Issues for CSAR Finalization Task Force

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Jira Issues

Issue 9838: Text and Java API differ on return value for seacrhChemicalElements method Jira Issue CSAR-1

Issue 9838: Text and Java API differ on return value for seacrhChemicalElements method (csar-ftf)

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Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Nature of Problem  The section 8.4.4 ChemSearchEngine class includes the following method:      searchChemicalElements():Collection      This is also shown in the figure 8.32.  However the figure has a dependency from the ChemSearchEngine class to the ResultSet class.      The Java API, in lifesci/05-08-03, correctly shows the return value for the method as ResultSet.      Proposed Solution:      Change the figure and text in section 8.4.4 to agree with the Java API.  

Revised Text:
Actions taken:
June 26, 2006: received issue