# imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/CountryRepresentation/ # imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-1-CountryCodes/ # imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-2-SubdivisionCodes/ # imports: https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Languages/LanguageRepresentation/ @prefix dct: . @prefix lcc-3166-1: . @prefix lcc-3166-2: . @prefix lcc-3166-2-kh: . @prefix lcc-cr: . @prefix lcc-lr: . @prefix owl: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix skos: . @prefix sm: . @prefix xsd: . a owl:Ontology ; rdfs:label "ISO 3166-2 Subdivision Codes for Cambodia Ontology" ; dct:issued "2021-10-30T01:57:18.464529+02:00"^^xsd:dateTime ; dct:license "http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT"^^xsd:anyURI ; sm:contentLanguage "https://www.w3.org/TR/owl2-quick-reference/"^^xsd:anyURI ; sm:copyright "Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Unisys" , "Copyright (c) 2015-2020 Adaptive Inc." , "Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Object Management Group, Inc." , "Copyright (c) 2015-2021 Thematix Partners LLC" , "Copyright (c) 2021 agnos.ai UK Ltd." ; sm:dependsOn "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/CountryRepresentation/"^^xsd:anyURI , "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-1-CountryCodes/"^^xsd:anyURI , "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Countries/ISO3166-2-SubdivisionCodes/"^^xsd:anyURI , "https://www.omg.org/spec/LCC/Languages/LanguageRepresentation/"^^xsd:anyURI ; sm:fileAbbreviation "lcc-3166-2-kh" ; sm:fileAbstract "This ontology represents the subset of the ISO 3166 standard that includes the actual ISO 3166-2 subdivision codes for Cambodia, with the ontology and codes for the other parts of the standard represented in models that this ontology depends on." ; sm:filename "ISO3166-2-SubdivisionCodes-KH.rdf" ; rdfs:seeAlso , ; owl:imports , , , ; owl:versionIRI ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:AutonomousMunicipality a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-206-RegionKind ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:BaatDambang a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-2-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:BanteayMeanChoay a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-1-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-1 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-1-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-1-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-1" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Banteay Mean Choăy in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-1-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-1" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-1-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-1-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Banteay Mean Choăy"@km , "Bântéay Méanchey"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Banteay Mean Choăy in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Banteay Mean Choăy"@km , "Bântéay Méanchey"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-10 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-10-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-10-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-10" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Krâchéh in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-10-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-10" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-10-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-10-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kracheh"@km , "Krâchéh"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Krâchéh in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kracheh"@km , "Krâchéh"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-11 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-11-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-11-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-11" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Môndól Kiri in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-11-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-11" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-11-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-11-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Mondol Kiri"@km , "Môndól Kiri"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Môndól Kiri in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Mondol Kiri"@km , "Môndól Kiri"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-12 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-12-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-12-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-12" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the autonomous municipality of Phnum Pénh in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-12-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-12" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-12-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-12-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Phnom Penh"@km , "Phnum Pénh"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the autonomous municipality of Phnum Pénh in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Phnom Penh"@km , "Phnum Pénh"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-206-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-13 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-13-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-13-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-13" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Preăh Vihéar in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-13-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-13" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-13-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-13-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Preah Vihear"@km , "Preăh Vihéar"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Preăh Vihéar in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Preah Vihear"@km , "Preăh Vihéar"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-14 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-14-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-14-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-14" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Prey Vêng in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-14-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-14" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-14-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-14-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Prey Veaeng"@km , "Prey Vêng"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Prey Vêng in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Prey Veaeng"@km , "Prey Vêng"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-15 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-15-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-15-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-15" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Poŭthĭsăt in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-15-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-15" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-15-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-15-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Pousaat"@km , "Poŭthĭsăt"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Poŭthĭsăt in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Pousaat"@km , "Poŭthĭsăt"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-16 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-16-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-16-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-16" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Rotanak Kiri in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-16-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-16" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-16-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-16-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Rotanak Kiri"@km , "Rôtânôkiri"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Rotanak Kiri in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Rotanak Kiri"@km , "Rôtânôkiri"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-17 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-17-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-17-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-17" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Siem Reab in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-17-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-17" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-17-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-17-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Siem Reab"@km , "Siĕmréab"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Siem Reab in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Siem Reab"@km , "Siĕmréab"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-18 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-18-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-18-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-18" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Preăh Seihânŭ in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-18-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-18" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-18-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-18-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Preah Sihanouk"@km , "Preăh Seihânŭ"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Preăh Seihânŭ in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Preah Sihanouk"@km , "Preăh Seihânŭ"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-19 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-19-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-19-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-19" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Stoĕng Trêng in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-19-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-19" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-19-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-19-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Stoĕng Trêng"@km , "Stueng Traeng"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Stoĕng Trêng in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Stoĕng Trêng"@km , "Stueng Traeng"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-2 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-2-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-2-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-2" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Baat Dambang in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-2-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-2" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-2-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-2-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Baat Dambang"@km , "Bătdâmbâng"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Baat Dambang in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Baat Dambang"@km , "Bătdâmbâng"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-20 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-20-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-20-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-20" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Svay Riĕng in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-20-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-20" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-20-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-20-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Svaay Rieng"@km , "Svay Riĕng"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Svay Riĕng in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Svaay Rieng"@km , "Svay Riĕng"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-206-RegionKind a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionKind ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision category autonomous