Issues for Firewall RTF mailing list

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Issue 2461: question re BiDir IIOP Jira Issue CORBA23-247

Issue 2461: question re BiDir IIOP (firewall-rtf)

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Nature: Uncategorized Issue
Summary: I am having difficulty understanding the intended use of   BiDirPolicy::BidirectionalPolicy. This is described (in section 15.9) as   a POA policy to be passed to create_POA. That section also says that   both client and server must have the policy with the value of BOTH for   bi-directional communication to take place.      My problem is that I don"t see how this policy applies to a particular   POA. Once bi-directional communication has been negotiated on a   connection, it applies to any request targetted at the negotiated   address(es), regardless of what POA is the recipient of the request. Nor   is it tied to the lifetime of a particular POA. And, what is supposed to   happen if one POA has the policy with value BOTH, and another POA has   the policy with value NORMAL?    

Resolution: :BidirectionalPolicy. This is described (in section 15.9) as
Revised Text:
Actions taken:
February 19, 1999: received issue
March 22, 2000: closed issue
