# imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/CountryRepresentation/ # imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-1-CountryCodes/ # imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-2-SubdivisionCodes/ # imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Languages/LanguageRepresentation/ @prefix dct: . @prefix lcc-3166-1: . @prefix lcc-3166-2: . @prefix lcc-3166-2-in: . @prefix lcc-cr: . @prefix lcc-lr: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix sm: . @prefix xsd: . a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "ISO 3166-2 Subdivision Codes for India Ontology" ; dct:issued "2021-10-30T01:57:18.464529+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; dct:license "http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT"^^xsd:anyURI ; sm:contentLanguage "https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-quick-reference/"^^xsd:anyURI ; sm:copyright "Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Unisys" , "Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Adaptive Inc." , "Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Object Management Group, Inc." , "Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Thematix Partners LLC" , "Copyright (c) 2021 agnos.ai UK Ltd." ; sm:dependsOn "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/CountryRepresentation/"^^xsd:anyURI , "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-1-CountryCodes/"^^xsd:anyURI , "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-2-SubdivisionCodes/"^^xsd:anyURI , "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Languages/LanguageRepresentation/"^^xsd:anyURI ; sm:fileAbbreviation "lcc-3166-2-in" ; sm:fileAbstract "This ontology represents the subset of the ISO 3166 standard that includes the actual ISO 3166-2 subdivision codes for India, with the ontology and codes for the other parts of the standard represented in models that this ontology depends on." ; sm:filename "ISO3166-2-SubdivisionCodes-IN.rdf" ; rdfs:seeAlso , ; owl:imports , , , ; owl:versionIRI ; . lcc-3166-2-in:AmindiviIslands a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-1226-Territory ; . lcc-3166-2-in:AndamanAndNicobarIslands a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AN-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:AndamanIslands a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-1003-Territory ; . lcc-3166-2-in:AndhraPradesh a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AP-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:ArunachalPradesh a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AR-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Assam a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AS-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Bihar a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-BR-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Chandigarh a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-CH-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Chhattisgarh a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-CT-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:DadraAndNagarHaveliAndDamanAndDiu a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-DH-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Delhi a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-DL-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Goa a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-GA-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Gujarat a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-GJ-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Haryana a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-HR-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:HimachalPradesh a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-HP-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-1003-Territory a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Territory ; rdfs:label "Andaman Islands"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the territory of Andaman Islands in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Andaman Islands"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "les Îles Andaman"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "1003" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2:Territory ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-1101-Territory a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Territory ; rdfs:label "Laccadive Islands "@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the territory of Laccadive Islands in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Laccadive Islands"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "les Îles Laquedives"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "1101" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2:Territory ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-1128-Territory a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Territory ; rdfs:label "Minicoy Island"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the territory of Minicoy Island in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Minicoy Island"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "l'Île Minicoy"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "1128" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2:Territory ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-1138-Territory a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Territory ; rdfs:label "Nicobar Islands"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the territory of Nicobar Islands in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Nicobar Islands"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "les Îles Nicobar"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "1138" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2:Territory ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-1226-Territory a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:Territory ; rdfs:label "Amindivi Islands"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the territory of Amindivi Islands in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Amindivi Islands"@en ; lcc-cr:hasFrenchShortName "les Îles Amindivi"@fr ; lcc-cr:hasNumericRegionCode "1226" ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2:Territory ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-327-RegionKind a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionKind ; rdfs:label "Union territory"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision category Union territory in the country of India" ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionKind ; rdfs:label "state"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision category state in the country of India" ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AN a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AN-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AN-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-AN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the Union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AN-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-AN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AN-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AN-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Andaman and Nicobar Islands"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the Union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Andaman and Nicobar Islands"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-327-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AP a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AP-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AP-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-AP" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Andhra Pradesh in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AP-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-AP" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AP-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AP-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Andhra Pradesh"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Andhra Pradesh in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Andhra Pradesh"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AR a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AR-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AR-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-AR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Arunāchal Pradesh in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-AR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AR-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Arunāchal Pradesh"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Arunāchal Pradesh in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Arunāchal Pradesh"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AS a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AS-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AS-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-AS" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Assam in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AS-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-AS" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AS-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-AS-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Assam"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Assam in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Assam"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-BR a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-BR-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-BR-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-BR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Bihār in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-BR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-BR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-BR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-BR-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Bihār"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Bihār in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Bihār"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-CH a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-CH-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-CH-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-CH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the Union territory of Chandīgarh in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-CH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-CH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-CH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-CH-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Chandīgarh"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the Union territory of Chandīgarh in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Chandīgarh"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-327-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-CT a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-CT-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-CT-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-CT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Chhattīsgarh in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-CT-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-CT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-CT-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-CT-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Chhattīsgarh"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Chhattīsgarh in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Chhattīsgarh"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-DH a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-DH-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-DH-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-DH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the Union territory of Dādra and Nagar Haveli and Damān and Diu in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-DH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-DH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-DH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-DH-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Dādra and Nagar Haveli and Damān and Diu"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the Union territory of Dādra and Nagar Haveli and Damān and Diu in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Dādra and Nagar Haveli and Damān and Diu"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-327-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-DL a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-DL-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-DL-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-DL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the Union territory of Delhi in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-DL-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-DL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-DL-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-DL-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Delhi"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the Union territory of Delhi in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Delhi"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-327-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-GA a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-GA-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-GA-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-GA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Goa in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-GA-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-GA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-GA-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-GA-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Goa"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Goa in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Goa"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-GJ a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-GJ-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-GJ-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-GJ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Gujarāt in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-GJ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-GJ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-GJ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-GJ-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Gujarāt"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Gujarāt in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Gujarāt"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-HP a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-HP-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-HP-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-HP" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Himāchal Pradesh in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-HP-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-HP" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-HP-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-HP-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Himāchal Pradesh"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Himāchal Pradesh in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Himāchal Pradesh"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-HR a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-HR-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-HR-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-HR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Haryāna in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-HR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-HR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-HR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-HR-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Haryāna"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Haryāna in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Haryāna"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-JH a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-JH-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-JH-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-JH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Jhārkhand in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-JH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-JH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-JH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-JH-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Jhārkhand"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Jhārkhand in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Jhārkhand"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-JK a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-JK-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-JK-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-JK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmīr in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-JK-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-JK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-JK-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-JK-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Jammu and Kashmīr"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the Union territory of Jammu and Kashmīr in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Jammu and Kashmīr"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-327-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-KA a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-KA-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-KA-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-KA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Karnātaka