# imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/CountryRepresentation/ # imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-1-CountryCodes/ # imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-2-SubdivisionCodes/ # imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Languages/LanguageRepresentation/ @prefix dct: . @prefix lcc-3166-1: . @prefix lcc-3166-2: . @prefix lcc-3166-2-tr: . @prefix lcc-cr: . @prefix lcc-lr: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix sm: . @prefix xsd: . a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "ISO 3166-2 Subdivision Codes for Turkey Ontology" ; dct:issued "2021-10-30T01:57:18.464529+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; dct:license "http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT"^^xsd:anyURI ; sm:contentLanguage "https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-quick-reference/"^^xsd:anyURI ; sm:copyright "Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Unisys" , "Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Adaptive Inc." , "Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Object Management Group, Inc." , "Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Thematix Partners LLC" , "Copyright (c) 2021 agnos.ai UK Ltd." ; sm:dependsOn "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/CountryRepresentation/"^^xsd:anyURI , "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-1-CountryCodes/"^^xsd:anyURI , "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-2-SubdivisionCodes/"^^xsd:anyURI , "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Languages/LanguageRepresentation/"^^xsd:anyURI ; sm:fileAbbreviation "lcc-3166-2-tr" ; sm:fileAbstract "This ontology represents the subset of the ISO 3166 standard that includes the actual ISO 3166-2 subdivision codes for Turkey, with the ontology and codes for the other parts of the standard represented in models that this ontology depends on." ; sm:filename "ISO3166-2-SubdivisionCodes-TR.rdf" ; rdfs:seeAlso , ; owl:imports , , , ; owl:versionIRI ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Adana a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-01-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Adyaman a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-02-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Afyonkarahisar a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-03-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Agr a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-04-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Aksaray a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-68-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Amasya a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-05-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Ankara a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-06-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Antalya a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-07-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Ardahan a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-75-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Artvin a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-08-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Aydn a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-09-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Balkesir a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-10-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Bartn a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-74-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Batman a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-72-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Bayburt a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-69-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Bilecik a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-11-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Bingol a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-12-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Bitlis a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-13-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Bolu a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-14-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Burdur a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-15-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Bursa a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-16-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Canakkale a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-17-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Cankr a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-18-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Corum a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-19-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Denizli a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-20-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Diyarbakr a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-21-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Duzce a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-81-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Edirne a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-22-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Elazg a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-23-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Erzincan a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-24-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Erzurum a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-25-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Eskisehir a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-26-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Gaziantep a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-27-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Giresun a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-28-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Gumushane a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-29-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Hakkari a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-30-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Hatay a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-31-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Igdr a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-76-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Il a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Isparta a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-32-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Istanbul a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-34-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Izmir a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-35-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Kahramanmaras a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-46-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Karabuk a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-78-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Karaman a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-70-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Kars a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-36-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Kastamonu a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-37-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Kayseri a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-38-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Kilis a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-79-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Kocaeli a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-41-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Konya a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-42-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Krkkale a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-71-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Krklareli a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-39-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Krsehir a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-40-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Kutahya a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-43-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Malatya a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-44-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Manisa a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-45-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Mardin a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-47-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Mersin a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-33-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Mugla a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-48-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Mus a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-49-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Nevsehir a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-50-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Nigde a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-51-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Ordu a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-52-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Osmaniye a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-80-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Rize a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-53-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Sakarya a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-54-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Samsun a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-55-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Sanlurfa a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-63-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Siirt a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-56-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Sinop a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-57-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Sivas a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-58-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Srnak a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-73-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-01 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-01-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-01-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-01" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Adana in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-01-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-01" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-01-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-01-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Adana"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Adana in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Adana"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-02 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-02-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-02-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-02" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Adıyaman in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-02-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-02" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-02-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-02-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Adıyaman"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Adıyaman in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Adıyaman"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-03 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-03-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-03-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-03" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Afyonkarahisar in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-03-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-03" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-03-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-03-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Afyonkarahisar"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Afyonkarahisar in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Afyonkarahisar"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-04 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-04-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-04-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-04" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Ağrı in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-04-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-04" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-04-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-04-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Ağrı"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Ağrı in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Ağrı"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-05 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-05-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-05-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-05" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Amasya in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-05-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-05" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-05-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-05-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Amasya"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Amasya in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Amasya"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-06 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-06-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-06-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-06" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Ankara in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-06-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-06" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-06-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-06-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Ankara"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Ankara in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Ankara"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-07 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-07-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-07-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-07" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Antalya in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-07-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-07" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-07-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-07-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Antalya"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Antalya in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Antalya"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-08 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-08-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-08-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-08" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Artvin in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-08-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-08" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-08-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-08-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Artvin"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Artvin in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Artvin"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-09 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-09-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-09-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-09" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Aydın in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-09-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-09" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-09-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-09-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Aydın"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Aydın in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Aydın"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-10 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-10-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-10-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-10" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Balıkesir