municipality in the country of Cambodia" ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-21 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-21-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-21-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-21" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Taakaev in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-21-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-21" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-21-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-21-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Taakaev"@km , "Takêv"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Taakaev in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Taakaev"@km , "Takêv"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-22 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-22-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-22-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-22" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Ŏtdâr Méan Choăy in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-22-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-22" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-22-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-22-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Otdar Mean Chey"@km , "Ŏtdâr Méan Choăy"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Ŏtdâr Méan Choăy in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Otdar Mean Chey"@km , "Ŏtdâr Méan Choăy"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-23 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-23-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-23-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-23" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Kaeb in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-23-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-23" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-23-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-23-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kaeb"@km , "Kêb"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Kaeb in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kaeb"@km , "Kêb"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-24 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-24-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-24-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-24" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Pailĭn in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-24-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-24" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-24-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-24-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Pailin"@km , "Pailĭn"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Pailĭn in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Pailin"@km , "Pailĭn"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-25 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-25-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-25-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-25" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Tbong Khmum in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-25-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-25" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-25-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-25-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Tbong Khmum"@km , "Tbong Khmŭm"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Tbong Khmum in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Tbong Khmum"@km , "Tbong Khmŭm"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-3 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-3-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-3-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-3" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Kampong Chaam in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-3-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-3" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-3-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-3-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kampong Chaam"@km , "Kâmpóng Cham"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Kampong Chaam in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kampong Chaam"@km , "Kâmpóng Cham"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionKind ; rdfs:label "khet"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision category khet in the country of Cambodia" ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-4 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-4-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-4-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-4" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Kampong Chhnang in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-4-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-4" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-4-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-4-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kampong Chhnang"@km , "Kâmpóng Chhnăng"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Kampong Chhnang in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kampong Chhnang"@km , "Kâmpóng Chhnăng"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-5 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-5-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-5-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-5" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Kampong Spueu in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-5-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-5" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-5-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-5-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kampong Spueu"@km , "Kâmpóng Spœ"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Kampong Spueu in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kampong Spueu"@km , "Kâmpóng Spœ"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-6 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-6-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-6-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-6" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Kâmpóng Thum in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-6-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-6" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-6-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-6-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kampong Thum"@km , "Kâmpóng Thum"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Kâmpóng Thum in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kampong Thum"@km , "Kâmpóng Thum"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-7 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-7-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-7-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-7" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Kampot in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-7-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-7" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-7-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-7-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kampot"@km , "Kâmpôt"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Kampot in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kampot"@km , "Kâmpôt"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-8 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-8-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-8-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-8" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Kandaal in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-8-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-8" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-8-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-8-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kandaal"@km , "Kândal"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Kandaal in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kandaal"@km , "Kândal"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-9 a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-9-RegionIdentifier ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-9-RegionIdentifier a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:GeographicRegionIdentifier ; rdfs:label "KH-9" ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "subdivision code for the khet of Kaoh Kong in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-lr:denotes lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-9-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:hasTag "KH-9" ; lcc-lr:identifies lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-9-Subdivision ; lcc-lr:isMemberOf lcc-3166-2:ISO3166-2-CodeSet ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-9-Subdivision a owl:NamedIndividual , lcc-cr:CountrySubdivision ; rdfs:label "Kaoh Kong"@km , "Kaôh Kŏng"@km ; rdfs:isDefinedBy ; skos:definition "the khet of Kaoh Kong in the country of Cambodia" ; lcc-cr:hasLocalShortName "Kaoh Kong"@km , "Kaôh Kŏng"@km ; lcc-cr:isClassifiedBy lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; lcc-cr:isSubregionOf lcc-3166-1:Cambodia ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:Kaeb a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-23-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KampongChaam a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-3-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KampongChhnang a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-4-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KampongSpueu a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-5-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KampongThum a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-6-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:Kampot a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-7-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:Kandaal a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-8-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:KaohKong a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-9-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:Khet a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-342-RegionKind ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:Kracheh a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-10-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:MondolKiri a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-11-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:OtdarMeanChoay a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-22-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:Pailin a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-24-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:PhnumPenh a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-12-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:Pouthisat a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-15-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:PreahSeihanu a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-18-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:PreahVihear a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-13-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:PreyVeng a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-14-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:RotanakKiri a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-16-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:SiemReab a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-17-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:StoengTreng a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-19-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:SvayRieng a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-20-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:Taakaev a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-21-Subdivision ; . lcc-3166-2-kh:TbongKhmum a owl:NamedIndividual ; owl:sameAs lcc-3166-2-kh:KH-25-Subdivision ; .