# imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/CountryRepresentation/ # imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-1-CountryCodes/ # imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-2-SubdivisionCodes/ # imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Languages/LanguageRepresentation/ @prefix dct: . @prefix lcc-3166-1: . @prefix lcc-3166-2: . @prefix lcc-3166-2-ma: . @prefix lcc-cr: . @prefix lcc-lr: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix sm: . @prefix xsd: . a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "ISO 3166-2 Subdivision Codes for Morocco Ontology" ; dct:issued "2021-10-30T01:57:18.464529+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; dct:license "http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT"^^xsd:anyURI ; sm:contentLanguage "https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-quick-reference/"^^xsd:anyURI ; sm:copyright "Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Unisys" , "Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Adaptive Inc." , "Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Object Management Group, Inc." , "Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Thematix Partners LLC" , "Copyright (c) 2021 agnos.ai UK Ltd." ; sm:dependsOn "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/CountryRepresentation/"^^xsd:anyURI , "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-1-CountryCodes/"^^xsd:anyURI , "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-2-SubdivisionCodes/"^^xsd:anyURI , "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Languages/LanguageRepresentation/"^^xsd:anyURI ; sm:fileAbbreviation "lcc-3166-2-ma" ; sm:fileAbstract "This ontology represents the subset of the ISO 3166 standard that includes the actual ISO 3166-2 subdivision codes for Morocco, with the ontology and codes for the other parts of the standard represented in models that this ontology depends on." ; sm:filename "ISO3166-2-SubdivisionCodes-MA.rdf" ; rdfs:seeAlso , ; owl:imports , , , ; owl:versionIRI ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Agadir-Ida-Ou-Tanane a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AGD-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:AlHaouz a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HAO-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:AlHoceima a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HOC-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Aousserd a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AOU-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Assa-Zag a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ASZ-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Azilal a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AZI-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:BeniMellal a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BEM-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:BeniMellal-Khenifra a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-05-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Benslimane a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BES-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Berkane a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BER-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Berrechid a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BRR-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Boujdour a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BOD-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Boulemane a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BOM-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Casablanca a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CAS-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Casablanca-Settat a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Chefchaouen a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHE-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Chichaoua a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHI-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Chtouka-AitBaha a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHT-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Dakhla-OuedEd-Dahab a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-12-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Draa-Tafilalet a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-08-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Driouch a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-DRI-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:ElHajeb a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HAJ-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:ElJadida a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-JDI-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:ElKelaaDesSraghna a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KES-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Errachidia a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ERR-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Es-Semara a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ESM-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Essaouira a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ESI-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Fahs-Anjra a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FAH-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Fes a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FES-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Fes-Meknes a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Figuig a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FIG-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:FquihBenSalah a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FQH-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Guelmim a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-GUE-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Guelmim-OuedNoun a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-10-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Guercif a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-GUF-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Ifrane a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-IFR-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Inezgane-AitMelloul a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-INE-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Iqlim a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Jerada a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-JRA-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Jihat a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-287-RegionKind ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Kenitra a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KEN-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Khemisset a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHE-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Khenifra a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHN-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Khouribga a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHO-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:LOriental a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-02-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Laayoune a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-LAA-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Laayoune-SakiaElHamra a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-11-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Larache a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-LAR-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-01 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-01-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-01-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-01" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the jihāt of Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-01-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-01" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-01-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-01-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the jihāt of Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tanger-Tétouan-Al Hoceïma"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-287-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-02 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-02-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-02-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-02" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the jihāt of L'Oriental in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-02-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-02" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-02-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-02-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "L'Oriental"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the jihāt of L'Oriental in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "L'Oriental"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-287-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-03" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the jihāt of Fès-Meknès in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-03" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Fès-Meknès"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the jihāt of Fès-Meknès in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Fès-Meknès"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-287-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-04 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-04-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-04-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-04" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the jihāt of Rabat-Salé-Kénitra in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-04-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-04" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-04-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-04-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Rabat-Salé-Kénitra"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the jihāt of Rabat-Salé-Kénitra in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Rabat-Salé-Kénitra"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-287-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-05 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-05-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-05-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-05" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the jihāt of Béni Mellal-Khénifra in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-05-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-05" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-05-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-05-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Béni Mellal-Khénifra"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the jihāt of Béni Mellal-Khénifra in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Béni Mellal-Khénifra"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-287-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-06" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the jihāt of Casablanca-Settat in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-06" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Casablanca-Settat"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the jihāt of Casablanca-Settat in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Casablanca-Settat"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-287-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-07 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-07-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-07-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-07" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the jihāt of Marrakech-Safi in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-07-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-07" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-07-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-07-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Marrakech-Safi"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the jihāt of Marrakech-Safi in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Marrakech-Safi"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-287-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-08 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-08-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-08-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-08" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the jihāt of Drâa-Tafilalet in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-08-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-08" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-08-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-08-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Drâa-Tafilalet"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the jihāt of Drâa-Tafilalet in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Drâa-Tafilalet"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-287-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-09 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-09-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-09-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-09" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the jihāt of Souss-Massa in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-09-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-09" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-09-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-09-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Souss-Massa"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the jihāt of Souss-Massa in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Souss-Massa"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-287-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-10 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-10-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-10-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-10" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the jihāt of Guelmim-Oued Noun (EH-partial) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-10-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-10" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-10-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-10-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Guelmim-Oued Noun (EH-partial)"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the jihāt of Guelmim-Oued Noun (EH-partial) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Guelmim-Oued Noun (EH-partial)"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-287-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-11 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-11-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-11-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-11" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the jihāt of Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra (EH-partial) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-11-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-11" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-11-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-11-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra (EH-partial)"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the jihāt of Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra (EH-partial) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Laâyoune-Sakia El Hamra (EH-partial)"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-287-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-12 