in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-10-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-10" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-10-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-10-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Balıkesir"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Balıkesir in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Balıkesir"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-11 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-11-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-11-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-11" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Bilecik in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-11-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-11" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-11-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-11-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Bilecik"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Bilecik in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Bilecik"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-12 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-12-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-12-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-12" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Bingöl in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-12-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-12" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-12-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-12-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Bingöl"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Bingöl in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Bingöl"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-13 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-13-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-13-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-13" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Bitlis in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-13-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-13" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-13-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-13-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Bitlis"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Bitlis in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Bitlis"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-14 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-14-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-14-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-14" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Bolu in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-14-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-14" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-14-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-14-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Bolu"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Bolu in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Bolu"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-15 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-15-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-15-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-15" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Burdur in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-15-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-15" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-15-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-15-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Burdur"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Burdur in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Burdur"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-16 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-16-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-16-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-16" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Bursa in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-16-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-16" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-16-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-16-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Bursa"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Bursa in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Bursa"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-17 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-17-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-17-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-17" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Çanakkale in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-17-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-17" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-17-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-17-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Çanakkale"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Çanakkale in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Çanakkale"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-18 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-18-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-18-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-18" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Çankırı in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-18-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-18" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-18-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-18-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Çankırı"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Çankırı in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Çankırı"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-19 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-19-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-19-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-19" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Çorum in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-19-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-19" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-19-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-19-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Çorum"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Çorum in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Çorum"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-20 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-20-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-20-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-20" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Denizli in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-20-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-20" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-20-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-20-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Denizli"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Denizli in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Denizli"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-21 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-21-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-21-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-21" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Diyarbakır in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-21-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-21" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-21-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-21-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Diyarbakır"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Diyarbakır in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Diyarbakır"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-22 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-22-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-22-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-22" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Edirne in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-22-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-22" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-22-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-22-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Edirne"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Edirne in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Edirne"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-23 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-23-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-23-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-23" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Elazığ in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-23-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-23" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-23-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-23-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Elazığ"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Elazığ in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Elazığ"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-24 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-24-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-24-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-24" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Erzincan in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-24-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-24" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-24-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-24-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Erzincan"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Erzincan in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Erzincan"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-25 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-25-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-25-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-25" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Erzurum in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-25-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-25" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-25-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-25-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Erzurum"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Erzurum in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Erzurum"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-26 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-26-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-26-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-26" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Eskişehir in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-26-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-26" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-26-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-26-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Eskişehir"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Eskişehir in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Eskişehir"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-27 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-27-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-27-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-27" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Gaziantep in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-27-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-27" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-27-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-27-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Gaziantep"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Gaziantep in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Gaziantep"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-28 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-28-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-28-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-28" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Giresun in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-28-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-28" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-28-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-28-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Giresun"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Giresun in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Giresun"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-29 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-29-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-29-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-29" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Gümüşhane in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-29-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-29" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-29-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-29-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Gümüşhane"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Gümüşhane in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Gümüşhane"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-30 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-30-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-30-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-30" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Hakkâri in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-30-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-30" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-30-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-30-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Hakkâri"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Hakkâri in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Hakkâri"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-31 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-31-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-31-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-31" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Hatay in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-31-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-31" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-31-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-31-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Hatay"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Hatay in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Hatay"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-32 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-32-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-32-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-32" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Isparta in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-32-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-32" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-32-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-32-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Isparta"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Isparta in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Isparta"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-33 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-33-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-33-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-33" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Mersin in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-33-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-33" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-33-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-33-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Mersin"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Mersin in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Mersin"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-34 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-34-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-34-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-34" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of İstanbul in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-34-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-34" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-34-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-34-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "İstanbul"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of