prefix rdf: prefix rdfs: prefix xsd: prefix owl: prefix dct: prefix skos: prefix sm: prefix lcc-lr: prefix lcc-cr: prefix lcc-3166-1: prefix lcc-m49: # Process CSV downloaded from M49 site. Manually replace spaces and hypen names in the column headers first construct {?ireg a owl:NamedIndividual; rdf:type lcc-cr:GeographicRegion; rdfs:label ?IntermediateRegionName; skos:definition 'IntermediateRegion'; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortname ?name; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode ?IntermediateRegionCode; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf ?sreg; rdfs:isDefinedBy lcc-m49: } where { BIND (URI(concat('', replace(?IntermediateRegionName, ' ', '_'))) as ?ireg). BIND (STRLANG(?IntermediateRegionName, 'en') as ?name). BIND (URI(concat('', replace(?SubregionName, ' ', '_'))) as ?sreg). } construct {?sreg a owl:NamedIndividual; rdf:type lcc-cr:GeographicRegion; rdfs:label ?SubregionName; skos:definition 'Subregion'; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortname ?name; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode ?SubregionCode; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf ?reg; rdfs:isDefinedBy lcc-m49: } where { BIND (URI(concat('', replace(?SubregionName, ' ', '_'))) as ?sreg). BIND (STRLANG(?SubregionName, 'en') as ?name). BIND (URI(concat('', replace(?RegionName, ' ', '_'))) as ?reg). } construct {?reg a owl:NamedIndividual; rdf:type lcc-cr:GeographicRegion; rdfs:label ?RegionName; skos:definition 'Region'; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortname ?name; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode ?RegionCode; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf ?wreg; rdfs:isDefinedBy lcc-m49: } where { BIND (URI(concat('', replace(?RegionName, ' ', '_'))) as ?reg). BIND (STRLANG(?RegionName, 'en') as ?name). BIND (URI(concat('', replace(?GlobalName, ' ', '_'))) as ?wreg). } construct {?wreg a owl:NamedIndividual; rdf:type lcc-cr:GeographicRegion; rdfs:label ?GlobalName; skos:definition 'Global'; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortname ?name; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode ?GlobalCode; rdfs:isDefinedBy lcc-m49: } where { BIND (URI(concat('', replace(?GlobalName, ' ', '_'))) as ?wreg). BIND (STRLANG(?IGlobalName, 'en') as ?name). } construct { ?country lcc-cr:isSubregionOf ?creg. } where { BIND (URI(concat('', ?ISOalpha3Code)) as ?country). FILTER (?IntermediateRegionName != ''). BIND (URI(concat('', replace(?IntermediateRegionName, ' ', '_'))) as ?creg). } construct { ?country lcc-cr:isSubregionOf ?creg. } where { BIND (URI(concat('', ?ISOalpha3Code)) as ?country). FILTER (!BOUND(?IntermediateRegionName)). FILTER (?SubregionName != ''). BIND (URI(concat('', replace(?SubregionName, ' ', '_'))) as ?creg). } construct { ?country lcc-cr:isSubregionOf ?creg. } where { BIND (URI(concat('', ?ISOalpha3Code)) as ?country). FILTER (!BOUND(?IntermediateRegionName)). FILTER (!BOUND(?SubregionName)). FILTER (?RegionName != ''). BIND (URI(concat('', replace(?RegionName, ' ', '_'))) as ?creg) } construct { ?country lcc-cr:isSubregionOf ?creg. } where { BIND (URI(concat('', ?ISOalpha3Code)) as ?country). FILTER (!BOUND(?IntermediateRegionName)). FILTER (!BOUND(?SubregionName)). FILTER (!BOUND(?RegionName)). BIND (URI(concat('', replace(?GlobalName, ' ', '_'))) as ?creg) } # "GlobalCode","GlobalName","RegionCode","RegionName","SubregionCode","SubregionName","IntermediateRegionCode","IntermediateRegionName","CountryorArea","M49Code","ISOalpha3Code"