// copyright 2013-2020 BAE Systems, Thales Group, Object Management Group Inc; 2013 Selex ES, DSTO, Atlas Elektronik, EADS Deutschland GmbH #ifndef ORGOMGC4IDOMAIN_MODELRADAR_DOMAINSURFACE_ENGAGEMENT_SUPPORTDEFVAR #define ORGOMGC4IDOMAIN_MODELRADAR_DOMAINSURFACE_ENGAGEMENT_SUPPORTDEFVAR #include "Coordinates_and_Positions.idl" #include "Shape_Model.idl" module org { module omg { module c4i { module Domain_Model { module Radar_Domain { module Surface_Engagement_Support { // the area ID assigned by the sensor. typedef unsigned short splash_spotting_area_id_type; // The area definition from the User (CMS) when Splash Spotting is defined using the // service "activate splash spotting area by position". The minimum and maximum // available sizes are defined in "Manage Subsystem Parameters". struct splash_spotting_area_position_type { // when max is less than min, areas covers the north azimuth org::omg::c4i::Domain_Model::Common_Types::Coordinates_and_Positions::azimuth_coordinate_type azimuth_max; // when min is less than max, areas covers the north azimuth org::omg::c4i::Domain_Model::Common_Types::Coordinates_and_Positions::azimuth_coordinate_type azimuth_min; // limited to less than or equal to instrumented range org::omg::c4i::Domain_Model::Common_Types::Coordinates_and_Positions::range_coordinate_type range_max; // limited to greater than or equal to minimum visible range org::omg::c4i::Domain_Model::Common_Types::Coordinates_and_Positions::range_coordinate_type range_min; }; // Definition of a single splash spotting area. struct splash_spotting_area_type { // Shape and size of the splash spotting area org::omg::c4i::Domain_Model::Common_Types::Shape_Model::truncated_sector_type shape; // Area ID of the splash spotting area. splash_spotting_area_id_type area_id; }; // A sequence type, to represent multiple values. typedef sequence splash_spotting_area_set_splash_spotting_area_descriptor_type; // A set consisting of splash spotting areas. struct splash_spotting_area_set_type { splash_spotting_area_set_splash_spotting_area_descriptor_type splash_spotting_area_descriptor; }; }; }; }; }; }; }; #endif