP a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "STP" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Sao Tome and Principe" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaoTomeAndPrincipe ; lcc-lr:hasTag "STP" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaoTomeAndPrincipe ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SUR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SUR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Suriname" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Suriname ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SUR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Suriname ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SV a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SV" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for El Salvador" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:ElSalvador ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SV" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:ElSalvador ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SVK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SVK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Slovakia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Slovakia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SVK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Slovakia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SVN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SVN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Slovenia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Slovenia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SVN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Slovenia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SWE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SWE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Sweden" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Sweden ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SWE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Sweden ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SWZ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SWZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Eswatini" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Eswatini ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SWZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Eswatini ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SX a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SX" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Sint Maarten (Dutch part)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SintMaarten ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SX" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SintMaarten ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SXM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SXM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Sint Maarten (Dutch part)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SintMaarten ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SXM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SintMaarten ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Syrian Arab Republic (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SyrianArabRepublic ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SyrianArabRepublic ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SYC a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SYC" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Seychelles" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Seychelles ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SYC" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Seychelles ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SYR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "SYR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Syrian Arab Republic (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SyrianArabRepublic ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SYR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SyrianArabRepublic ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SZ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "SZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Eswatini" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Eswatini ; lcc-lr:hasTag "SZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Eswatini ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:SaintBarthelemy a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Saint-Barthélemy"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Saint Barthélemy" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Saint Barthélemy"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SAINT BARTHÉLEMY"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Saint-Barthélemy"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SAINT-BARTHÉLEMY"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "652" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as subdivision of France (FR-BL)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:SaintHelena a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SAINT HELENA, ASCENSION AND TRISTAN DA CUNHA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Sainte-Hélène, Ascension et Tristan da Cunha"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SAINTE-HÉLÈNE, ASCENSION ET TRISTAN DA CUNHA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "654" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Comprises: Saint Helena Island, Ascension Island, Tristan da Cunha Archipelago (Gough Island, Inaccessible Island, Nightingale Island and Stoltenhoff Island)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:SaintKittsAndNevis a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Saint Kitts and Nevis"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Saint Kitts and Nevis" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Saint Kitts and Nevis"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Saint-Kitts-et-Nevis"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SAINT-KITTS-ET-NEVIS"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "659" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "the Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:SaintLucia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Saint Lucia"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Saint Lucia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Saint Lucia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SAINT LUCIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Sainte-Lucie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SAINTE-LUCIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "662" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:SaintMartin a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Saint-Martin (partie française)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Saint Martin (French part)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Saint Martin (French part)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SAINT MARTIN (FRENCH PART)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Saint-Martin (partie française)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SAINT-MARTIN (PARTIE FRANÇAISE)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "663" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as subdivision of France (FR-MF)." , "The island of Saint Martin is divided into the northern French part and the southern Dutch part." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:SaintPierreAndMiquelon a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Saint Pierre and Miquelon" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Saint Pierre and Miquelon"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SAINT-PIERRE-ET-MIQUELON"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "666" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Miquelon * is the second significant part of composite country name." , "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as a subdivision of France (FR-PM)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Saint-Vincent-et-les Grenadines"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SAINT-VINCENT-ET-LES GRENADINES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "670" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Comprises: Northern Grenadine Islands (Principal island: Bequia), Saint Vincent Island." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Samoa a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Samoa"@en , "Samoa"@sm ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Samoa" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Independent State of Samoa"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Samoa"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SAMOA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "l'État indépendant du Samoa"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Samoa (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SAMOA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Samoa"@sm ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "882" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Principal islands: Savai'i, Upolu." