Issues for Business Motivation Model specification 1.4 Revision Task Force

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Issue 19881: kpis, csf, capabilities Jira Issue BMM14-5

Issue 19881: kpis, csf, capabilities (bmm-rtf)

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Nature: Enhancement
Severity: Significant
I was looking for critical success factors and KPI as proposed to be used by the balanced scorecard approach on page 12 in the meta model. I could not find, however on page 79 with its introduction "Implicit in many areas of the Business Motivation Model is the subject of metrics.". It would be niced to have this somehow vizualized in the meta model. It is unclear to me, what "many" means in this context. If I mentally map the BSC model to what is described in your document I would assume, that their strategy definition overlaps to your >90% and that CSF and KPI from the balanced scorecard only relate to you describe as "courses of action".      Also it would be nice to see interfaces to other (OMG) models in the document. E.g. TOGAF comes along with "capability" as one of their primary concepts. I find myself to have a hard time to find out, how what you defined as "course of action" relates to what TOGAF calls "capability" and how the maturity of capabilities can be assessed and improved by strongly supporting a courses of action.    

Revised Text:
Actions taken:
January 18, 2016: received issue