İstanbul in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "İstanbul"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-35 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-35-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-35-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-35" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of İzmir in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-35-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-35" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-35-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-35-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "İzmir"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of İzmir in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "İzmir"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-36 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-36-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-36-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-36" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Kars in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-36-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-36" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-36-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-36-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kars"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Kars in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kars"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-37 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-37-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-37-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-37" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Kastamonu in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-37-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-37" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-37-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-37-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kastamonu"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Kastamonu in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kastamonu"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-38 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-38-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-38-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-38" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Kayseri in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-38-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-38" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-38-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-38-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kayseri"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Kayseri in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kayseri"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-39 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-39-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-39-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-39" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Kırklareli in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-39-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-39" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-39-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-39-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kırklareli"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Kırklareli in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kırklareli"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-40 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-40-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-40-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-40" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Kırşehir in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-40-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-40" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-40-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-40-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kırşehir"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Kırşehir in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kırşehir"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-41 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-41-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-41-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-41" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Kocaeli in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-41-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-41" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-41-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-41-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kocaeli"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Kocaeli in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kocaeli"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-42 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-42-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-42-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-42" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Konya in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-42-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-42" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-42-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-42-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Konya"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Konya in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Konya"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionKind ; rdfs:label "il"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision category il in the country of Turkey" ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-43 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-43-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-43-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-43" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Kütahya in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-43-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-43" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-43-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-43-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kütahya"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Kütahya in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kütahya"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-44 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-44-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-44-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-44" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Malatya in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-44-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-44" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-44-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-44-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Malatya"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Malatya in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Malatya"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-45 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-45-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-45-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-45" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Manisa in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-45-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-45" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-45-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-45-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Manisa"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Manisa in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Manisa"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-46 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-46-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-46-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-46" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Kahramanmaraş in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-46-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-46" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-46-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-46-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kahramanmaraş"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Kahramanmaraş in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kahramanmaraş"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-47 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-47-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-47-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-47" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Mardin in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-47-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-47" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-47-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-47-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Mardin"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Mardin in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Mardin"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-48 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-48-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-48-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-48" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Muğla in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-48-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-48" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-48-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-48-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Muğla"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Muğla in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Muğla"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-49 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-49-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-49-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-49" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Muş in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-49-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-49" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-49-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-49-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Muş"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Muş in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Muş"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-50 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-50-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-50-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-50" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Nevşehir in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-50-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-50" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-50-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-50-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Nevşehir"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Nevşehir in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Nevşehir"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-51 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-51-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-51-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-51" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Niğde in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-51-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-51" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-51-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-51-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Niğde"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Niğde in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Niğde"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-52 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-52-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-52-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-52" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Ordu in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-52-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-52" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-52-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-52-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Ordu"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Ordu in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Ordu"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-53 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-53-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-53-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-53" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Rize in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-53-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-53" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-53-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-53-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Rize"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Rize in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Rize"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-54 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-54-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-54-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-54" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Sakarya in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-54-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-54" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-54-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-54-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Sakarya"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Sakarya in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Sakarya"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-55 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-55-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-55-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-55" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Samsun in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-55-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-55" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-55-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-55-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Samsun"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Samsun in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Samsun"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-56 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-56-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-56-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-56" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Siirt in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-56-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-56" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-56-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-56-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Siirt"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Siirt in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Siirt"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-57 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-57-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-57-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-57" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Sinop in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-57-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-57" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-57-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-57-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Sinop"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Sinop in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Sinop"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-58 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-58-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-58-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-58" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Sivas in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-58-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-58" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-58-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-58-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Sivas"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Sivas in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Sivas"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-59 