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Samoan ; . lcc-3166-1:SanMarino a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "San Marino"@it ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of San Marino" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of San Marino"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "San Marino"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SAN MARINO"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Saint-Marin"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Saint-Marin"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SAINT-MARIN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "San Marino"@it ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "674" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Italian ; . lcc-3166-1:SaoTomeAndPrincipe a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "São Tomé e Príncipe"@pt ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Sao Tome and Principe" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Sao Tome and Principe"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République démocratique de Sao Tomé-et-Principe"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Sao Tomé-et-Principe"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SAO TOMÉ-ET-PRINCIPE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "São Tomé e Príncipe"@pt ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "678" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Príncipe* is the second significant part of composite country name." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Portuguese ; . lcc-3166-1:SaudiArabia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "As Su‘ūdīyah"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Saudi Arabia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Saudi Arabia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SAUDI ARABIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume d'Arabie saoudite"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Arabie saoudite (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ARABIE SAOUDITE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "As Su‘ūdīyah"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "682" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:Senegal a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Sénégal (le)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Senegal" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Senegal"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Senegal"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SENEGAL"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Sénégal"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Sénégal (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SÉNÉGAL"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "686" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Serbia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Srbija"@sr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Serbia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Serbia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Serbia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SERBIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Serbie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Serbie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SERBIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Srbija"@sr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "688" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Serbia was formerly part of former entries: YUGOSLAVIA (YU, YUG, 891) then SERBIA AND MONTENEGRO (CS, SCG, 891)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Serbian ; . lcc-3166-1:SeselwaCreoleFrench a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-lr:IndividualLanguage , lcc-lr:LivingLanguage ; rdfs:label "Seselwa Creole French" ; rdfs:comment "Part of ISO 639-3, not otherwise represented in OMG ontologies" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Seselwa Creole French language" ; lcc-lr:hasEnglishName "Seselwa Creole French"@en ; lcc-lr:hasFrenchName "créole seselwa"@fr ; lcc-lr:hasIndigenousName "kreol" ; . lcc-3166-1:Seychelles a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Seychelles"@en , "Seychelles (les)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Seychelles" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Seychelles"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Seychelles"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SEYCHELLES"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République des Seychelles"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Seychelles (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SEYCHELLES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Sesel" ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "690" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Principal island: Mahé; includes Aldabra Islands, Amirante Islands, Cosmoledo Islands, Farquhar Islands." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-3166-1:SeselwaCreoleFrench , lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Shikomor a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-lr:IndividualLanguage , lcc-lr:LivingLanguage ; rdfs:label "Shikomor" ; rdfs:comment "Not yet allocated a code in ISO 639" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Shikomor language" ; lcc-lr:hasEnglishName "Shikomor"@en ; lcc-lr:hasFrenchName "comorien"@fr ; . lcc-3166-1:SierraLeone a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Sierra Leone"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Sierra Leone" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Sierra Leone"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Sierra Leone"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SIERRA LEONE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Sierra Leone"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Sierra Leone (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SIERRA LEONE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "694" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Singapore a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Chiṅkappūr"@ta , "Singapore"@en , "Singapura"@ms , "Xinjiapo"@zh ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Singapore" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Singapore"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Singapore"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SINGAPORE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Singapour"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Singapour"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SINGAPOUR"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Chiṅkappūr"@ta , "Singapura"@ms , "Xinjiapo"@zh ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "702" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Chinese , lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Malay , lcc-639-1:Tamil ; . lcc-3166-1:SintMaarten a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Sint Maarten"@nl , "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Sint Maarten (Dutch part)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Sint Maarten (Dutch part)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SINT MAARTEN (DUTCH PART)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Saint-Martin (partie néerlandaise)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SAINT-MARTIN (PARTIE NÉERLANDAISE)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Sint Maarten"@nl ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "534" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as subdivision of Netherlands (NL-SX)." , "The island of Saint Martin is divided into the northern French part and the southern Dutch part." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Dutch , lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Slovakia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Slovensko"@sk ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Slovakia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Slovak Republic"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Slovakia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SLOVAKIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République slovaque"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Slovaquie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SLOVAQUIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Slovensko"@sk ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "703" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Code element SK was formerly used for Sikkim (SK, SKM, --), now part of the entry for India (IN, IND, 356), was reused for Slovakia. See aslo code element SKIN." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Slovak ; . lcc-3166-1:Slovenia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Slovenija"@sl ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Slovenia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Slovenia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Slovenia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SLOVENIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Slovénie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Slovénie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SLOVÉNIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Slovenija"@sl ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "705" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "The Italian and Hungarian languages are locally official in those municipalities where Italian or Hungarian national communities reside. For these municipalities the Hungarian or Italian subdivision name is provided under ‘local variation’." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Slovenian ; . lcc-3166-1:SolomonIslands a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Solomon Islands"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Solomon Islands" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Solomon Islands"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SOLOMON ISLANDS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "les Îles Salomon"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Salomon (les Îles)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SALOMON, ÎLES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "090" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Comprises: Santa Cruz Islands, Southern Solomon Islands (Principal island: Guadalcanal)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Somalia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Aş Şūmāl"@ar , "Soomaaliya"@so ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Somalia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Federal Republic of Somalia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Somalia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SOMALIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République fédérale de Somalie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Somalie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SOMALIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Aş Şūmāl"@ar , "Soomaaliya"@so ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "706" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic , lcc-639-1:Somali ; . lcc-3166-1:SouthAfrica a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Afrika Tshipembe"@ve , "Afrika-Borwa"@st , "Afrika-Borwa"@tn , "Afrika-Dzonga"@ts , "Mzantsi Afrika"@xh , "Ningizimu Afrika"@ss , "Ningizimu Afrika"@zu , "Sewula Afrika"@nr , "South Africa"@en , "Suid-Afrika"@af ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of South Africa" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of South Africa"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "South Africa"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SOUTH AFRICA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République sud-africaine"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Afrique du Sud (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "AFRIQUE DU SUD"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Afrika Tshipembe"@ve , "Afrika-Borwa"@st , "Afrika-Borwa"@tn , "Afrika-Borwa" , "Afrika-Dzonga"@ts , "Mzantsi Afrika"@xh , "Ningizimu Afrika"@ss , "Ningizimu Afrika"@zu , "Sewula Afrika"@nr , "Suid-Afrika"@af ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "710" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Marion Island, Prince Edward Island." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Afrikaans , lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:SouthNdebele , lcc-639-1:SouthernSotho , lcc-639-1:Swati , lcc-639-1:Tsonga , lcc-639-1:Tswana , lcc-639-1:Venda , lcc-639-1:Xhosa , lcc-639-1:Zulu , lcc-639-2:Pedi ; . lcc-3166-1:SouthGeorgiaAndTheSouthSandwichIslands a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Géorgie du Sud-et-les Îles Sandwich du Sud (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "GÉORGIE DU SUD-ET-LES ÎLES SANDWICH DU SUD"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "239" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:SouthSudan a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "South Sudan"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of South Sudan" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of South Sudan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "South Sudan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SOUTH SUDAN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Soudan du Sud"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Soudan du Sud (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SOUDAN DU SUD"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "728" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Split of Sudan into Sudan (north part) and South Sudan (south part)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Spain a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "España"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Spain" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kingdom of Spain"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Spain"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SPAIN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume d'Espagne"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Espagne (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ESPAGNE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "España"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "724" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Remark: In the autonomous communities of Galicia, Catalonia and the Balearics, the respective regional languages are the sole official languages of toponymy. Castilian language forms are given in square brackets for information. For the autonomous communities of Navarra, Valencia and the Basque Country, with the exception of the province names Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa, the regional language has co-official status with Castilian (regional language forms are marked with an asterisk)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:SriLanka a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Ilaṅkai"@ta , "Shrī Laṁkā"@si , "Sri Lanka"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Sri Lanka" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Sri Lanka"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SRI LANKA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République socialiste démocratique du Sri Lanka"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Sri Lanka"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SRI LANKA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Ilaṅkai"@ta , "Shrī Laṁkā"@si ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "144" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Sinhala , lcc-639-1:Tamil ; . lcc-3166-1:Sudan a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "As Sūdān"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Sudan (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of the Sudan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Sudan (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SUDAN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Soudan"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Soudan (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SOUDAN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "As Sūdān"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "729" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Split of Sudan into Sudan (north part) and South Sudan (south part)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:Suriname a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Suriname"@nl ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Suriname" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Suriname"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Suriname"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SURINAME"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Suriname"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Suriname (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SURINAME"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Suriname"@nl ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "740" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Dutch ; . lcc-3166-1:SvalbardAndJanMayen a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Svalbard og Jan Mayen"@nb , "Svalbard og Jan Mayen"@nn ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Svalbard and Jan Mayen" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Svalbard and Jan Mayen"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Svalbard et l'Île Jan Mayen (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SVALBARD ET ÎLE JAN MAYEN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Svalbard og Jan Mayen"@nb , "Svalbard og Jan Mayen"@nn ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "744" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Bear Island." , "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as a subdivision of Norway (NO-21, NO-22)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:NorwegianBokmal , lcc-639-1:NorwegianNynorsk ; . lcc-3166-1:Sweden a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Sverige"@sv ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Sweden" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kingdom of Sweden"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Sweden"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SWEDEN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume de Suède"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Suède (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SUÈDE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Sverige"@sv ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "752" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Remark: Alphabetic and numeric codes co-exist. The alphabetic code is traditionally well known to the general public, whereas the numeric code (placed after the name within square brackets) is used mainly within national administration; it may in the longer term supersede the alphabetic code. " ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Swedish ; . lcc-3166-1:Switzerland a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Schweiz (die)"@de , "Suisse (la)"@fr , "Svizra (la)"@rm , "Svizzera (la)"@it ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Switzerland" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Swiss