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Issue 19758: Interchange Format

Issue 19758: Interchange Format (issues)

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Source: OpenRules (Jacob Feldman, jacobfeldman(at)
Nature: Clarification
Severity: Minor
DMN 1.1 Issues: Interchange Format    More than 3 years ago we had a quite interesting discussion about Decision Model Interchange that is still important to consider today when DMN became a reality: read     DMN 1.0 Section 11 introduced DMN XSD/XMI formats and made them mandatory even for Conformance Level 1. So far I haven't seen any public discussions regarding these formats not mentioning commitments from any vendors to support them. At the same time people concentrate on the visual format and actual behavior of the major DMN constructs such as Decision Tables. It is intact with what wrote 3 years ago: the understanding of decision table semantics is more important for practical DMN interchange than a formal XML (until it becomes commonly acceptable). To allow DMN supporting tools to become compliant, I suggest to remove DMN XSD support from the Conformance Level 1 requirements. What other DM&BR vendors/practitioners think about DMN Interchange?

Revised Text:
Actions taken:
May 12, 2015: received issue