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-12-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-12-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-12" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the jihāt of Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab (EH) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-12-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-12" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-12-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-12-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab (EH)"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the jihāt of Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab (EH) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Dakhla-Oued Ed-Dahab (EH)"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-287-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Morocco ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-161-RegionKind a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionKind ; rdfs:label "‘amālah"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision category ‘amālah in the country of Morocco" ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionKind ; rdfs:label "iqlīm"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision category iqlīm in the country of Morocco" ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-287-RegionKind a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionKind ; rdfs:label "jihāt"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision category jihāt in the country of Morocco" ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AGD a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AGD-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AGD-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-AGD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the ‘amālah of Agadir-Ida-Ou-Tanane in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AGD-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-AGD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AGD-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AGD-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Agadir-Ida-Ou-Tanane"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the ‘amālah of Agadir-Ida-Ou-Tanane in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Agadir-Ida-Ou-Tanane"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-161-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-09-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AOU a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AOU-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AOU-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-AOU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Aousserd (EH) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AOU-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-AOU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AOU-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AOU-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Aousserd (EH)"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Aousserd (EH) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Aousserd (EH)"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-12-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ASZ a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ASZ-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ASZ-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-ASZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Assa-Zag (EH-partial) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ASZ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-ASZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ASZ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ASZ-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Assa-Zag (EH-partial)"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Assa-Zag (EH-partial) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Assa-Zag (EH-partial)"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-10-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AZI a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AZI-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AZI-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-AZI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Azilal in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AZI-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-AZI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AZI-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-AZI-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Azilal"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Azilal in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Azilal"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-05-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BEM a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BEM-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BEM-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-BEM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Béni Mellal in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BEM-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-BEM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BEM-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BEM-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Béni Mellal"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Béni Mellal in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Béni Mellal"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-05-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BER a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BER-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BER-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-BER" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Berkane in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BER-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-BER" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BER-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BER-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Berkane"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Berkane in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Berkane"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-02-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BES a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BES-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BES-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-BES" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Benslimane in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BES-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-BES" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BES-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BES-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Benslimane"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Benslimane in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Benslimane"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BOD a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BOD-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BOD-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-BOD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Boujdour (EH) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BOD-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-BOD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BOD-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BOD-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Boujdour (EH)"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Boujdour (EH) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Boujdour (EH)"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-11-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BOM a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BOM-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BOM-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-BOM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Boulemane in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BOM-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-BOM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BOM-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BOM-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Boulemane"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Boulemane in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Boulemane"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BRR a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BRR-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BRR-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-BRR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Berrechid in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BRR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-BRR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BRR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-BRR-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Berrechid"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Berrechid in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Berrechid"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CAS a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CAS-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CAS-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-CAS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the ‘amālah of Casablanca in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CAS-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-CAS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CAS-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CAS-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Casablanca"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the ‘amālah of Casablanca in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Casablanca"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-161-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHE a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHE-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHE-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-CHE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Chefchaouen in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHE-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-CHE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHE-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHE-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Chefchaouen"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Chefchaouen in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Chefchaouen"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-01-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHI a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHI-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHI-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-CHI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Chichaoua in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHI-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-CHI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHI-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHI-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Chichaoua"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Chichaoua in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Chichaoua"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-07-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHT a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHT-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHT-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-CHT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Chtouka-Ait Baha in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHT-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-CHT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHT-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-CHT-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Chtouka-Ait Baha"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Chtouka-Ait Baha in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Chtouka-Ait Baha"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-DRI a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-DRI-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-DRI-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-DRI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Driouch in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-DRI-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-DRI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-DRI-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-DRI-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Driouch"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Driouch in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Driouch"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-02-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ERR a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ERR-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ERR-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-ERR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Errachidia in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ERR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-ERR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ERR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ERR-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Errachidia"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Errachidia in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Errachidia"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-08-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ESI a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ESI-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ESI-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-ESI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Essaouira in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ESI-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-ESI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ESI-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ESI-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Essaouira"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Essaouira in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Essaouira"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-07-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ESM a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ESM-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ESM-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-ESM" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Es-Semara (EH-partial) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ESM-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-ESM" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ESM-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ESM-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Es-Semara (EH-partial)"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Es-Semara (EH-partial) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Es-Semara (EH-partial)"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-11-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FAH a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FAH-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FAH-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-FAH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Fahs-Anjra in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FAH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-FAH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FAH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FAH-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Fahs-Anjra"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Fahs-Anjra