Confederation"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Switzerland"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SWITZERLAND"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la Confédération suisse"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Suisse (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SUISSE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Schweiz (die)"@de , "Svizra (la)"@rm , "Svizzera (la)"@it ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "756" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French , lcc-639-1:German , lcc-639-1:Italian , lcc-639-1:Romansh ; . lcc-3166-1:SyrianArabRepublic a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Al Jumhūrīyah al ‘Arabīyah as Sūrīyah"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Syrian Arab Republic (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Syrian Arab Republic"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Syrian Arab Republic (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République arabe syrienne"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "République arabe syrienne (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SYRIENNE, RÉPUBLIQUE ARABE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Al Jumhūrīyah al ‘Arabīyah as Sūrīyah"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "760" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Often referred to as Syria." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:TC a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TC" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Turks and Caicos Islands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:TurksAndCaicosIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TC" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:TurksAndCaicosIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TCA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "TCA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Turks and Caicos Islands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:TurksAndCaicosIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TCA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:TurksAndCaicosIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TCD a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "TCD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Chad" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Chad ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TCD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Chad ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TD a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Chad" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Chad ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Chad ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for French Southern Territories (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:FrenchSouthernTerritories ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:FrenchSouthernTerritories ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Togo" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Togo ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Togo ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TGO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "TGO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Togo" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Togo ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TGO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Togo ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TH a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Thailand" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Thailand ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Thailand ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:THA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "THA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Thailand" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Thailand ; lcc-lr:hasTag "THA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Thailand ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TJ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TJ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Tajikistan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Tajikistan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TJ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Tajikistan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TJK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "TJK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Tajikistan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Tajikistan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TJK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Tajikistan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TK a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Tokelau" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Tokelau ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Tokelau ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TKL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "TKL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Tokelau" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Tokelau ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TKL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Tokelau ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TKM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "TKM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Turkmenistan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Turkmenistan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TKM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Turkmenistan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TL a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Timor-Leste" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Timor-Leste ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Timor-Leste ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TLS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "TLS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Timor-Leste" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Timor-Leste ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TLS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Timor-Leste ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Turkmenistan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Turkmenistan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Turkmenistan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Tunisia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Tunisia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Tunisia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Tonga" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Tonga ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Tonga ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TON a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "TON" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Tonga" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Tonga ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TON" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Tonga ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Trinidad and Tobago" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:TrinidadAndTobago ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:TrinidadAndTobago ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TTO a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "TTO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Trinidad and Tobago" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:TrinidadAndTobago ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TTO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:TrinidadAndTobago ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TUN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "TUN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Tunisia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Tunisia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TUN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Tunisia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TUR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "TUR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TUR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TUV a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "TUV" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Tuvalu" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Tuvalu ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TUV" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Tuvalu ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TV a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TV" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Tuvalu" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Tuvalu ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TV" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Tuvalu ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TW a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TW" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Taiwan (Province of China)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Taiwan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TW" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Taiwan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TWN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "TWN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Taiwan (Province of