in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-KA-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-KA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-KA-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-KA-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Karnātaka"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Karnātaka in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Karnātaka"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-KL a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-KL-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-KL-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-KL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Kerala in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-KL-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-KL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-KL-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-KL-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kerala"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Kerala in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Kerala"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-LA a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-LA-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-LA-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-LA" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the Union territory of Ladākh in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-LA-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-LA" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-LA-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-LA-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Ladākh"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the Union territory of Ladākh in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Ladākh"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-327-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-LD a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-LD-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-LD-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-LD" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the Union territory of Lakshadweep in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-LD-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-LD" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-LD-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-LD-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Lakshadweep"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the Union territory of Lakshadweep in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Lakshadweep"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-327-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MH a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MH-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MH-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-MH" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Mahārāshtra in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-MH" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MH-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MH-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Mahārāshtra"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Mahārāshtra in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Mahārāshtra"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-ML a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-ML-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-ML-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-ML" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Meghālaya in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-ML-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-ML" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-ML-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-ML-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Meghālaya"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Meghālaya in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Meghālaya"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MN a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MN-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MN-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-MN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Manipur in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MN-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-MN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MN-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MN-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Manipur"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Manipur in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Manipur"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MP a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MP-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MP-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-MP" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Madhya Pradesh in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MP-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-MP" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MP-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MP-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Madhya Pradesh"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Madhya Pradesh in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Madhya Pradesh"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MZ a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MZ-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MZ-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-MZ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Mizoram in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MZ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-MZ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MZ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MZ-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Mizoram"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Mizoram in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Mizoram"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-NL a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-NL-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-NL-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-NL" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Nāgāland in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-NL-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-NL" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-NL-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-NL-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Nāgāland"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Nāgāland in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Nāgāland"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-OR a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-OR-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-OR-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-OR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Odisha in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-OR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-OR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-OR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-OR-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Odisha"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Odisha in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Odisha"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-PB a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-PB-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-PB-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-PB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Punjab in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-PB-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-PB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-PB-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-PB-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Punjab"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Punjab in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Punjab"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-PY a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-PY-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-PY-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-PY" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the Union territory of Puducherry in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-PY-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-PY" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-PY-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-PY-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Puducherry"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the Union territory of Puducherry in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Puducherry"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-327-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-RJ a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-RJ-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-RJ-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-RJ" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Rājasthān in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-RJ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-RJ" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-RJ-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-RJ-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Rājasthān"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Rājasthān in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Rājasthān"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-SK a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-SK-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-SK-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-SK" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Sikkim in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-SK-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-SK" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-SK-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-SK-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Sikkim"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Sikkim in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Sikkim"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TG a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TG-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TG-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-TG" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Telangāna in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TG-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-TG" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TG-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TG-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Telangāna"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Telangāna in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Telangāna"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TN a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TN-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TN-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-TN" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Tamil Nādu in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TN-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-TN" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TN-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TN-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Tamil Nādu"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Tamil Nādu in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Tamil Nādu"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TR a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TR-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TR-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-TR" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Tripura in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-TR" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TR-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TR-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Tripura"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Tripura in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Tripura"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-UP a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-UP-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-UP-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-UP" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Uttar Pradesh in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-UP-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-UP" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-UP-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-UP-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Uttar Pradesh"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Uttar Pradesh in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Uttar Pradesh"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-UT a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-UT-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-UT-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-UT" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of Uttarākhand in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-UT-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-UT" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-UT-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-UT-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Uttarākhand"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of Uttarākhand in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "Uttarākhand"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-WB a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-WB-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-WB-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "IN-WB" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the state of West Bengal in the country of India" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-in:IN-WB-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "IN-WB" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-in:IN-WB-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-in:IN-WB-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "West Bengal"@en ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the state of West Bengal in the country of India" ; lcc-cr:hasEnglishShortName "West Bengal"@en ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:India ; . lcc-3166-2-in:JammuAndKashmir a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-JK-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Jharkhand a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-JH-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Karnataka a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-KA-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Kerala a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-KL-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:LaccadiveIslands a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-1101-Territory ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Ladakh a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-LA-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Lakshadweep a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-LD-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:MadhyaPradesh a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MP-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Maharashtra a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MH-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Manipur a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MN-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Meghalaya a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-ML-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:MinicoyIsland a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-1128-Territory ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Mizoram a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-MZ-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Nagaland a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-NL-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:NicobarIslands a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-1138-Territory ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Odisha a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-OR-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Puducherry a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-PY-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Punjab a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-PB-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Rajasthan a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-RJ-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Sikkim a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-SK-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:State a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-373-RegionKind ; . lcc-3166-2-in:TamilNadu a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TN-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Telangana a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TG-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Tripura a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-TR-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:UnionTerritory a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-327-RegionKind ; . lcc-3166-2-in:UttarPradesh a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-UP-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:Uttarakhand a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-UT-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-in:WestBengal a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-in:IN-WB-Subdivision ; .