in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Fahs-Anjra"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-01-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FES a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FES-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FES-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-FES" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the ‘amālah of Fès in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FES-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-FES" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FES-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FES-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Fès"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the ‘amālah of Fès in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Fès"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-161-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FIG a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FIG-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FIG-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-FIG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Figuig in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FIG-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-FIG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FIG-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FIG-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Figuig"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Figuig in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Figuig"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-02-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FQH a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FQH-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FQH-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-FQH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Fquih Ben Salah in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FQH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-FQH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FQH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-FQH-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Fquih Ben Salah"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Fquih Ben Salah in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Fquih Ben Salah"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-05-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-GUE a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-GUE-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-GUE-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-GUE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Guelmim in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-GUE-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-GUE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-GUE-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-GUE-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Guelmim"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Guelmim in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Guelmim"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-10-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-GUF a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-GUF-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-GUF-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-GUF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Guercif in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-GUF-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-GUF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-GUF-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-GUF-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Guercif"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Guercif in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Guercif"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-02-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HAJ a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HAJ-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HAJ-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-HAJ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of El Hajeb in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HAJ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-HAJ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HAJ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HAJ-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "El Hajeb"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of El Hajeb in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "El Hajeb"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HAO a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HAO-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HAO-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-HAO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Al Haouz in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HAO-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-HAO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HAO-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HAO-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Al Haouz"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Al Haouz in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Al Haouz"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-07-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HOC a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HOC-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HOC-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-HOC" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Al Hoceïma in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HOC-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-HOC" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HOC-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-HOC-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Al Hoceïma"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Al Hoceïma in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Al Hoceïma"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-01-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-IFR a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-IFR-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-IFR-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-IFR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Ifrane in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-IFR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-IFR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-IFR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-IFR-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Ifrane"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Ifrane in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Ifrane"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-INE a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-INE-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-INE-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-INE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the ‘amālah of Inezgane-Ait Melloul in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-INE-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-INE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-INE-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-INE-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Inezgane-Ait Melloul"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the ‘amālah of Inezgane-Ait Melloul in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Inezgane-Ait Melloul"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-161-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-09-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-JDI a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-JDI-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-JDI-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-JDI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of El Jadida in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-JDI-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-JDI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-JDI-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-JDI-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "El Jadida"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of El Jadida in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "El Jadida"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-JRA a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-JRA-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-JRA-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-JRA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Jerada in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-JRA-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-JRA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-JRA-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-JRA-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Jerada"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Jerada in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Jerada"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-02-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KEN a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KEN-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KEN-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-KEN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Kénitra in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KEN-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-KEN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KEN-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KEN-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kénitra"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Kénitra in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kénitra"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-04-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KES a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KES-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KES-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-KES" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of El Kelâa des Sraghna in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KES-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-KES" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KES-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KES-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "El Kelâa des Sraghna"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of El Kelâa des Sraghna in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "El Kelâa des Sraghna"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-07-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHE a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHE-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHE-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-KHE" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Khémisset in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHE-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-KHE" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHE-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHE-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Khémisset"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Khémisset in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Khémisset"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-04-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHN a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHN-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHN-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-KHN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Khénifra in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHN-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-KHN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHN-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHN-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Khénifra"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Khénifra in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Khénifra"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-05-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHO a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHO-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHO-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-KHO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Khouribga in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHO-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-KHO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHO-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-KHO-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Khouribga"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Khouribga in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Khouribga"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-05-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-LAA a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-LAA-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-LAA-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-LAA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Laâyoune (EH) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-LAA-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-LAA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-LAA-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-LAA-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Laâyoune (EH)"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Laâyoune (EH) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Laâyoune (EH)"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-11-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-LAR a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-LAR-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-LAR-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-LAR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Larache in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-LAR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-LAR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-LAR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-LAR-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Larache"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Larache in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Larache"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-01-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MAR a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MAR-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MAR-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-MAR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the ‘amālah of Marrakech in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MAR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-MAR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MAR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MAR-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Marrakech"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the ‘amālah of Marrakech in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Marrakech"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-161-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-07-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MDF a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MDF-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MDF-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-MDF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the ‘amālah of M’diq-Fnideq in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MDF-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-MDF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MDF-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MDF-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "M’diq-Fnideq"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the ‘amālah of M’diq-Fnideq in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "M’diq-Fnideq"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-161-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-01-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MED a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MED-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MED-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-MED" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Médiouna in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MED-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-MED" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MED-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MED-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Médiouna"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Médiouna in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Médiouna"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MEK a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MEK-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MEK-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-MEK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the ‘amālah of Meknès in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MEK-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-MEK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MEK-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MEK-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Meknès"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the ‘amālah of Meknès in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Meknès"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-161-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MID a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MID-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MID-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-MID" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Midelt in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MID-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-MID" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MID-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MID-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Midelt"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Midelt in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Midelt"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-08-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MOH a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MOH-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MOH-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-MOH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the ‘amālah of Mohammadia in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MOH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-MOH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MOH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MOH-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Mohammadia"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the ‘amālah of Mohammadia in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Mohammadia"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-161-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MOU a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MOU-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MOU-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-MOU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Moulay Yacoub in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MOU-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-MOU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MOU-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MOU-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Moulay Yacoub"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Moulay Yacoub in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Moulay Yacoub"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-NAD a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-NAD-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-NAD-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-NAD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Nador in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-NAD-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-NAD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-NAD-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-NAD-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Nador"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Nador in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Nador"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-02-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-NOU a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-NOU-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-NOU-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-NOU" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Nouaceur in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-NOU-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-NOU" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-NOU-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-NOU-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Nouaceur"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Nouaceur in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Nouaceur"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-04-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUA a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUA-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUA-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-OUA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Ouarzazate in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUA-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-OUA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUA-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUA-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Ouarzazate"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Ouarzazate in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Ouarzazate"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-08-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUD a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUD-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUD-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-OUD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Oued Ed-Dahab (EH) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUD-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-OUD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUD-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUD-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Oued Ed-Dahab (EH)"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Oued Ed-Dahab (EH) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Oued Ed-Dahab (EH)"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-12-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUJ a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUJ-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUJ-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-OUJ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the ‘amālah of Oujda-Angad in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUJ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-OUJ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUJ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUJ-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Oujda-Angad"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the ‘amālah of Oujda-Angad in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Oujda-Angad"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-161-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-02-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUZ a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUZ-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUZ-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-OUZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Ouezzane in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUZ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-OUZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUZ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUZ-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Ouezzane"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Ouezzane in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Ouezzane"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-01-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-RAB a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-RAB-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-RAB-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-RAB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the ‘amālah of Rabat in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-RAB-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-RAB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-RAB-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-RAB-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Rabat"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the ‘amālah of Rabat in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Rabat"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-161-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-04-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-REH a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-REH-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-REH-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-REH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Rehamna in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-REH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-REH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-REH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-REH-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Rehamna"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Rehamna in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Rehamna"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-07-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SAF a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SAF-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SAF-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-SAF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Safi in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SAF-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-SAF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SAF-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SAF-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Safi"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Safi in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Safi"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-07-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SAL a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SAL-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SAL-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-SAL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the ‘amālah of Salé in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SAL-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-SAL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SAL-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SAL-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Salé"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the ‘amālah of Salé in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Salé"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-161-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-04-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SEF a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SEF-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SEF-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-SEF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Sefrou in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SEF-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-SEF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SEF-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SEF-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Sefrou"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Sefrou in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Sefrou"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SET a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SET-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SET-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-SET" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Settat in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SET-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-SET" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SET-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SET-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Settat"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Settat in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Settat"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIB a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIB-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIB-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-SIB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Sidi Bennour in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIB-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-SIB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIB-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIB-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Sidi Bennour"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Sidi Bennour in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Sidi Bennour"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-06-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIF a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIF-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIF-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-SIF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Sidi Ifni in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIF-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-SIF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIF-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIF-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Sidi Ifni"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Sidi Ifni in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Sidi Ifni"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-10-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIK a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIK-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIK-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-SIK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Sidi Kacem in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIK-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-SIK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIK-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIK-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Sidi Kacem"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Sidi Kacem in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Sidi Kacem"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-04-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIL a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIL-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIL-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-SIL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Sidi Slimane in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIL-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-SIL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIL-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIL-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Sidi