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-59-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-59-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-59" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Tekirdağ in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-59-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-59" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-59-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-59-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Tekirdağ"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Tekirdağ in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tekirdağ"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-60 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-60-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-60-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-60" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Tokat in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-60-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-60" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-60-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-60-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Tokat"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Tokat in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tokat"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-61 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-61-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-61-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-61" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Trabzon in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-61-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-61" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-61-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-61-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Trabzon"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Trabzon in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Trabzon"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-62 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-62-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-62-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-62" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Tunceli in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-62-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-62" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-62-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-62-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Tunceli"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Tunceli in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tunceli"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-63 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-63-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-63-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-63" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Şanlıurfa in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-63-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-63" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-63-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-63-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Şanlıurfa"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Şanlıurfa in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Şanlıurfa"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-64 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-64-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-64-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-64" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Uşak in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-64-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-64" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-64-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-64-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Uşak"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Uşak in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Uşak"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-65 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-65-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-65-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-65" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Van in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-65-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-65" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-65-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-65-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Van"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Van in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Van"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-66 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-66-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-66-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-66" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Yozgat in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-66-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-66" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-66-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-66-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Yozgat"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Yozgat in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Yozgat"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-67 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-67-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-67-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-67" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Zonguldak in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-67-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-67" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-67-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-67-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Zonguldak"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Zonguldak in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Zonguldak"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-68 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-68-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-68-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-68" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Aksaray in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-68-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-68" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-68-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-68-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Aksaray"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Aksaray in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Aksaray"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-69 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-69-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-69-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-69" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Bayburt in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-69-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-69" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-69-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-69-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Bayburt"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Bayburt in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Bayburt"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-70 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-70-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-70-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-70" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Karaman in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-70-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-70" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-70-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-70-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Karaman"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Karaman in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Karaman"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-71 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-71-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-71-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-71" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Kırıkkale in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-71-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-71" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-71-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-71-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kırıkkale"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Kırıkkale in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kırıkkale"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-72 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-72-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-72-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-72" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Batman in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-72-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-72" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-72-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-72-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Batman"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Batman in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Batman"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-73 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-73-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-73-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-73" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Şırnak in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-73-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-73" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-73-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-73-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Şırnak"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Şırnak in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Şırnak"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-74 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-74-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-74-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-74" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Bartın in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-74-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-74" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-74-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-74-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Bartın"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Bartın in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Bartın"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-75 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-75-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-75-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-75" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Ardahan in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-75-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-75" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-75-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-75-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Ardahan"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Ardahan in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Ardahan"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-76 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-76-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-76-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-76" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Iğdır in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-76-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-76" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-76-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-76-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Iğdır"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Iğdır in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Iğdır"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-77 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-77-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-77-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-77" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Yalova in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-77-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-77" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-77-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-77-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Yalova"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Yalova in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Yalova"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-78 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-78-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-78-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-78" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Karabük in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-78-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-78" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-78-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-78-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Karabük"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Karabük in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Karabük"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-79 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-79-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-79-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-79" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Kilis in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-79-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-79" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-79-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-79-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kilis"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Kilis in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kilis"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-80 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-80-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-80-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-80" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Osmaniye in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-80-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-80" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-80-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-80-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Osmaniye"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Osmaniye in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Osmaniye"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-81 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-81-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-81-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "TR-81" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the il of Düzce in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-81-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "TR-81" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-81-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-81-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Düzce"@tr ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the il of Düzce in the country of Turkey" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Düzce"@tr ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-426-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Turkey ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Tekirdag a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-59-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Tokat a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-60-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Trabzon a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-61-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Tunceli a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-62-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Usak a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-64-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Van a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-65-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Yalova a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-77-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Yozgat a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-66-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-tr:Zonguldak a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-tr:TR-67-Subdivision ; .