China)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Taiwan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TWN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Taiwan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TZ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "TZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Tanzania, the United Republic of" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Tanzania ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Tanzania ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:TZA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "TZA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Tanzania, the United Republic of" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Tanzania ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TZA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Tanzania ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Taiwan a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Taiwan"@zh ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Taiwan (Province of China)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Taiwan (Province of China)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "TAIWAN, PROVINCE OF CHINA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Taïwan (Province de Chine)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TAÏWAN, PROVINCE DE CHINE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Taiwan"@zh ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "158" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Penghu (Pescadores) Islands." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Chinese ; . lcc-3166-1:Tajikistan a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Tojikiston"@tg ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Tajikistan" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Tajikistan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Tajikistan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "TAJIKISTAN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Tadjikistan"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Tadjikistan (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TADJIKISTAN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tojikiston"@tg ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "762" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Remark: The deletion of the region Karategin left one part of the country without name and without code in this part of ISO 3166. This section of the country is designated districts under republic administration (tgk: nohiyahoi tobei jumhurí) and comprises 13 districts (tgk: nohiya) which are administered directly by the central government at first-order level." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Tajik ; . lcc-3166-1:Tanzania a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania"@sw , "Tanzania, the United Republic of"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Tanzania, the United Republic of" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the United Republic of Tanzania"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Tanzania, the United Republic of"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République-Unie de Tanzanie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Tanzanie (la République-Unie de)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TANZANIE, RÉPUBLIQUE-UNIE DE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Jamhuri ya Muungano wa Tanzania"@sw ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "834" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Often referred to as Tanzania." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Swahili ; . lcc-3166-1:Thailand a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Prathet Thai"@th ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Thailand" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kingdom of Thailand"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Thailand"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "THAILAND"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume de Thaïlande"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Thaïlande (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "THAÏLANDE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Prathet Thai"@th ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "764" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Thai ; . lcc-3166-1:Timor-Leste a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Timor-Leste"@pt ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Timor-Leste" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Timor-Leste"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "TIMOR-LESTE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République démocratique du Timor-Leste"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Timor-Leste (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TIMOR-LESTE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Timor Lorosa'e" , "Timor-Leste"@pt ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "626" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes the exclave of Oecussi." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Portuguese , lcc-639-2:Tetum ; . lcc-3166-1:Togo a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Togo (le)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Togo" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Togolese Republic"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Togo"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "TOGO"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République togolaise"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Togo (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TOGO"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "768" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Tokelau a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Tokelau"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Tokelau" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Tokelau"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "TOKELAU"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Tokelau (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TOKELAU"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tokelau" ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "772" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-2:Tokelau ; . lcc-3166-1:Tonga a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Tonga"@en , "Tonga"@to ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Tonga" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Kingdom of Tonga"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Tonga"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "TONGA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume des Tonga"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Tonga (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TONGA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tonga"@to ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "776" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Principal island: Tongatapu." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:Tonga-TongaIslands ; . lcc-3166-1:TrinidadAndTobago a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Trinidad and Tobago"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Trinidad and Tobago" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Trinidad and Tobago"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Trinité-et-Tobago"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Trinité-et-Tobago (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TRINITÉ-ET-TOBAGO"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "780" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Tobago * is the second significant part of composite country name." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Tunisia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Tūnis"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Tunisia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Tunisia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Tunisia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "TUNISIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République tunisienne"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Tunisie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TUNISIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tūnis"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "788" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:Turkey a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Türkiye"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Turkey"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Turkey"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "TURKEY"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République turque"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Turquie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TURQUIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Türkiye"@tr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "792" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Turkish ; . lcc-3166-1:Turkmenistan a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Türkmenistan"@tk ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Turkmenistan" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Turkmenistan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "TURKMENISTAN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Turkménistan (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TURKMÉNISTAN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Türkmenistan"@tk ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "795" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Remark: By presidential decree No. 1146, 1993-01-21, the Roman alphabet is officially used for the Turkmen language." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Turkmen ; . lcc-3166-1:TurksAndCaicosIslands a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Turks and Caicos Islands (the)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Turks and Caicos Islands (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Turks and Caicos Islands (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Turks-et-Caïcos (les Îles)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TURKS-ET-CAÏCOS, ÎLES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "796" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Tuvalu a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Tuvalu"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Tuvalu" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Tuvalu"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "TUVALU"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Tuvalu (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "TUVALU"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tuvalu" ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "798" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Principal atoll: Funafuti." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-2:Tuvalu ; . lcc-3166-1:UA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "UA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Ukraine" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Ukraine ; lcc-lr:hasTag "UA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Ukraine ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:UG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "UG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Uganda" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Uganda ; lcc-lr:hasTag "UG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Uganda ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:UGA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "UGA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Uganda" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Uganda ; lcc-lr:hasTag "UGA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Uganda ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:UKR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "UKR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Ukraine" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Ukraine ; lcc-lr:hasTag "UKR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Ukraine ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:UM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "UM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "UM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:UMI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "UMI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands ; lcc-lr:hasTag "UMI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:URY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "URY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Uruguay" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Uruguay ; lcc-lr:hasTag "URY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Uruguay ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:US a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "US" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for United States of America (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:UnitedStatesOfAmerica ; lcc-lr:hasTag "US" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:UnitedStatesOfAmerica ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:USA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "USA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for United States of America (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:UnitedStatesOfAmerica ; lcc-lr:hasTag "USA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:UnitedStatesOfAmerica ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:UY a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "UY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Uruguay" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Uruguay ; lcc-lr:hasTag "UY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Uruguay ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:UZ a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "UZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Uzbekistan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Uzbekistan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "UZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Uzbekistan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:UZB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "UZB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Uzbekistan" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Uzbekistan ; lcc-lr:hasTag "UZB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Uzbekistan ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Uganda a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Uganda"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Uganda" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Uganda"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Uganda"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "UGANDA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République d'Ouganda"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Ouganda (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "OUGANDA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "800" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Ukraine a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Ukraina"@uk ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Ukraine" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Ukraine"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "UKRAINE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Ukraine (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "UKRAINE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Ukraina"@uk ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "804" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Ukrainian ; . lcc-3166-1:UnitedArabEmirates a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Al Imārāt"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of United Arab Emirates (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the United Arab Emirates"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "United Arab Emirates (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "UNITED ARAB EMIRATES"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "les Émirats arabes unis"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Émirats arabes unis (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ÉMIRATS ARABES UNIS"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Al Imārāt"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "784" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:UnitedKingdom a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-1:UnitedKingdomOfGreatBritainAndNorthernIreland ; rdfs:comment "UnitedKingdom is supported as legacy identifier for UnitedKingdomOfGreatBritainAndNorthernIreland" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; . lcc-3166-1:UnitedKingdomOfGreatBritainAndNorthernIreland a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "le Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ROYAUME-UNI DE GRANDE-BRETAGNE ET D'IRLANDE DU NORD"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "826" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks """BS 6879 gives alternative name forms in Welsh (cy) for some of the Welsh unitary authorities (together with alternative code elements). Since this part of ISO 3166 does not allow for duplicate coding of identical subdivisions, such alternative names in Welsh and code elements are shown for information purposes only in square brackets after the English name of the subdivision. BS 6879 has been superseded but remains the original source of the codes. Included for completeness: EAW England and Wales; GBN Great Britain; UKM United Kingdom.""" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:UnitedStates a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-1:UnitedStatesOfAmerica ; rdfs:comment "UnitedStates is supported as legacy identifier for UnitedStatesOfAmerica" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; . lcc-3166-1:UnitedStatesMinorOutlyingIslands a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "United States Minor Outlying Islands (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Îles mineures éloignées des États-Unis (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ÎLES MINEURES ÉLOIGNÉES DES ÉTATS-UNIS"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "581" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Comprises: In the Pacific Ocean: Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Kingman Reef, Midway Islands, Palmyra Atoll, Wake Island In the Caribbean Sea: Navassa Island." , "Remark: Included also as a subdivision of the United States (US-UM)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:UnitedStatesOfAmerica a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "United States of America (the)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of United States of America (the)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the United States of America"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "United States of America (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "les États-Unis d'Amérique"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "États-Unis d'Amérique (les)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ÉTATS-UNIS D'AMÉRIQUE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "840" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Uruguay a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Uruguay (el)"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Uruguay" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Eastern Republic of Uruguay"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Uruguay"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "URUGUAY"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République orientale de l'Uruguay"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Uruguay (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "URUGUAY"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Uruguay (el)"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "858" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:Uzbekistan a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "O‘zbekiston"@uz ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Uzbekistan" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Uzbekistan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Uzbekistan"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "UZBEKISTAN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République d'Ouzbékistan"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Ouzbékistan (l')"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "OUZBÉKISTAN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "O‘zbekiston"@uz ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "860" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "In May 1995 a new Roman alphabet was officially decreed for the Uzbek language" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Uzbek ; . lcc-3166-1:VA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "VA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Holy See (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:HolySee ; lcc-lr:hasTag "VA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:HolySee ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:VAT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "VAT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Holy See (the)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:HolySee ; lcc-lr:hasTag "VAT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:HolySee ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:VC a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "VC" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines ; lcc-lr:hasTag "VC" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:VCT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "VCT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Saint Vincent and the Grenadines" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines ; lcc-lr:hasTag "VCT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SaintVincentAndTheGrenadines ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:VE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "VE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Venezuela ; lcc-lr:hasTag "VE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Venezuela ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:VEN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "VEN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Venezuela ; lcc-lr:hasTag "VEN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Venezuela ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:VG a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "VG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Virgin Islands British" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:VirginIslandsBritish ; lcc-lr:hasTag "VG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:VirginIslandsBritish ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:VGB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "VGB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Virgin Islands British" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:VirginIslandsBritish ; lcc-lr:hasTag "VGB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:VirginIslandsBritish ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:VI a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "VI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Virgin Islands US" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:VirginIslandsUS ; lcc-lr:hasTag "VI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:VirginIslandsUS ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:VIR a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "VIR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Virgin Islands US" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:VirginIslandsUS ; lcc-lr:hasTag "VIR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:VirginIslandsUS ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:VN a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "VN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Viet Nam" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:VietNam ; lcc-lr:hasTag "VN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:VietNam ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:VNM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "VNM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Viet Nam" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:VietNam ; lcc-lr:hasTag "VNM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:VietNam ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:VU a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "VU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Vanuatu" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Vanuatu ; lcc-lr:hasTag "VU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Vanuatu ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:VUT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "VUT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Vanuatu" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Vanuatu ; lcc-lr:hasTag "VUT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Vanuatu ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Vanuatu a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Vanuatu"@bi , "Vanuatu"@en , "Vanuatu (le)"@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Vanuatu" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Vanuatu"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Vanuatu"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "VANUATU"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Vanuatu"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Vanuatu (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "VANUATU"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Vanuatu"@bi ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "548" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Principal islands: Efate, Santo." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Bislama , lcc-639-1:English , lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:Venezuela a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Venezuela, República Bolivariana de"@es ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "VENEZUELA (BOLIVARIAN REPUBLIC OF)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République bolivarienne du Venezuela"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Venezuela (République bolivarienne du)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "VENEZUELA (RÉPUBLIQUE BOLIVARIENNE DU)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Venezuela, República Bolivariana de"@es ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "862" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Bird Island." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Spanish ; . lcc-3166-1:VietNam a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Việt Nam"@vi ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Viet Nam" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Viet Nam"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "VIET NAM"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République socialiste du Viet Nam"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Viet Nam (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "VIET NAM"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Việt Nam"@vi ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "704" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Vietnamese ; . lcc-3166-1:VirginIslandsBritish a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Virgin Islands (British)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Virgin Islands British" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "British Virgin Islands (the)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Virgin Islands (British)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "VIRGIN ISLANDS (BRITISH)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Vierges britanniques (les Îles)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ÎLES VIERGES BRITANNIQUES"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "092" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." , "Principal islands: Anegada, Jost Van Dyke, Tortola, Virgin Gorda." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:VirginIslandsUS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Virgin Islands (U.S.)"