Slimane"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Sidi Slimane in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Sidi Slimane"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-04-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SKH a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SKH-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SKH-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-SKH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the ‘amālah of Skhirate-Témara in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SKH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-SKH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SKH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SKH-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Skhirate-Témara"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the ‘amālah of Skhirate-Témara in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Skhirate-Témara"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-161-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-04-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAF a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAF-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAF-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-TAF" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Tarfaya (EH-partial) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAF-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-TAF" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAF-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAF-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Tarfaya (EH-partial)"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Tarfaya (EH-partial) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tarfaya (EH-partial)"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-11-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAI a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAI-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAI-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-TAI" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Taourirt in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAI-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-TAI" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAI-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAI-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Taourirt"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Taourirt in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Taourirt"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-02-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAO a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAO-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAO-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-TAO" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Taounate in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAO-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-TAO" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAO-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAO-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Taounate"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Taounate in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Taounate"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAR a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAR-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAR-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-TAR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Taroudannt in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-TAR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAR-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Taroudannt"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Taroudannt in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Taroudannt"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-09-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAT a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAT-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAT-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-TAT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Tata in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAT-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-TAT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAT-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAT-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Tata"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Tata in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tata"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-09-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAZ a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAZ-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAZ-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-TAZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Taza in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAZ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-TAZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAZ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAZ-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Taza"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Taza in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Taza"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-03-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TET a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TET-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TET-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-TET" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Tétouan in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TET-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-TET" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TET-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TET-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Tétouan"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Tétouan in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tétouan"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-01-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TIN a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TIN-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TIN-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-TIN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Tinghir in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TIN-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-TIN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TIN-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TIN-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Tinghir"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Tinghir in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tinghir"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-08-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TIZ a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TIZ-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TIZ-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-TIZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Tiznit in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TIZ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-TIZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TIZ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TIZ-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Tiznit"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Tiznit in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tiznit"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-09-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TNG a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TNG-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TNG-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-TNG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the ‘amālah of Tanger-Assilah in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TNG-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-TNG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TNG-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TNG-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Tanger-Assilah"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the ‘amālah of Tanger-Assilah in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tanger-Assilah"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-161-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-01-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TNT a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TNT-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TNT-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-TNT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Tan-Tan (EH-partial) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TNT-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-TNT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TNT-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TNT-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Tan-Tan (EH-partial)"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Tan-Tan (EH-partial) in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tan-Tan (EH-partial)"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-10-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-YUS a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-YUS-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-YUS-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-YUS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Youssoufia in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-YUS-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-YUS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-YUS-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-YUS-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Youssoufia"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Youssoufia in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Youssoufia"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-07-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ZAG a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ZAG-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ZAG-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "MA-ZAG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the iqlīm of Zagora in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ZAG-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "MA-ZAG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ZAG-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ZAG-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Zagora"@ar ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the iqlīm of Zagora in the country of Morocco" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Zagora"@ar ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-249-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-08-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Marrakech a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MAR-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Marrakech-Safi a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-07-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Mdiq-Fnideq a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MDF-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Mediouna a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MED-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Meknes a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MEK-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Midelt a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MID-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Mohammadia a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MOH-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:MoulayYacoub a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-MOU-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Nador a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-NAD-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Nouaceur a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-NOU-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Ouarzazate a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUA-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:OuedEd-Dahab a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUD-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Ouezzane a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUZ-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Oujda-Angad a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-OUJ-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Rabat a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-RAB-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Rabat-Sale-Kenitra a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-04-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Rehamna a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-REH-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Safi a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SAF-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Sale a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SAL-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Sefrou a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SEF-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Settat a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SET-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:SidiBennour a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIB-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:SidiIfni a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIF-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:SidiKacem a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIK-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:SidiSlimane a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SIL-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Skhirate-Temara a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-SKH-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Souss-Massa a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-09-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Tan-Tan a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TNT-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Tanger-Assilah a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TNG-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Tanger-Tetouan-AlHoceima a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-01-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Taounate a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAO-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Taourirt a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAI-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Tarfaya a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAF-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Taroudannt a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAR-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Tata a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAT-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Taza a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TAZ-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Tetouan a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TET-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Tinghir a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TIN-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Tiznit a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-TIZ-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Youssoufia a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-YUS-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:Zagora a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-ZAG-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-ma:amalah a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-ma:MA-161-RegionKind ; .