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Virgin Islands US" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Virgin Islands of the United States"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Virgin Islands (U.S.)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "VIRGIN ISLANDS (U.S.)"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Vierges des États-Unis (les Îles)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ÎLES VIERGES DES ÉTATS-UNIS"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "850" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "No subdivisions relevant for this standard. Included also as a subdivision of the United States (US-VI)." , "Principal islands: Saint Croix, Saint John, Saint Thomas." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:WF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "WF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Wallis and Futuna" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:WallisAndFutuna ; lcc-lr:hasTag "WF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:WallisAndFutuna ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:WLF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "WLF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Wallis and Futuna" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:WallisAndFutuna ; lcc-lr:hasTag "WLF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:WallisAndFutuna ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:WS a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "WS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Samoa" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Samoa ; lcc-lr:hasTag "WS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Samoa ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:WSM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "WSM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Samoa" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Samoa ; lcc-lr:hasTag "WSM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Samoa ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:WallisAndFutuna a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Wallis-et-Futuna "@fr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Wallis and Futuna" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "Wallis and Futuna Islands"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Wallis and Futuna"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "WALLIS AND FUTUNA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "les Îles Wallis-et-Futuna"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Wallis-et-Futuna "@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "WALLIS-ET-FUTUNA"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "876" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Comprises: Hoorn Islands (Principal island: Futuna), Wallis Islands (Principal island: Uvea)." , "Included also as a subdivision of France (FR-WF)." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:French ; . lcc-3166-1:WesternSahara a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Aş Şaḩrā' al Gharbīyah"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Western Sahara*" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Western Sahara*"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "WESTERN SAHARA *"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Sahara occidental (le)*"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "SAHARA OCCIDENTAL*"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Aş Şaḩrā' al Gharbīyah"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "732" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "* Provisional name." , "No subdivisions relevant for this standard." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "false"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:YE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "YE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Yemen" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Yemen ; lcc-lr:hasTag "YE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Yemen ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:YEM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "YEM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Yemen" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Yemen ; lcc-lr:hasTag "YEM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Yemen ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:YT a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "YT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Mayotte" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Mayotte ; lcc-lr:hasTag "YT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Mayotte ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Yemen a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Al Yaman"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Yemen" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Yemen"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Yemen"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "YEMEN"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Yémen"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Yémen (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "YÉMEN"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Al Yaman"@ar ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "887" ; lcc-cr:hasRemarks "Includes: Socotra Island." ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:Arabic ; . lcc-3166-1:ZA a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "ZA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for South Africa" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SouthAfrica ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ZA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SouthAfrica ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ZAF a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ZAF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for South Africa" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SouthAfrica ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ZAF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SouthAfrica ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ZM a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "ZM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Zambia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Zambia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ZM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Zambia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ZMB a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ZMB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Zambia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Zambia ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ZMB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Zambia ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ZW a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha2Code ; rdfs:label "ZW" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-2 country code for Zimbabwe" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Zimbabwe ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ZW" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Zimbabwe ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:ZWE a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Alpha3Code ; rdfs:label "ZWE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 country code for Zimbabwe" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:Zimbabwe ; lcc-lr:hasTag "ZWE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:Zimbabwe ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO3166-1-Alpha3-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-1:Zambia a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Zambia"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Zambia" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Zambia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Zambia"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ZAMBIA"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République de Zambie"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Zambie (la)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ZAMBIE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "894" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:Zimbabwe a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Country ; rdfs:label "Zimbabwe"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the country of Zimbabwe" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishFullName "the Republic of Zimbabwe"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Zimbabwe"@en ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortNameInCapitals "ZIMBABWE"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchFullName "la République du Zimbabwe"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "Zimbabwe (le)"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortNameInCapitals "ZIMBABWE"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "716" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-1:Country ; lcc-cr:isIndependent "true"^^xsd:boolean ; lcc-cr:usesAdministrativeLanguage lcc-639-1:English ; . lcc-3166-1:crs a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-lr:IndividualLanguageIdentifier ; rdfs:label "crs" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "Alpha-3 language code for Seselwa Creole French " ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-1:SeselwaCreoleFrench ; lcc-lr:hasTag "crs" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-1:SeselwaCreoleFrench ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-1:ISO639-3-CodeSet ; .